We FINALLY get faruzan from the new event out in genshin impact and also end up pulling for ganyu on her rerun banner that just came out in version 3.6.
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#genshin #genshinimpact #hoyoverse #deelo #ganyu #faruzan
The only way faruzan would be usefull is if you use shotgun venti
Eventually a anemo dps bow will probably come (surely)
can someone explain to me why traveler is lvl 50
"Tighari and Faruzan are the only two bow characters we do not have on this account"
While wishing for Ganyu, I got C1 Mona (I’ve lost all of my 50/50’s) and was devastated. 3 pulls later and I had my first c1 event 5 star!!
I'm a dps Venti main and I recommend it!
thundering fury venti for aggravate swirl- HEAR ME OUT
Ä° just grind 1800 primos and hope get ganyu i wished 10 and got Ganyu Also beizhu and a4 star weapon i was so happy
what is this luck 😶
Why does your amber have aquasimulacra
Why do u have another viridesent hunt just sitting there at lvl 20
Refine the one u have or level it up
Im begging
you should have pulled for ganyu's bow
Why does amber have yelans bow and yelan have Fav warbow💀
Me, the entire last and this year wanting Mona so god damn bad for my Fischl DPS Mondstadt only team…AND I WON LIKE THE LAST 6 50/50s in a row MAN.
You could've just clicked "Quick start" you didn't had to do the quests
spreas only where
Make venti a burst dps so you can have a use of faruzan.
Yooo miku is so strong 💪 omg😮😮
they really sneaked a reading comprehension in-
Now that u have c2 we need an updated Ganyu showcase!
Bre there is a picture over in the book 5:57
Ganyu came with her gf fr. I lost 50/50 to Mona