Top 5 Most UNDERRATED Characters in Genshin Impact


42 thoughts on “Top 5 Most UNDERRATED Characters in Genshin Impact”

  1. You have clearly not seen childe burgeon with thoma… It goes Childe, Thoma, Nahida and Kazuha with nahida on prototype amber. It is THE best team in AoE in the game…

  2. I run Childe in a Cope Vape team with Arlecchino, Bennet and either sucrose, Lynette or my boy Albedo 😂. Is it good….. no 👎 Is it fun…. HELL YEA! It Is! 😎. Managed to 36 star abyss with this wacky team 😆.

  3. About Klee; I hear legends in the internet that Klee does good damage, but I have her for over three years and I've never found a reason to use her, or any practical advantage with C0Klee over C6Yanfei.

  4. If Childe goes up a tier so does Ayato. Ayato in almost all his teams is the second best option for that team, which is alot teams. In some he is optimal. He has the largest and most consistent AOE hydro application in the game with 100% up time. He also has something the new breed of DPS have locked behind constellations. Interruption resistance. He's one of the best workhorses in the game. Might not be as flashy as some of the other dps's but you can always trust he will get the job done. He still is my number 1 pick for a second hydro in Nilou and my 1 pick for carry in mono hydro.

  5. Kirara is 100% best girl. I run her most often with Nahida/Kuki/Ayato and it’s super comfy and made me extremely lazy tbh. I had sac sword on her for a while and the double backflip with her skill is so much fun

  6. Bring arlechino down to tier 1. She's currently my favorite unit, but she's not universally good. We shouldnt be biased.
    Down hutao to tier 2. She cant even outdamage xianling without using expensive 5* supports.
    Fischl down to tier 2. that's skill issue. Beidou is 3-5 times better than fischl on teams with NA/CA onfielder which is most cases. And is almost equal to fischl in single target.
    Cyno down to tier 3. C6 lisa quickbloom is better than C0 cyno.
    Thoma up to atleast tier 2. He's like the best burgeoner and his got low cost team that can speedrun abyss.

  7. I would appreciate it if someone gave me some direction, I am not new new to the game, but I am a returning player after a long time. The team I use is arlecchino, beidou, furina, and xingqui. Is there any reason to summon on either banner for me?

  8. top 5 most underrated characters that more people should use and are perceived as extremely weak in the meta but are actually better than people think: kazuha, yelan, furina, bennett and nahida

  9. Wanderer with Thoma (ideally c6) with Faruzan and Bennett. Why is everyone not using this especially since he needs a shielder + the pyro resonance for addtl ATK. Players be picking Xiangling while Wanderer is vulnerable while doing NA is just dumb af.

  10. I agree Kirara underrated. She can be build as pseudo on field dps and driver in Hyperbloom team. Especially if you have Furina, she can use Marecheusse Hunter sets to up her dmg and fill the gap in Hyperbloom rotation. You got shield, dmg from burst, and a bit dendro application.

  11. I use kirara all the time in my Keqing team at c0 and I really like here. And I think she is the best dendro for my team. Application is fine and shield is really strong.
    I heard Nahida dendro application could be to strong and I am missing the defence. Yaoyao is fine but doesn't give interruption resistance and Baizhu I don't have and I don't know how good his dendro application is

  12. Klee does not need cons to be good. She has a few teams she works well on but my favorite 2 is mono pyro (Klee, Bennett, Xiangling, Kazuha) and Klee/Furina vape (Klee, Nahida, Furina, Baizhu). These teams of mine are devastating on floor 12 abyss and I even got some vids of that posted too. I had already tried out Klee in the current patch 4.6 abyss and on second half she is a killer. Those beefy electro and cryo shields means nothing to her and the multiple waves of trash just fall over to her onslaught. My Klee is c0.

  13. Tier 3 was WILD for Klee. That's coming from someone who has her benched most of the time but I still recognize she's borderline 2 possibly 1.

