This Kaveh Bloom deck is BROKEN (and hilarious) | + Furina Narwhal deck guide | Genshin Impact TCG

Welcome to the Invokation Akademy Duelist Theater, where I’ll showcase a Genius Invokation deck gameplay, along with a quick guide on how to effectively play it!

We have one of the craziest decks ever constructed featured today. This deck uses all new characters, but is focused around Kaveh and his Burst Scan mechanic. Combined with Furina and a deck running all 3-cost weapons, his combo does exactly 10 damage guaranteed to finish off characters right away.

While we are discarding and tuning cards, whale is slowly gaining HP and can help finish the game if Kaveh isn’t enough to single handedly destroy your opponents characters.

We’ll go through some tips to play the deck, and watch a game that showcases the deck’s full potential in a way that looks absolutely broken.

#HoYoCREATORS #GenshinImpact #GeniusInvokationTCG #kaveh

02:28 – Start of the game
08:44 – Closing thoughts

Deck image –

Bleps and backgrounds drawn by

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GITCG caster, player, and content creator.
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What is Genius Invokation?
Genius Invokation TCG (GITCG) is a card game inside Genshin Impact! To unlock this game mode, you will need to reach AR32 in Genshin and complete the associated quest. The entire game is free to play.


35 thoughts on “This Kaveh Bloom deck is BROKEN (and hilarious) | + Furina Narwhal deck guide | Genshin Impact TCG”

  1. this is fun to play but its so so annoying as an opposing deck. i have been playing so much tcg and everyobe and their mom is playing kaveh😭 it gets very annoying for me because of the nukes, i lose so often :< takes the fun out of it pwrsonally. really really praying for a nerf.

  2. I can't be the only one feeling a bit demotivated by how strong most of the new cards are right ? They really feel too overtuned compared to previous ones, especially with how much direct dmg their talent cards gives.

  3. found the counter already

    its the otk Diluc deck
    and yeah i love beatings Kaveh in these version with Diluc and streak that 15 winstreak at a time 😂👌👌👌

  4. Idk, it’s really fun the first few times, but it feels pretty mindless after that, and a little like cheating if your opponent can’t counter it, and it’s even less fun to play against. I’ll be in the camp of hoping for a Kaveh nerf then I guess. Heck, maybe Narwhal too while they are at it.
    Edit: Geez, just played against Yun Jin, def nerf her too, what the heck. These new characters all OP.

  5. I created a new deck called Liyue Discard with Xinyan, Yun Jin and Whale. You are going to get as many talents in the deck as possible, burst with Yun Jin, then deal up to 7 damage per normal attack with dice reduction on Xinyan. In case Xinyan dies, you have tuned so many cards that Whale can finish the game.
    How does this deck sound to you?

  6. I personally prefer running all two cost cards and running a location deck instead. It's kind of boring that you can't ever really play any of the three cost cards. It's nice to have the option of more dice and certain food cards.

  7. When I see this and cannot really see (not hear about) any counter to it, I am definitely losing any motivation to play. I'd like to find it again, but I am affraid I'd lose my sanity with it. As I just cannot think about fun decks anymore without having to counter this this deck. Because it is essentially over moment you start playing when you are not ready for it. People are gonna play this deck for sure because they do not need to even think or setup much. It is just so easy to play that everyone will play it. Yeah counters might emerge. But that is still bound to existence of one hugely overpowered deck with very little (now even fewer than before) space for decks which do not consider this deck at all. If you see how can this be helped, I am more than open to hear it. I just feel so lost and non-belonging in this.

    EDIT: Yes I have changed this comment after my emotions calming down a little.

  8. Bleb, do you know this already?
    so i match up against old magic deck with Lyney, Kuki and Nahihi
    and when my horse is low they use the fresh wind then triggered Kuki skill with a fast action Katheryn, then they immediately get to play 2 turns in a row with Nahida skill follow up by burst

    such a minor detail but very lethal for that match and i discovered it the hard way 😅

  9. So far I found that Yunjin deck is pretty busted,
    This deck i find very fun, though instead of Furina, I used Mona instead for the quick swap.
    Maybe I’ll try with Furina.
    So Far kaveh is my favourite card this season.
    So I far the discard meta very fun but the new cards are powercreeping the old cards unfortunately.

  10. Thanks for sharing this deck.

    This is just my opinion but I’d prefer if you showed more unlucky games rather than high-rolls. I've noticed most of your deck showcases are where everything goes well. It’s only during streams where I can actually learn what to do if I get bad dice, or don’t get the correct card.

    For example, I’d assume in this match the opponent started with only 1-2 cryo dice and basically no other usable dice. Which is why they swapped then went with liben.

    It’s very satisfying to see everything go perfectly but it’s hard to see if a deck is strong, or if you’re just lucky. Most players can figure out what to do when things go well and you can follow the plan, but what separates a good player from a bad one is whether they can adjust and recover when things don’t exactly match the plan. Only watching the high-rolls makes it hard to improve as a player.

    Anyways, this is just my two cents.

  11. My main deck is a Xiao hypercarry from aaaages ago, and rn im just trying to figure out how I would try to take out Kaveh with it. Id have to make so many adjustments but thats part of the game!


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