This Genshin Impact Boycott Succeeded?!!

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32 thoughts on “This Genshin Impact Boycott Succeeded?!!”

  1. So what I'm learning from this is that Genshin/Mihoyo's Genshin team respond to doxxing, harassment, and issues of legality – specifically from CN and nowhere else. Also that CN gets upset about some very specific things. Anyone in the community speak both languages to get them riled up on other stuff? ijs

  2. The skin colour 'boycott' has nothing to do with this. It will never result in anything. The 10 pulls are because of the Neuvi changes not the 'issues' with skin colour. They have to give out so much because the CN community was working on and about to sue Hoyo for consumer fraud because they take Gatcha games really seriously. If Hoyo didn't give good compensation then the CN community would still go through with it.
    I really hope this stops the 'boycott' because it's stupid and really annoying to be in the same player base as these idiots.

  3. what whitewashed? the reference of Natlan is mostly south America,there were no black people there until white people invaded and colonized, and brought black people over through triangular trade.

  4. The petition is at 75,000 now. But yeah I'm pretty disgusted.I don't mind them fixing the nuvelette thing I don't have him I don't want him I don't care. But to respond to that so quickly and sleep on the issue of colorism is pretty gross to me.

  5. According to China, I’m wealthy in the winter time but poor in the summer? Sounds like hypocrisy and discrimination wrapped in the same package to me. HYPOCRITES, They are I say

  6. They really give 10 pulls for Neuvillette issue because CN players are sueing Hoyo on their government and to also tone down the dark skin issue for natlan in the global side without addressing it. Two birds in one stone by Genshin devs damn.
    Genshin really only listens to CN when they do the most drastic measures endangering their money.
    – But on the 3 years 3 pulls issue, none.
    – But on the Natlan issue, none.
    As long as it won't affect their money, they won't listen to their playerbase ever. Very simple greedy bastards.

  7. Forcing skin tone changes in videogames isn't Inclusive, just use mods. Forcing everyone else who plays the game to have darker skin tones because a niche community has a fetish is quite selfish.

  8. Its funny i see all these boycotts and people will go on there way and still spend money on the game whatsbthe point im mexican and not offended about this. its a game theyll never be 100 percent appreciate culture

  9. They don't care about global players because global players lack in what is now referred to as "standing on business" they simply have an outrage lasting up to…like a week? Then after that they move on when the product release or simply lose interest. There's also the problem with the people that be like "I'm from _ and over here there's a lot of people that looks like (this color)." Which is a division amongst themselves already. There's no sense of unity which is why global outrages will never matter compared to the CN community those guys are in synch like a hive that's why Hoyo is scared of them.

  10. I honestly don’t care about a characters skin color, I genuinely just want to play the game, people are calling me racist and stuff just because idc about it. Just make your own oc if you want black characters

  11. "China #1" That's all it is bro 😂
    Genshin has at most 3 years of shelf life left. After that, it's done, over, GONE. The game is pretty much already finished, it doesn't make no type of sense stressin yourself or hurtin your head over a game that's just about done. 🤷🏽‍♂️ After that they're done with GI they gonna make another game and yall probably gonna be there to play that too.


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