Unpopular Opinion: Zhongli Sucks | Genshin Impact

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46 thoughts on “Unpopular Opinion: Zhongli Sucks | Genshin Impact”

  1. Zhongli is a continuous result of mihoyo's first and one of their biggest mistakes caving to unreasonable demands from spoiled players of genshin and also mihoyo not checking their diagnostics when characters are having issues to see if things are properly functioning.

  2. I never noticed this problem in the abyss. But the current battle event (vibro crystal research) is about speed. I definitely noticed his long animations. I can't get 5500+ score with my C0 zhongli in a team.

  3. My unpopular opinion is that he was always overrated apart from at the start when people thought he sucked. Don't get me wrong, he's certainly usable, but the long animations affect everyone, geo doesn't give any reactions or particle generation, and now we have corrosion that bypasses it. I just don't really consider him to be a must have that others say. To be fair, we did have less characters in the past.

  4. I absolutely not hate him and tbh I use him all the time, but yes, it's more that I kinda feel forced to bring him than because I like using him, as a shielder is a great thing to have in a party and he's the only character that can put on a decent shield, and it feels essential to have if you want to use some squishy characters (Yae Miko), characters that can't take damage (Serpent Spine), or characters that can't be interrupted (Yoimiya). It's the same situation with Bennett, I like the character and the utility they brings but I want more characters that can be a solid alternative to them, as keeping them as the only ones capable of doing their job at that level feels like you're forced to use them or play with sub optimal teams.

  5. If you take Zhongly out, you don't want to speed run; you want to take a stroll in the abyss 🧑‍🦯
    We talking about the guy who literally tells you "don't rush, bro, we all reach the end eventually" 🍵
    I love this guy. Cheers Valk

  6. Zhongli gives good dps even when you build him for support but the sweet spot is having a hybrid tenacity. My meteor hit for 70k plus my pillar hit for 4K every second, couple that with 2 geo construct that’s 12k every second by it self plus add the 20 shred from every single attack since his thick shield will stay up for ever. So he’s essentially doing 20 percent of the damage that you are dishing plus a 120k every 12 sec if pillar doesn’t doesn’t break. Meaning the higher the enemies the higher damage that he’s doing

    Now if you want to go pure dps with geo mc and albedo and gorou c6 than your looking at 7-10k on pillar per second time 7 when geo mc burst which he has 100% uptime that’s like 50k-70k on big hit box enemies per second and a 120-140k on burst at c0 so you looking at 720-1million every 12 seconds that excluding albedo 30k every 2 second if that’s not broken for f2p I don’t know what is. Granted the damage drop significantly against bosses that can break geo construct

  7. "Zhongli sucks for gigawhale who pumps money into the game to speedrun everything"
    Me, a gigawhale who still prefer just running around in the world, playing around in random coop and doing funny meme builds and teams for fun instead of pursuing for 10 second abyss clear:

    I don't disagree about what you said about Zhongli being bad in speedrunning, but I don't think it's only because of long animation tho. I believe speedrunners don't use Zhongli because he just doesn't contribute to the damage department enough to justify wasting one slot that could've potentially go to better damage buffer or even subdps than him. His pillar's vibration thing sucks. His hold E scaling sucks. His meteor also kinda already got powercrept by now. His shield, you don't need it when you're speedrunning. His res shred, a lot of dedicated buffers can buff the team damage better than him. His CC, also barely helps since all it does it just freeze things in place, didn't group them up, and duration too short unless you have C4 for it to actually matters. Basically, if you really are going for speed, there's no reason to really bring a character who isn't contributing to anything other than comfort into the party, wasting one slot that could've gone to characters who can contribute better for most of the teams.

    …With that said tho…since I don't care about finishing spiral abyss or any content as fast as possible despite being a gigawhale, I still like Zhongli a lot…precisely because I don't care about speedrun to begin with. He makes my Yae/Albedo/Zhongli team, which is currently one of my favorite team, works and I enjoy just putting all their things down then go stand on Albedo's elevator while laughing like a madman as all the mobs down below dissolves into thin air, so he's totally cool for me. XD

  8. I feel the take on the matter is this — if you are speed running u r expected to have pretty good dodging and I frame cancellation skills, in which case Zhongli is a dps loss.

