This caught me off guard
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That technically 1:2 in value
I have 310% ER Raiden with Engulfing. I know I should get more Crit and don't go over 270% ER, I'm still farming to this day and it's hard to get the stats I need
i can sleep peacefully
I’ve since corrected her lack of CD and benched that 4* artifact since I finally brought her out of retirement. That build was probably a year old by this point but I had to show it off for the absurdity lol.
I wanna see gameplay of that raiden
dont worry, mate can still deal better damage then most f2p raiden
I'm in the process of making a physical YaoYao thar can destroy the word of Teyvat.
No difference, like the generosity of Myhoeyo/Hoeverse and your willy wonker, your kitty destroyer.
Perfect loop lol
When life gives you perfect ratios, the correct response is to eternalize it 😆
it’s so sad y’all think this is perfect lmao
Im jelous of everybody having such good stuff. I'm at ar 40 and I'm struggling to even get my chars up prob cause Im not got at strategic stuff so I suck really bad. Kinda wish someone would go true my account and help or help get more book so I can upgrade nahida and nilou but I don't have stuff cause I used it on my main 4 so I can beat enemy's cause everybody is way to fing strong
all it needs is 6% more crit rate and dmg
this is what most of my character experience everytime i build my character. i always first forgot to consider the crit ratio, got too into obtaining good crit substats and main stats but somehow forgot to balance it out at the end.
I just wanna know…how much does she hit? I'm curious
Balanced, like how life should. Truly a magnificent build.
I have a 90 CR Xiao with 50 CD and I hate it 😭😭
I hate my Raiden. She's close to 100% Crit DMG and Crit Rate and enough ER but I hate the artifact rolls. Too many pointless sub-stats and I can never get any better ones. I've been grinding Emblem of Severed Fate for AGES and still haven't gotten any better rolls.
The fact that my Ayato has near-perfect rolls with minimal effort makes it all the more frustrating.
He is just a C6 Sara Enjoyer
My raiden has 311er and 158crit dmg
Jesus loves you.
forget 1:2 ratios, 1:1 is where it's at
maybe 2:1 is the best
it would've been utterly hilarious if it both were exactly 69.
wait so it's perfectly fine to pass a raiden with 60 something crit damage? i may have hope yet
My Rosaria has 73.4/73.4 crcd ratio
I feel like a very poor mother, I treat my children as good as I can even tho I can’t afford it
I have a 70 to 155 Crit ratio and 320er% but it's still WIP my flower is 47cv lol
It's not horrible though, right? 😅
“Balanced, as all things should be.”
i deadass have a 315 er Raiden with 40 cr and 121 cd. fr shes op
That Raiden ain’t doing no damage 😂
Someone just needs 69/69 and with 169% ER to top it all off for me
my raiden has 263 er, 65 cr and 136 cd
The wrong ratio 💀
My xiao has a perfect 69.3 to 69.3 ratio 😭😭💀
Average Jhin Enjoyer playing Genshin
so this is eternity ???