I got KeQing 249.6% Physical DMG Bonus. This is what happened. Genshin Impact 1.5 comes with a lot of changes, many of which are new. However KeQing will be greatly affected by many of these changes and it’s time we talked about it. Genshin Impact 1.5 KeQing Physical DPS Buff!
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Giveaway 2: https://youtu.be/hGoFbTWUGg0
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Gone, reduced to atoms
gone, reduced to atoms
Me trying to decide between physical and electro keqing: IMPOSSIBLE
hopefully my kaeya can do this impossible physical damage
Reaching 90 wishes for pity, Impossible
thats impossible
me winning 50/50 is impossible
my will to live if I don't Zhongli will be gone. reduced to atoms
is this the right domain??
I just got keqing from zhonglis banner so it'll be impossible for me to get zhongli
Me attempting to finish Abyss 12-3 as a F2P at AR 50. Impossible
oh no
oh no oh no oh no
i forgot to comment? impossible
this is really basic difjvbd but-
I thought the new event was literally impossible because I had NO idea you had to break the rock and spend like half an hour trying to kill like a single party lmao. I kinda regret it now
me hoping to win 50/50
RNGesus: Impossible
It is impossible to find the impostor
it's impossible to get a 5 star before pity
it is impossible for me to win this giveaway!!
impossible to get c6 zhongli
me: wins Zhongli at 50/50
tries to do 1 pull and gets zhongli cons
me: impossible
Me: next pull is gold. I can feel it
Mihoyo: here's another diona
accidental Zhongli after 20 pulls? IMPOSSIBLE
Me loosing the 50/50 and getting Mona: Venti will now be IMPOSSIBLE to get!
Me getting Venti 2 pulls after: I'm sorry, WHAT!?
This one for youtube algorithm!
Physical Keqing hitting that impossible DMG!!
I didn't play for some time and now it's impossible for me to pity pull zhongli:(
1. me getting a 5 star i want
2 me getting good artifacts
3 me quiting genshin because of 1 and 2
getting yanfei is impossible 🙁
Me being an endgame player finding an unopened chest: 'IMPOSSIBLE!'
Ayy! I hope I'll get picked ♡ just pulled Mona on Zhongli's banner after scrapping my whole world and quests for resources, so you're pretty much my only hope left! Good luck to everyone ♡
Physical 🔥
Me finally winning a giveaway: Impossible
Me pulling for daddy zhongli
Me: cries
Walrus: says he is giving away a Zhongli
Me:not another chance to not get Zhongli
Its impossible I won't get a zhongli at my 75th pull
>Pulls a mona arghhhhhhhhhhhhh
Me: trying to get a zongli
4-stars: UWU Whats this
Qiqi after Hu Tao finally catches her: UNHAND ME, FOUL BEAST
Thank you for this video.
3:01 im disapointed in you… you should have said its time to amp it up lol