    But for people who doesn't have that level of dodging skills, which is like most of the player base i feel (including me ofc I lack skills in general), then getting thrown around and staggered by enemies all the time is a much greater dps loss than using Zhongli, so in that case Zhongli is better.

    It all comes down to the skills of a player. If u a really skilled player u really don't need him at all, but I don't really see myself clearing even the Signora and Raiden weekly bosses without him so yeah :")

  9. The problem is people assume spiral abyss is the only end game content while it's not.
    Abyss exist to test your build and team combination for battle hungry player. Even so, not all player seek for battle. There are various ways to play Genshin.
    Serenity pot is one of content to satisfy sim fans and support photographer to make unique scenery.
    Meanwhile map completion and puzzles made for true adventures and archeologist.
    Then various twist story is aiming for lore seekers and novel lovers.
    Temporary event is kind of testing ground for new permanent content. Your feedback is valuable here.

  10. As someone who doesn't use zhongli that much (only use him on teams where he's "needed" like Meltyu and Xiao) Kinda don't have a place for him other than those 2 teams.

  11. its not only speedruns tho, zhongli is comfy to play, but hes not that usefull actually, you can literally just use bennett and you dont need anymore protection, you can use beidou + xingqiu and thats enough protection in tazer teams, freeze teams dont need any protection and if so then theres kokomi/diona, you literally dont need zhongli, there are other characters that do the same thing, hes basically only good for xiao because he reduces anemo res and provides a shield at the same time so you can plunge all the time and maybe full geo teams because geo resonance and reducing geo res, thats literally it, every single other team has other better options, for hu tao even thoma beats him because of VV which is hilarious, zhongli is so overrated its insane, although he is really comfy, with that my problem would be the fact that hes actually too comfy and makes the game insanely boring because he makes you ignore all mechanics, so then whats the point?

  12. for me zhongli is all good, but not the best support anymore, in todays meta Bennett is the best overall support, decent heals decent damage and Op buff,
    followed by best element dmg buffer then i think kokomi then zhongli

  13. divided on this bc I use him as main dmg in abyss(which I started playing more) and I have a decent clear time with him.
    can agree his burst animation takes long though and can hinder when enemies teleport, like the rifthounds. what helps me in general I think is just pairing him with ningguang , who can give some extra dmg and help with time.

  14. I totally agree with the whole “Zhongli Sucks” situation as there is no endgame in the game (no I don’t consider that easy ass spiral abyss endgame which I’ve been able to 36* since 1.3).

    One way I can further explain it is in a way tier lists put characters. On a high skill player tier list zhongli would be B or A tier at best, but on a, to say it boldly, a trash/low skill player tier list zhongli would potential be in a tier of his own maybe even surpassing bennet, Kazuha, and Xingqiu for some player that really need to get carried by his protection.

    Just my take on it. The game is too easy for someone like zhongli to be ACTUALLY considered top tier and I think he’s hella overrated because people just straight up suck… to put it boldly lmao.

    (EDIT: Now with constellations this is a different story, say mihoyo releases some raid type or actually hard end games co-op content. A C2 zhongli would be INVALUABLE and a needed asset for some parts potentially in order to shield the entire team, especially since in 4 player co-op it’s much easier to die as you can sub out your characters; but as far a co-op goes that’s a change with many characters. Some characters that are top tier in solo play like childe and Xingqiu but they would fall off hard in co-op endgame settings if Mihoyo actually play implemented some activity of the sorts. And this goes both ways, some characters that possibly aren’t as valuable in solo play may see a rise in co-op endgame.)

  15. Since I am just playing causally zhongli is a true game changer even with annoying corrosion and throw a boss rush or 3 different lector but for speedrun zhongli is obsolete

  16. Spiral Abyss is proof that Hoyoverse regrets certain characters, and definitely hated that China forced them to buff Zhongli. (He still is to this day the only character that has received a direct buff post release)
    "Oh okay, we'll buff Zhongli, but every mechanic and enemy introduced in Spiral Abyss will slowly make him more of a detriment to put on a team as enemies start to have shield-piercing techniques and a billion HP"

    In many ways, characters like Venti, Zhongli, and Bennet (as well as Kazuha, but on a slightly lesser extent) are just fundamentally broken units as they disregard entire mechanics in Genshin that you're supposed to interact with. Especially Venti as any day one player saw. If he can suck an enemy in his vortex, it's basically free real estate. And then whenever Hoyoverse isn't trying to sell Venti, they bloat the Abyss with unsuckable enemies, boss rushes, and the like where his viability drops significantly (but still viable).

