This Has Been a Problem for a YEAR in Genshin Impact:

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Mihoyo keeps making super hard event levels, but refuses to put any rewards behind it. It needs to change to get players excited about that type of content in game!


43 thoughts on “This Has Been a Problem for a YEAR in Genshin Impact:”

  1. Genshin is an SSS tier game. Yes it lacks endgame but we're not done with the story yet. So… 🤷‍♂️

    Add gacha… people throw fits. I personally like the gacha. Once or twice a month, I get a new flavor F2P.

    Now events… This vid makes a hyper-valid point. I'd like to add, the shitty anniversary plan was a bad attempt to target new players. Their follow up was an event that you could not participate in unless you have completed the entire Archon Quest Line! Welcome new players! 😞

  2. The problem with this: if you put great rewards vs hard content, only whales will be able to get the rewards, making them even more powerful. On one side, this is good, because in theory it will encourage more people to "whale" and benefit Mihoyo financially. But on the other hand, this will put the "average" player even more behind, which could lead to a lot of people quitting the game because of frustration. Can the whales extra income surpass the loss due to decreasing playerbase number?

  3. Honestly, even if I agree with you. But more than often, the community (including you mr tashman) especially when abyss was only cleared by whales, complained that some primos were locked behind a paywall, and that the whales don't need those primos anyway. It certainly feels that the community will complain no matter what Mihoyo does. And with this much complaining about EVERYTHING; and especially you content creators making a video about some minor issues every 2 seconds because you're out of ideas of content; the real game issues get drowned, and at the end don't get adressed.

  4. what if the tough content had coop and good rewards?

    content creators and others with cracked accounts can clear by themselves, and people without can do with other folks and won't feel left out.

    i've built my account for almost a year now and can get 36 stars on the abyss pretty often, but what's the point even? My account isn't missing much, and 150 primos and shitty artifacts aren't going to make a difference, coop has never made the content easier for me but i feel like helping out other people beat this kind of thing.

  5. Once they put those two things together, it’s a thing called pay to win.
    A thing forces you to build certain units you really don’t want to build cause you may hate them.

    This game became so famous like this because it’s so casual friendly you can build main DPS Lisa and be fine with her, that’s the point of it.
    I know it’s hard to believe but many player don’t give a F about Bennett in the shop and getting Xingqiu.

    Think this way before you want “both sides” in this game, cause it goes straight against the game’s core mentality, just sayin’

  6. Rewards for hard content is like free money to the rich. Mostly whales get the rewards and they dont gaf anyways. Having 3 main power groups is hard to balance for. (Whales, low spenders/ good gamers, and casuals)

  7. Just put in content from the past. Previous event activities and spiral abyss floors so that new players have an opportunity to scale up and veterans can stay on their level with an appropriate challenge.

  8. Reward or not, I really appreciate that they provided a buff in this event which temporarily adds one constellation to 4 of your characters while in doing the challenge.
    This is a great tool for deciding whether or not you wanna go for the next constellation on your favorite characters.
    It's is a win-win situation for both the player and Mihoyo and I hope we get to see it more often in future updates.

  9. I think having the challenging mode with few or no reward is the right way to do it.
    You can give players something to brag about, without making the other players feel like they missed out.
    Very hard things with actual rewards should be strict to fixed content, so that players have all the time to get strong and do it, they don't feel like they missed out.

  10. At this point i think its fair to assume that the vast majority of players have lvl 90 characters and should be able to at least finish all 3 final floors of abyss. On the other hand the content feel like its catering only to new players

  11. I hope it’s like golden apple arichpelago a testing ground for future content. I’m bad at clearing abyss already but I accept that because it’s sad seeing people that are better burn out left and right

  12. The super hard stuff is pretty much pure whale flex tests. If they add crazy rewards to whale-only content, F2P/Low-spenders will (rightfully) be sour about it. Books, Mora, sure.
    I'll agree that rewards, across the board, need to be better.
    But let's be real, that'll never happen.

  13. just btw for any new players seeing bennett in the store – he is AMAZING, literally the best unit in the game. his c1 is even better. DO NOT GET BENNETT C6
    DO NOT
    i was that newbie who c6'ed him and literally no one told me what i was doing. c6 bennett effectively nerfs your account. part of what makes him so great is his flexibility – he can be stuck on pretty much any team, right? well at c6, that's no longer possible. c6 bennett will completely destroy any reactions. you cannot apply cryo inside bennett's burst. at all. you can't do any reactions inside of it anymore. melt comps? goodbye. cryo burst showcases? nope. physical dps? hah, you thought! using bennett in co-op? people will call you a troll and kick you out.
    yes, there are some teams that don't use bennett: freeze comps, hu tao teams, some taser comps, and…yup, that's about it. yes, there are some teams who aren't affected by bennett's c6 pyro infusion: bow or catalyst characters like childe or ganyu, or dps who have an elemental infusion that can't be overridden like xiao. but it is really, REALLY not worth it. keep bennett at c5. please. mihoyo will not ever fix this – we've been asking for over a year already, and i have to accept that my account will never be fixed. save yourself the pain.

  14. I am a first time welkin and kazuha oblireated the event every floor ("maby cus I run him DPS ") and thought I had to do the last floor without using the regenerate thing for freemogems and did it second try. Turns out I disnt have to

    Edit: I got hu tao let's gooooooo two 50/50in a row

  15. The thing I realized that, when we demand that Mihoyo treats Genshin Impact like a proper game, they wont because already treating Genshin like its a casino not a game.
    They already have a game, its called Honkai Impact.
    We have to accept that Genshin is a cyber casino, not a game.

  16. i feel like people who need primos the most are the f2ps or the people with accounts that are not that good, so i always appreciated that anyone can get all the primos in every event, but when i did the recent event and got no rewards, i thought i didn't clear it fast enough. i was super surprised to find out you just don't get anything for it. at least give me some mora or books… id even take enchantment ore like cmon

  17. Would it be too optimistic of me to think that farmable 5 star weapons and characters can be endgame? Off Gacha speaking, and mostly to work hard and earn something you can't buy.

  18. The reward is the memories I made, I don't require anything else. I don't think any of you should either. Remember this is just a game at the end of the day, the accolades achieved in real life are incomparable to anything a game company can bestow upon you. That's just my take though, I don't think it really matters but everyone requires their own compensation/reward for the time and or money they put into what they're doing. It's just… Eh. There are more important things. I get you all's viewpoints though

  19. Really gotta disagree, I appreciate the way they do it now. This isn't dark souls, the challenge is there for those who want it and ONLY those who want it. You never feel forced to do really hard events which is especially good if you happen to enjoy "bad"/weaker characters or teams or playstyles. Locking rewards behind really high level gameplay just creates resentment and frustration from people who want to play casually or who are maybe just not good at the game for whatever reason. Accessibility > competitiveness


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