Triple Crown Xiao ??? | Genshin Impact Account Review

In this video we review one of viewers account and try to help him beat the spiral abyss

How to get your account reviewed:
Step 1 – SUBSCRIBE ( you must be subbed to the Kekvin channel )
Step 2 – Add Me on Discord ( Kekvin#7143 ). Ill try to accept all friend REQ as soon as possible, but please have patience
Step 3 – Once accepted send me some details about yourself
YouTube Name –
Why do you want an account review? –
Favorite Genshin Units? –
Whale or F2P –
NA, EU, or AS ? –
Any additional information that makes you stand out ( optional ) –
Step 4 – Have patience ill try to get back to you at the earliest possible convenience

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22 thoughts on “Triple Crown Xiao ??? | Genshin Impact Account Review”

  1. Im at 10085 primos and saving for Kazuah. After him i can get chars i want rather than need. My Dps are Ayato and Xioa. I got Ayaka but i need to build. Good luck everyone. Also i can only do 9 and 10 abyss. Smh

  2. 2:10 yes but these characters could also help in certain teams for showcase like lvl 70 lisa decreases 15% enemy’s defense and gorou is generally ittos needed support not sure about xinyan or ninguang tho maybe they just like the character

  3. Hello! I dont think i commented any of your videos before (because i always forget to comment), and i wanna test something out (not telling what hehe). Also when i first saw your videos, i thought you had like 23.4k (dobt ask why that thats what i thought) and i think you acually should have at leat this much :>

  4. How to have a review account, bc i have less than 40 5* artefacts. And i can't do two proper team cause i don't have enough character/artifacts and i'm strugling to do floor 9 abysse

  5. I would be down to do an account review with you, I have a pretty wel levelled account but for some reason I cant beat spiral at 36 stars I dont know if I just suck ass at this game or not.

  6. Id say they're building too much too fast… even with all of my characters at 70+, I still have tons of great artifacts, mora and exp, so obviously this person gotta cut back on election everyone and everything in sight.


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