    Childe too. He has one real team but that team is one of the best AOE teams in the game. Easy T1

  14. I totally agree with Thoma, Chongyun, Klee, and Wanderer (if you have C6 Faruzan) being moved up, but I have a few things to say about Childe and Kirara:
    Childe is a very powerful unit, and although his team isn't too comfy in terms of survivability, it's alright because of Bennett. He does bring a lot of AOE damage to the team as well. The flexibility and the execution issue is what makes me doubt that he belongs to T1. Sure, if we use the definition of flexibility from the video, his team is totally flexible. However, if we also consider the flexibility of team-building, he's not that great outside of the international team. For Jello Impact, perhaps, it's not much of a problem since he has all the units in the game built and there's less reason to play one character in different teams. But for players who, for example, don't have too many units on their account and want to try out different teams and archetypes or want to play their favorite character on different teams or don't want to build two (or more) characters if they can build one instead (for example, they don't want to build Sucrose and Chevreuse pre-C6 because they can build Kazuha instead and will be able to use him on many different teams while Chevreuse is tied to Overload and Sucrose is really better than Kazuha only in a few teams), Childe is not that great. Sure, they will be able to clear the Abyss more easily than with Ayato, but Ayato would arguably be a better character than Childe on every other team (he has a ton of team options) except International, Neuvillette and maybe taser (?). Sure, Ayato is not as good in terms of power, but he's better in terms of flexibility (any definition works) and comfort and approximately at the same level of contribution since his AOE hydro application is pretty massive as well. Sure, Childe deals more damage in International, but you certainly can clear with both. Not everyone values speedruns. I would argue that more people value flexibility and comfort than speedrun potential. Is Ayato necessarily better than Childe – no. But I wouldn't say that Childe is one tier ahead, especially considering his pretty complicated team rotations which might be easy for some players but are certainly on the harder side compared to many other teams' rotations. And I would argue that Ayato should stay in T2, and so should Childe. To be fair, Childe is a better unit for Jello because he doesn't need the flexibility and doesn't value comfort and simple rotations as much as most people do which is fine but, in my opinion, not objective or average.
    Kirara is a good shielder, but she has some issues, namely her low dendro app which is worse than Yaoyao's even at C4, her comparatively low shield duration, and the fact that she's not a healer. Although Yaoyao's synergy with Furina isn't fantastic, it's alright, and you can use her. Her high dendro application matters on Bloom teams, and the fact that her healing is more than enough is also good. Kirara does provide resistance to interruption, but if you don't refresh your shield often enough or if it breaks (especially if you use instructor), you very often don't have a healer on your team (because you only have one slot for a defensive character), so you won't be able to heal the damage back. On-field Kirara is usable but she's more of a meme because her cat-box dendro app has really low range and she cannot use normal attacks. I can see her being in T2, but Yaoyao is better because I would argue that she's better than Kirara on every team except Quicken since the only thing Kirara is noticeably better at is resistance to interruption which can be more or less valuable depending on the team and the player. And I think Kirara is more constellation-dependent, but we're looking at C6 4-stars, so T2 is fine. I'd argue that she's more of a low T2 then while Yaoyao is a mid T2 unit.

  15. i’m sorry but chongyun is worse that rosaria and kaeya by a lottttt. they both have good skills, good weapon types for fav, lots of particles. better burst for sustain application, and actually good cons…

  16. everyone that puts childe in T2 its either YOU GUYS DONT UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAXIMIZE HIS STRENGTH or u guys just either STUPIDLY DENYING that his team is on top 3 on the abyss, dont deny it anymore and just accept it, his power is enabling so many hydro for his team and not himself

  17. I watched the stream live, loved the idea!
    and honestly I believe you should also do another video for the most overrated units because the things I’ve seen between t0 and t1 got me to the brink of a breakdown.

  18. For me the most underrsted is Sayu, its funny to see a lot of people agree with "Now with Furina Jean is top tier character" but at the same time about Sayu "its ok put her in the wrost tier possible" when she can do literally the same role 😂

  19. I would say most underrated is mika , I remind you that we are talking about c6 characters, mika c4 good healler for furina team, c6 give huge buff , noblesse wearer , potentially clorinde buffer in furina team, (clorinde/ furina / mika / +1 )


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