    And then there's Bennet and Kazuha who are in such a strange stat because you can't exactly nerf them without gutting 90% of the cast because of the unique way they buff characters and how much utility they provide. We all know BennyBoy is Hoyoverse's biggest mistake ever, so they are sorta kinda checking Bennet by making more characters that scale off of HP, DEF, or Elemental Mastery which Bennet can't buff. But it's just a fact that most characters will scale off of ATK so Bennet will always be viable.

    And no, releasing "5* Bennet" will never happen until probably near End of Service as it's more of a buff to Bennet than you think. A true 5* Bennet means you don't have to think what side of the Abyss you want Bennet to be on, and that's the last thing they want right now is two Bennets.

  17. Zhongli is "bad" for whales and speedrunning but for f2p he can be an incredible unit for those who don't care about dodging. I sadly admit that I did not use Zhongli in ver 2.3 and 2.4 because I was forced to deal big dmg. But in 2.5, you don't need high dps but good elemental shield breakers. I know that Zhongli is still not the best char in this current abyss. However, I prefer his shield more than Diona because her shield is very weak and Zhongli's shield can tank overload knockbacks from Pyro and Electro Abyss Lectors which is a huge problem for me. Bennett is not good against those enemies because they can instantly one shot you at full HP which Spiral Abyss has started to shift in that directly. I think that Bennett will start to become less used once enemies can oneshot you and you can't heal yourself when you are already dead. Enemies are starting to hit very hard and very fast. Every character's value will indeed fall sometime in the future in favor of newer characters. One day even my fav boi Kazuha will someday not be meta anymore. Tbh, I'm glad meta is shifting just for some variety in team comps would be very much appreciated. I value clearing abyss with my fav chars than forcing myself to clear it with chars that are not fun to play. Zhongli is tank and he does his job pretty well and that's good enough for me

  18. Honestly I never use Zhongli on Spiral abyss, but I almost always use him when domain farming. Thanks to him I never have to worry about wasting time on domains cause my character got one-shotted by a Lawachurl. He can bring a lot of value to an account in that regard.

  19. Speedrunning Abyss by community standards: spending hours shaving off a few seconds off a clear.
    Me Speedrunning Abyss: spend as little as time as possible to get my 36 stars and moving on.

    Zhongli S+ tier for Speedrunning

  20. Pfffffff imagine speedrunning such an endcontent-less game..
    Slow tf down.. sip some MFkin tea.. or eat some grass.. ifk

    People are such kids.. speedrun this. Speedrun that..

  21. No you suck!
    And i didnt see the video yet xD
    Why would giga whales need zonghli… everything dies in one hit for them… just dont add him to your team…
    Still you suck for dissing zonghli… but where are those who shared the memories xD

  22. Zhongli is better the worse you are. In a perfect run (non geo team), you wouldn't need his shield. Not for his defensive nor his offensive utility.
    But we are not perfect and most people won't put enough effort to avoid every single hit, Zhongli is a godsent for those users

  23. I also have similar opinion
    I think he is great for some teams like Yoimiya and Xiao where getting interrupted leads to lose of dps, other than that you will only use him for confort rather than increasing the dps of the team.

  24. THANK GOOOOD!!!!


    Never mind, you only mentioned the animations. I thought you were going to talk about how he can be replaced in almost every team because they offer more than him.

  25. You don't "speedrun" with Zhongli, Ever, so your whole argument is literally irrelevant right off the bat.
    Zhongli's value is protection by using i-frames (his long animations), shielding, CC, geo structures, and his health pool. He is also a pillar support (pun intended) for rounding off any Mono/Double Geo team.

    Your argument is basically "a fork sucks because it can't be used to eat soup like a spoon." Apples to Oranges. Come on now, at least think before blurting out frankly dumb arguments for a click baity title.


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