THIS SHOULD BE YOUR NEW MAIN GAME! | Make Genshin Impact the Side-Game

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00:00 Intro – My Current Thoughts on Genshin Impact
03:00 THIS Should Be Your New Main Game
04:47 Reason 1: The World
04:59 Reason 2: The Combat & Class System
05:54 Reason 3: The Story
06:35 Reason 4: The Multiplayer System
07:45 Reason 5: The Community
08:05 Reason 6: The Monetization Model
09:02 Reason 7: The End Game Content
09:40 Reason 8: The PvP (Kind of)
10:25 Reason 9: One Character – Every Job
11:34 Reason 10: The Unrestricted Gameplay
12:21 Reason 11: The Cosmetics
13:31 Reason 12: The Company Listens
15:23 Summary
17:15 Outro


💥 My Hero & Team Builds 💥

🔴 Razor Build ►
🔴 Zhongli DPS Build ►
🔴 Albedo Build ►
🔴 Hu Tao Build ►
🔴 Ganyu Build ►
🔴 Xiao Build ►
🔴 Bennett DPS Build ►

⚪ Razor Teams ►
⚪ Ganyu Teams ►
⚪ Zhongli Teams ►

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🔵 DPS Tool ►


All music was purchased through Audioblocks

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30 thoughts on “THIS SHOULD BE YOUR NEW MAIN GAME! | Make Genshin Impact the Side-Game”

  1. I 've Been playing Honkai Impact after I finished the 1.5 event, my Experience is great so far. The time for the resin and stamina recharge for both games fits so good.

  2. The more it gain popularity the more chances of getting it ban from my country, I don’t even made it a side game 😜 not even worth as side gamefor working Men or Women 😝

  3. FF XIV is the game I came from, and while I absolutely love it, and the most recent expansion is probably the best final fantasy in over a decade, I'm at the phase where the only way I can improve my character is savage raids (the highest tier endgame content for those of you that don't play) so the only time I log in regularly is when my static raid group meets. That said, XIV is an absolutely amazing game, and the only MMO I could justify paying a subscription for. If you need a game to play while waiting for resin to recharge, I cannot recommend it enough. Also the free trial goes all the way through to the end of the first expansion (and the game only gets better from there)

  4. Totally get where you are coming from. Genshin Impact is such a fun game but it's not my MAIN game. I always play two games simultaneously. One the Switch and on the PS5. So when Mass Effect comes out I'll be playing that and Olive Town on Switch but will still log in to do my dailies in GI. Not a big deal. Each to their own I guess. Good luck with FF! Have fun!

  5. Starting to play apex legends for the first time with arena. Fantastic fun. Im also playing dmc 5. Currently waiting for pso2 new genesis to come out being a big fan of pso2.

  6. Lol. I'd rather play honkai than this garbage. At this rate you could have suggested playing WOW. Let me remind you why people play genshin to begin with. Its mobile phone game.

  7. I used to enjoy casual exploration after my dailies were done. But now with 100% exploration progress on everything except Dragonspine, I am definitely out of things to do… But still love Genshin and probably won't pick up another game.

  8. Why are you even comparing a pay-2-play game with a free-2-play game? It's ridiculous. The fact that FF14 is p2p already cuts off a sizable chunk of Genshin Impact players, so yeah. FF14 is not even an option or alternative to Genshin.

  9. I knew housing system was not gonna be fun for me at least, its just another mononotus task to do , why do I care or wanr to run around in a lifeless little bitty housing teapot, like it just is pretty lame to me, I am still having fun with the game , but I just play very lightly now, log in do my dailys , burn my resin in artifact domain, sometimes go to teapot and thats it. That last story quest line was dope though. To me as a free game, it still is amazing to me what they have done. I think honestly if they would just double or triple the f20 primogems , soooo many more people would be happy, chatacters drive the game. But man they are stingy with f2p gems, also I have never played a gacha game that has never ran a wish curreency deal except on release with buy one get one, I mean dang, I thought for sure in 6 months time they would have brought it back once.

  10. As a old ff xiv player who has all her jobs maxed to 80 or max level in the case of blue mage. I personally got really jaded with the game, mostly personal reasons and feeling limited, plus it has a sub you need to always pay to play except on random free events. Genshin Impact feels more free flowing to me in combat and I can switch to any character I want instantly. You can't do that in ff xiv, you're stuck on one job until you leave a dungeon etc. I've also had toxic experiences with the community in-game and on forums. It's a good game don't get me wrong, and has a good story etc. But I just love the game style of Genshin impact far more, it's also more colorful and bright than ff xiv. Ff xiv is far more darker in storyline and presentation. I might consider going back when End Walker comes out later this year, but it just doesn't get me excited as much anymore.

  11. weird… how can u have as a "main game" a game that offer u 30 min per day of "something to do" and 1 or 2 hours at the start of every new event plus 30 more min every 2 or 3 days after the start of a new event. if u started playing GI from day 1, u shouldnt have most to do in the game by now, i would know, im f2p started playing 1 month after release, currently i have nothing to do but login for 30 min everyday, im sitting with all my characters in level 80, and im just missing Bennett and 5 character from the 5 star list, nothing else to do other than daily mission and weekly PB missions, unless u do rotations, wich in my opinion is a waste of time, again im lvl 55, just 2 weeks or so away from 56, can currently finish the abyss 12 floor, and have never EVER do any rotation for weapons or artifacts. Yes i could have better artifacts, maybe, but for what? once u are done with abyss there is nothing else. Im not saying people should not do rotation, im just saying they dont need to.

  12. "I hope I haven't lost you as soon as I said MMO…"

    – dude, I played Everquest for 8000 hours in a 2 year span. Then I moved on to World of Warcraft for the next 5 years. If I have learned one thing in that time, it is that I should never ever touch another MMO again.

  13. Just wow, while you are hitting it on the head about the game being a mobile game, which is what it was first design. Then promptly go on gas lighting the company whom made this game what it is and not what a lot of folks wanted. LIke geez we all love this game, the frustration isn't at the company but what your expectation is, if that still cannot be made clear that a game like this is meant for the journey instead of some grind fest endgame the western consumers are conditioned to want. Please call it as it is instead of shifting blame.


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