They're Only Human- [FONTAINE ANIMATIC] Genshin Impact

Fontaine is out tomorrow and I’m super hyped! Please enjoy this animatic I made for the release!

Song: They’re Only Human (from Death Note: The Musical) 【covered by Anna ft. @CalebHyles】
Song link:

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27 thoughts on “They're Only Human- [FONTAINE ANIMATIC] Genshin Impact”

  1. I honestly love the way you presented Furina. Just from watching her actions you can kind of tell she has a childish like sence of justice something you'd read from story books (you can even tell when at the end of the fight she treats it like a duel and not a battle emphasising her shock from the surprise attack more. Also I feel like she only sees the world in black and white so she has a single minded sense of justice ( this could also be shown though her eyes which are black and white). All in all this is amazing and I absolutely love it 🙂

  2. AAAA I LOVE THE STAGING AND COMPOSITION (?) of each frame!!! The serious Neuvillette and the mischievous (?) Furina dancing together is such a beautiful scene, and then the sword fight between Arlecchino and Furina well-staged(? boarded?) as well. It’s a wonderful animatic based on the trailer❤️

  3. I don't think I have enough words to describe how much I'm amaze by this animatic ! EVERYTHING IS BUILT SOOOO PERFECTLY. I'm in love with 'Death Note Musical' especially this song, so the combination with Fontaine (and how the region is so theatrically coded, turning everything into entertainment) is well found !

    I'd seen a headcanon tiktok about Furina's reaction if someone disrespected her at court or dared to challenge her and her autority and I was like "damn, I NEED to see a badass Furina in complete harmony with and over waters". YOU DID IT : she's seems to be one with the element and that's sooo enchanting and wonderful ! She knows how to play but also fight with it and and it's totally in line with her personality. Your work on the plans and compositions is MIND BLOWING


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