This Event had such A TWIST – Genshin Impact Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Reaction

Genshin Impact first playthrough –

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24 thoughts on “This Event had such A TWIST – Genshin Impact Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures Reaction”

  1. Here's a fun fact Roamer: Thelxie's morse code is translatable!

    Turning it into English alphabet characters and left-shifting all of them by 1 character reveals that Thelxie is communicating in French, for example, the line at 52:10 would be:

    KFUBJNFNBNBO (In morse code)

    Which, moving every letter there 1 to the left in the alphabet, reads:


    Or "Je T'aime, Maman" ("I love you, mama")

    Thelxie primarily cycles through "I love you, mama", "Hello", and "How are you?" across all of its dialogue, it's a precious smol penguin boi :3

  2. Apparently Thelxie has been comunicating via Morse Code! Once the Morse Code has been deciphered, it's now in the Caesar Cipher, where you need to shift the code to the left once to get the plain text! I'll throw in the Meaning of the morse codes we see throughout the event here with the timestamps!

    For example:

    13:35 -.. -… .– -…

    Morse Code Text: DBWB

    Plain Text: CAVA (Γ‡A VA)

    Meaning: "HOW ARE YOU?"

    14:05 "HOW ARE YOU?"

    16:02 "COMPANY"

    49:16 "THAT'S IT?"

    52:13 "I LOVE YOU MOM"

    49:16 "HOW ARE YOU?"

    57:05 "HOW ARE YOU?"

    1:07:13 "HOW ARE YOU?"

    1:17:50 "MOM"

    There was a fight trial around 1:18:17 where Thelxie codes in between fights "ARE YOU OKAY!?"

    1:20:09 "I LOVE YOU MOM"

    The event interface was so beautiful for this too… I'm sad they didnt show it in this video, BUT PLEASE, FOR FREMINET, IT'S A QUICK 12 SECONDS, PLEASE WATCH IT! DO IT FOR FREMINET!!!!!

    And the morse codes that appear in order in this short scene: "ALONE", "DREAM", "MIRACLE"

  3. "Loneliness Sindrome" is a fictional catch-all for any mental state that can effect you socially, leads to a detachment from reality, or a hyper-fixation on escapism and fantasy(Depression, anxiety, autism, extreme loneliness, grief…etc). This story, and a lot of hoyo's writing, offers that there is great value in fantasy and escapism, if used in a healthy way. Basically Genshin saying "we see you" and "we understand this is an important part of fiction, and therapy as well." Good fantasy has good REAL-LIFE lessons.

    As someone with atypical mental conditions, I encourage people not to be afraid to participate in discussions about neurodivergence, and I encourage everyone to learn and normalize what they can<3

  4. What the video of the event playthrough miss or left out is actually the writings made by Lescot Destree before his death. Before he walks into the sea and got drowned, he would write on seashells which are scattered throughout the area that we're playing the event in. I believe two of the seashells are on the sea bed and we can find them while the Traveler is looking for corals.

    It's a reference from the Tempest by W. Shakespeare and it's one of the saddest lines you could be reading with the context of this event's story.

  5. Oh God Not again
    I cried again.
    Anything related to parents and I can't hold my tears
    Oh No
    This hits home, Like I had described what happened to me in in my comment on your Furina's Story Quest video and because of Isolation and Loneliness I relate to it so much
    Oh God

  6. This event was really special to me, and I think its a beautiful message for those struggling in life.
    The meaning behind fanasty not being just fantasy, while a lot more literal in Teyvat, can also be applied to the real world in a way.
    Of course it's important to be able to distinguish reality from fantasy, but if imagining things and immersing ourselves in fictional stories can help us while we're in a dark place, then those things arent "just fantasy" anymore, since the impact they have on us is real and we can improve as people thanks to it πŸ˜€

  7. 6:15 something loke this did happen IRL. I wasnt :xactly a witness but that incident was the talk of my entire high school that time and it was the reason why fieldtrips were then banned.


    I was in second year and the first years had a beach field trip while we sophomores went to an eco park. Wccording to the stories,one particular first year student had been acting weird and kept saying stuff like the sea was summoning/calling him.

    Fast forward:

    The teachers accompanying the students on the trip were all busy counting the money they have collected from contributions for the trip (PTA things as usual) that they did not notice that one weird atudent make his way to the sea. A few minutes later, he was drowning. Eyewitness students say that it felt like something was pulling that student down to drown and they couldn't save him.

    The father was, of course understandably livid at the loss of his child and someone must've told him that the teachers were busy counting their money to notice the drowning child, because he ranted about it during the church memorial servixe for the child. H:nce, the school board then banned field trips because of that incident.

    That's as far as I can remember.

  8. This event hit me SO HARD back then. I had been dealing with depression myself for years and it did feel so relentlessly lonely. I’m so much better now. It’s been about a month since my doctor let me off my antidepressant medication. I’m cring watching this now but part of it is a relief cry. Genshin was so praised for this quest and I think they handled this theme beautifully


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