Thoma Confirmed for 2.2 Banner | Should You Pull? – Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact 2.2 Banner will feature Thoma confirmed. Will Ganyu be in 2.2 Banner? Will Yae be in 2.2 Banner? Or will it be Xiao in 2.2? How about Hu Tao in 2.2 Banner? I will talk about my speculations for Thoma, Yae, Ganyu, and more! Is Thoma worth it? Should you save some primogems for the imminent Ganyu rerun or should you dump all your gems on Raiden? This video will address these concerns, BUT to truly judge Thoma, we have to wait for their kits to be out! Right now, we can only choose and follow our hearts to choose which characters you think is worth it.

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thoma worth it
yae worth it
genshin 2.2 banner


33 thoughts on “Thoma Confirmed for 2.2 Banner | Should You Pull? – Genshin Impact”

  1. A Very Early 2.2 discussion with Thoma being the center of attention! What are YOUR predictions for 2.2 Banners? Will we have Yae? Reruns like Ganyu, Xiao, Hu Tao, Albedo?

  2. Stop saying he’s a 4 star, there isn’t any yet proof whether he’s a 4 or 5 star. Everyone is saying he’s a 4 star just because everyone else is, there isn’t any actual info on his rarity to begin with. The same way ppl were led to believe that Ganyu/Xiao were coming in 2.1, stop believing anything 🤦‍♂️

  3. I usually only pull based on character design (might sound shallow but I just wanna have fun with characters I like) and weapon type. The only thing that deters me from pulling is the play style, usually of archers and klee lol I really dislike her play style. Anyway, I'm pulling for everyone and hoping I might get someone

  4. I was thinking of saving my wishes for the next banner since electro is not that strong and this video only further supports me. What do you think guys is Raiden Shogun better?

  5. We already have a better pyro dps/sub dps, aka Xiangliang as well. This girl is so broken in China, mihoyo actually had to nerf her. And we also already got Bennett for support so we don't really need another Pyro support tbh.

  6. I actually think Thoma is gonna be on a rerun banner…. on albedo's rerun banner, albedo's banner is quite low when he was first release and now that he has a rerun, mihoyo might put Thoma in his banner to increase his sales. Just like what they did to childe's banner, childe's first release, he also wasnt doing good in sales, and when he did a rerun, mihoyo decided to put a new 4 star— rosaria.



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