This Change In 2.6 Made Many Players Regret Pulling This Character… – Genshin Impact

Yae Miko’s Seshou Sakura Totems changes in version 2.6 update.

Music: Kevin MacLeod – Scheming Weasel,
Better Days – Lakey Inspired

Boss fight clip:


45 thoughts on “This Change In 2.6 Made Many Players Regret Pulling This Character… – Genshin Impact”

  1. They simply have no idea what they r doing… What are they paying the beta and alpha testers for even..
    They r a massive company… This types of major mistakes are not expected from them… Holy cow

  2. Makes attack logic "clearer."
    Mkay Mihoyo -.- like it wasn't adaptable the moment you go into her testing before wishing her.She was so simple and very boomboom fun and I was even shocked at how simple her E and Q talent descriptions were.
    People were really confused on that???? Cause I seriously doubt that, I think her skill was just unintentional. But even then, timing on her strikes are less randomized by a second or two but SLOWER and only one turret at a time works. It's definitely a slap in the face uhg 🙁
    Edit so I can add: P.s. I have a feeling Kuki shinobu will overtake Yae. I don't know her E's pulse rate but if feels on par with Yae. But she basically does it all as an electro unit.

  3. the genshin fanbase is so shit everyone was like:"ugh yae is so bad all she does is target random enemies she should target closest or something"

    and then now:"yae miko is bullshit she should hit random enemies" LIKE WTF

  4. I Remember the time after they "fixed" albedo flower. I dont understand why they nerf already balanced characters or even buff them, like Miko could just target only enemys.

  5. Imagine marketing Yae’s random targeting as a gameplay mechanic only to announce it as a bug and change it immediately after her sales ended. Amazing move to get a lawsuit on lmao

  6. I got her 8 8 8 and got kaguras as well. I am an f2p but tbh I regret nothing. They freaked up once again cause they did a sloppy job but yeah Yae havers will still het 100 primos in the 6th of april so I consider this a double win😔✊

  7. There's no way mihoyoverse doesn't know how to fix these bugs in their game.
    They're already racking up millions of dollars of revenue, and they still can't managed to use Unity Engine properly. No way for them to downsize their development, and they can't seriously cry to us that they can't also manage to deliver content quickly in a span of 6 weeks.

  8. I think they should just change her element skill into one totem that releases Shockwaves like kokomi's but with more range and no healing. I think this would be the best thing imo. She will stay broken with the terrible auto targeting system of the game even if they revert this. Or they need to overhaul the entire targeting system of the game itself

  9. My first pull got me her and i used her as my dps but I discontinued because I wasn't able the get rank up materials as I didn't reach Inazuma but I will probably use her in the future

  10. Hitting the closes target is better if you're a C0 Yae Miko, this change is only bad for those who have C2 or higher, because the 60% extra range would be useless, but i think is better this way, you can focus your damage into only one target, Yae Miko is a damage dealer, not a fucking electro applier, hitting random targets is just stupid and useless

  11. I have Yae on my alt account. Kinda regret it because I just waste my guarantee and I only have Electro as dps. But, I have to admit I enjoy playing her lol. and yeah it is my fault that I choose Yae when I already have Keqing. But oh well thing happens LMAO.

  12. We are getting theater mechanicus again, a TD mode. As a former TD player, especially Bloons, Yae Miko's turrets may as well be given a priority settings menu. Allow it to choose from closest farthest, in conjunction, and weakest. Fischl doesnt have that ability and something where we can control this vast range on Yae Miko would be a good addition to the roster and to her skillset. That or give her AoE so even if hits a shielded mitachurl, those caught in AoE are damaged too. Now imagine if the turrets themselves give off electro aura applying electro to surrounding enemies at set intervals.


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