Things I wish I knew as a beginner pt.2 | Genshin Impact

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17 thoughts on “Things I wish I knew as a beginner pt.2 | Genshin Impact”

  1. dont care about meta you can clear abyss with any character

    i am a scara main and i 36 star abyss with his test run team
    (wanderer c1/ bennetc1 /layla c3/ faruzan c3)

    build who you like

  2. Things I wish I knew as a beginner;
    1. Don't let other people tell you what you should pull. It's your account, you choose. (This almost gave me burnout, a "friend" convinced me to not pull for what I wanted for one year, she almost made me drop the game)

    2. Don't build too many characters at the same time or farm artifacts for many, 2 max. Don't waste resin. (Rip resources)

    3. Pull the characters you want/like, you can make them work with the correct teams and a decent build applying game knowledge and guides if you want to do abyss (Better than having characters you don't like)

    4. Battle events with character trials are a great way to try team comps, it's better to see if you're comfortable with the character you want instead of pulling and regretting it later.

    5. Look in which banner you are pulling before doing it. (This one is dumb but accidents can happen)

  3. I know the meta thing recently I was saving for raiden but i really like gameplay style of ayaka so i ended up pulling her and her weapon too and got super lucky in both weapon and character banner and also saved quite a bit for raiden also


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