They Buffed Him Again… – Genshin Impact

💬 In this video, I talk about the changes that were an indirect buff to Venti and made him even better in Genshin Impact.

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Q: Why is your name F2P Diluc if you’re not F2P?
A: My name is F2P Diluc because I’ve already beaten all the content in the game when I was F2P. Now I buy the Battle Pass and Welkin Moon because the resources help a lot to build more characters and make more videos.
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48 thoughts on “They Buffed Him Again… – Genshin Impact”

  1. As far as Venti buffs go, I’m at least happy that they have helped most Anemo users as well, as someone who prefers Kazuha because of his amazing buff and passable clumping, it’s at least nice to see him also get better

  2. 1.6 anemo buff makes venti stronger but also sucrose
    2.0 they released the enmy that can't be succ I thought they literally nerf Venti in abyss but this also cause a lot of problem, these enemies also became VERY annoying to deal with, because they are stronger treasure hoarder also added weight doesn't make sense cause they literally heavier than Mitachurl before 2.1
    Mihoyo could have just delay Venti buff after Kazuha rerun to make more profit cause denies Venti use in abyss make more demand for Kazuha.

  3. We have to be fair here. those monsters weighted more than a lawachurl and that makes no sense. they were made that way to sell kazuha. it worked, and it was stupid. people complained, and they fixed it. venti isn't the only CC in the game. poor sucrose fell like 12 places in use thanks to these annoying fucks.

  4. Venti always gives me nostalgia to my f2p early game… I was just running around using the most ghetto setups that hardly got their bursts up and awkwardly ran from enemy to enemy, as I carefully chose when to use my Pyronado etc… And there were these people who pulled Venti and just sucked everything up into a black hole over and over again, it was a completely different game from what I was playing.

    I kinda hope to see Venti always dominate, but grouping shouldn't always work. Personally I'm happy we can suck up the Samurai as I think wall hugging is equally cheesy, just less enjoyable and far more awkward, and they're too rng with all their dashing otherwise. I think this is a good move, but more enemies like Ruin Guards that aren't annoying not to be able to group are a welcome addition.

    Enemies that can't be sucked yet move around a bunch aren't necessarily a problem either though, it's specifically when there's a ton of them and there's a lot of rng involved, times can vary so drastically, it's such a bad match with high/low tide where being 0.1 sec too late can waste a lot of time.
    This is also good as it means you can't always rely on stationary deployables like Venti, Lisa or Bennett (Unless you snapshot the majority of your dps/use ranged attacks) Q's, even ones around the character like Xiangling if their movement wastes chunks of it's duration.

    I just want that movement to be predictable, so we can mostly reliably determine when Yoimiya's N5 beats Xiangling's burst etc. etc.
    The elemental cubes are perfect examples of where dps windows are everything, they're not perfectly predictable, but they don't need to be as long as there's only one of them at a time. Add a 2nd independent cube, and it becomes similar to fighting tons of pre-nerf Nobushi and Kairagi, then add timing sensitive mechanics like tides if the gacha and artifact rng screwing you over isn't enough for you. Bursting them down is usually an easy way to control variables, but then you put them on floor 12 hyper-tank mode and it varies between a trivial rotation to a dragged out mess.

    Sidenote, I'd then also be fine with the tides if the enemies' timing can't screw you over, though they'd have to make the fight really hard through other means/increase their hp proportionate to the ER we don't need, since the tides become so reliably exploitable.

  5. It's only an indirect effect. These human enemies being heavier than mitachurls and abyss lectors made no fucking sense and not everyone has Venti bro. If common enemies become immune to CC then what is the point of having CC characters in the game? People REALLY need to stop assuming every player has been playing since day one and owns Venti, Zhongli and Ganyu. Floor 12-1 was absolutely rage inducing because of those Nobushi and I personally am very happy with this change

  6. Hey anyone pls someone clear this my confusion!! Elektro reactions can't crit!? And yea also Elektro is the most weak among all elements! My one friend told me about this facts is it true!? Now this is bothering me alot 😭

  7. Tbh i agree. It was fun to play with new enemy mechanics it would honestly be better if they just removed the standing animation of the Magu kenki in the spiral abyss this patch instead. Cause that was so unecessary. But i guess each players experience are different especially when majority of the players own venti due to reruns.

  8. As one of the most profitable banners, and since alot of people have him and have high expectations of him, the disappoinment of inazuman enemies is justified from how i see it. I don't see a problem with the buff cause personally i enjoy playing with him and want to use him cause I'm F2P and can't exactly get any character i want. So the ones i do have I want them to stay relevant.

    I think instead of complaining about the buff we shouldn't care and just enjoy the game. It's a buff to anemo as a whole not just Venti, I don't see the big problem with it.

  9. For some players it was very difficult to deal with 2 or more samurais because they are lazy and dont want to move themthelfs, having unstopable and annoying dashes. But now they are too weak, even weaker then mitachurls. The only thing Mihoyo should have done is to make them interruptable, just like mitachurs at this point. That is my opinion

  10. Ngl they should buff Raiden, comparing her to the rest of Archons she isn't great, I am not saying they should make her op but they should get her some buffs (though it would make sence to make her a bit op since she is an Archon)

  11. I think it would have been fine if mihoyo hadnt given them the ability to spam the teleport slash across your screen every second. It made them so aggravating to fight against, which probably why many people (including me) got fed up and wanted them nerfed in some way.

  12. I disagree here. The samurai weight nerf makes sense, and putting Venti aside, them being immune to anemo CC was just an artificial way to give us a challenge. I don't particularly like when i have to wait for the enemy AI to cooperate with my strategy.

  13. Hot take but my ganyu can easily oneshot treasure hoarders with 1 arrow but the new bandits takes at least 2, who also can't be grouped with venti burst, power creep much?

    And yes anemo characters were pretty strong already but a buff is a buff, not like we can make mhy revert it so might aswell abuse it to get the last few stars in abyss

  14. Its not directly buff him, its affect him indirectly. At the most, any buff mihoyo implied in the game would also buff any anemo character, not only venti. We could say that anemo character can be affected from any angels of buff or even debuff.

  15. They are common enemies. Why shouldn’t they be? Besides, if I remember correctly, there is a level gap mechanic implemented where for a certain level gap, you won’t be able to CC enemies. For me, this seems justifiable, have there been no level gap mechanic and only weight system, yep, this can be another Venti buff. It just kinda make him do what he usually do.

  16. Archons sell and make a lot of money. They being that important in the lore is one of the reasons why players will ever be wishing for them… At the same time, selling an archon and powercreeping them will always create the issue of players vs MiHoyo. Zhongli didn't even need a powercreep for players to get mad; and then, his buff came. If Raiden wasn't an archon, eventually most players would just say "whatever that she doesn't work with Beidou". People expect archons to be the best at some utility, and to work with most characters.

  17. I think they are buffing venti considering kazuha is outperforming him, and venti is the archon of wind so he must be the best master of using anemo so they buffed him


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