Top 5 Most UNDERRATED 5-Stars in Genshin Impact

Today we talk about MY OPINION on who are the MOST underrated characters in the game! Please consider subscribing we are so close to 1k and being monetized!!

Childe showcase video by Sireula

C0 Review, Discussion, Showcase, Top 5

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28 thoughts on “Top 5 Most UNDERRATED 5-Stars in Genshin Impact”

  1. I mostly agree with the list, except maybe I would have switched Shenhe and Ayato, but thats because I value team versatility more than raising the damage ceiling for a particular comp. Especially agree on Yae, her aggravate teams are insane. My favourite one atm is Yae Kazuha Yaoyao Fischl, this team shreds enemies both in AoE and single target, Yaoyao provides sustainable healing with decent artifact and talent investment so the team is pretty safe. With Baizhu this team will be even stronger and extremely tanky.

  2. My Queen! Been a Yae Miko main since she launched. C6 Yae+C3 Raiden+Kazuha+Yaoyao (soon to be Baizhu) Aggravate Team slaps hard <3.

    On a side note, I actually use Shenhe these days alot more with Eula since I’m not really a fan of Ayaka that much. Eula+Mika+Shenhe really upped my Eula fun factor to 11. Mika is soooo much fun to use with her! 🎉

  3. Im surprised to see Tortellini here, given that he's been around a long while and people have sung plenty of praise for his international team. Great list otherwise, especially as a fellow Yae enjoyer.

  4. Something I would add about Shenhe: cryo swirl is also buffed by her quills, so on mono cryo, you have Diona C6 giving 200EM plus Kazuha/Anemo swirling for a lot of cryo damage

  5. Honestly, I underestimated Cyno. I thought he was the next Razor but wow, he was certainly good. Not that Razor is bad, I just haven't built him and mostly just wanted to go for Nahida and didn't focus on anyone other than her. Same with Nilou. 

    4* but I'd really add Kaeya as well. Kaeya does amazing. Same with Heizou I think, but maybe it's just me.

  6. It’s wild to see people underrate Childe when he is literally Meta of all time… I don’t remember an abyss that could counter international team.

    Happy to see Yae getting relevant!!

    Also thanks for pointing out that niche ≠ bad in Shenhe section. Can’t stand people underrating her so much.

  7. To put things in context, I think Abyss damage is overrated. The game is about much more than just killing enemies fast and even though I struggle in Abyss quite a lot I still spend way more time in the game doing anything but Abyss. And in terms of general utility, I think the most underrated character is Sayu. Yes she won't do much in combat but her skill is the second most used skill in the game just behind my C1 Yelan's skill. And the time she's saved on my travels is unmeasurable.

  8. I feel like a lot of people recently have been saying Keqing is good which is why people used to compare to Alheitham, maybe I have missed people bad mouthing her but I've heard nothing but good things so far I assumed when people compared Keqing to Cyno they were saying she is such a good electro DPS there really isn't any reason to get Cyno unless you like him but great video I do agree with Niche not meaning bad.

  9. Mostly agree but I'd say that shenhe is really not good(C0R0). She is better than Rosaria in ayaka team when there is less than 4 enemy and that's all. Mono cryo? Not meta at this point. Melt ganyu? No place for another cyro. Freeze ganyu? Ventiable content is not good for shenhe. Kaeya and Rosaria in reverse melt? Shenhe's buff cant compensate the loss of a character slot.

  10. The only difference i see in keqing and cyno, as a person who has played both is… Cyno is straight forward while keqing is a quick swap character which not many people are used to it… But if u r used to it…. Boi oh boi

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  12. I love Shenhe, and I agree she's super worth it for elevating 4star cryo teams, but I can see why people would deem her value too low for being a 5star.
    Childe suffers from "xiangling slave" syndrome. Bro cant do much without her, and I speak for plenty of people when I say not everyone wants to even look at xiangling.
    Yae suffers from being boring as shit. I get that she is super strong, best pairing for Fischl in aggravate, but bruh she really does just play like 5star fischl with even more field time lmao.

    I originally had no comment on Cyno, but many people just prefer Keqing over him, and bitch is an accident.

    overall kinda lame that, excluding the honorable mentions, the top 3 were just electro units because yeah, all electro units were elevated with dendro and while there are plenty of people who may still be wary of investing in electro because they have the pre-dendro view of it (even though taser was right there), that could've been mentioned using just one of the slots on either Cyno or Yae.

    Anyway I bitch about all this but sat through the whole video, so good job.

  13. the best partis you can run Ei and yae miko in a Spread Aggravate team like this Ei, Yae ,Tighnari, flex i run yaoyao for the flex spot as for under rated characters the only i can think of as already shown how good they are.

  14. I LOVE Yae! I have her as my main DPS/driver in my hyperfridge team and I cannot say enough how strong she is in this role! Highly recommend this team to those who want to use her on field more often!

    My team is
    Yae- 2pc gilded 2 thunder fury
    Nahida 4pc deepwood
    Xinqui 4pc emblem of fate
    Layla 4pc tenacity

  15. albedo is mostly good with mono geo itto gorou c6, venti fell off because there's many different mobs that cannot be CC'd by him, Klee is a bit clunky, does high pyro application, becomes very interesting with c2 and c4

  16. Problem is nich is very bad for f2p as f2p or dolphin you always want a unit that can have value with many teams. Shenhe have two of the best dps to support ayaka and ganyu but ganyu and ayaka does amazing damage without her… and that’s the problem she’s a luxury I feel like kazuha is better to pull than a shenhe. Nonetheless shenhe is amazing for cryo unit it’s just that she’s just a +

  17. Cyno is fun but only when he is on his burst which is his biggest downfall. He relies too much on his burst. Either a high ER or get a 2nd electro character? but then if youre playing hyperbloom then youll need to build the 2 electro EM

    On the overworld, do i go burst and kill everything in .1 seconds? or use normal atk and E and kill everything in 1hour?


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