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Outro: Blue Archive – Neo City Dive
Come chat with me 😀 using any of these ^
#genshinimpact #genshin
Me who has every electro character: My time has come
Every time you say kicking and Sekapoko says kickwing it ruins my day.
Beidou elemental burst costs the same as xinqiu
but this is just GENSHIN "THEORY"
They need to give Superconduct a debuff that also lowers res to electro and ice, maybe not as high as the phys debuff but come on.
Please electro buff
The dmg increase for electro won't be that significant because electro reactions are more like special effects, unless they decided to increase the dmg 2x like vaporize and melt reaction.
is that a real cat in the background?
Inazuma coming so electro buff is kinda goes with it. Maybe they should release a electro healer that will stupify your character why you get healed
7:13 Electro buffs.
"What electro character"
The literal electro archon: -_-
My Fischl is so OP now lol, I just use her with Kaeya and Jean's charged E.
9:25 CAT!!!!
Hi te tone! I'm a huge fan of urs. Uhmm. Word of advice. Pls save primos for the core system. This year's anniversary will be a blast. Hehehhe. That's all.
i watch this video every day after I lost the 50/50 on zhongli and got keqing
I'm happy with the electro buff. However, does it really buff or change Keqing? I guess due to the next anemo char is elementary mastery based,hence they increase the dmg of electro reactions based on EM.
Most players don't build Keqing with Elementary mastery….
Slimes are all still immuned to all DMG dealt by electro reactions.
Fischl,beidou,Lisa, Sucrose, new anemo character are the true winners of this buff.
“Playing destiny 2??” I feel attacked tbh
My lvl 90 Crit rate 80 Keqing about to be even more lit 😍🤘
Bangout event with Kekwing? nice
Wait did electro actually get buffed?
Gee..thats why my lv.40 fischl is good eventhough im a total noob 👁
Tectone what if I said “can you see what’s wrong with my account” and then you see my C5 fischl at level 1 lol
Actually if there was a meat farm in the sanctuary that would be pretty great.. although we already have expeditions, I still need those meat or fowl i guess
How in the hell are people getting keqing on accident when I can't even get her on purpose😭
13:20 did he say „they could put that italian plumber from smash bros in“?? Haha how young is this guy?🤣
7:29 Yoda: "mooore?"
Hahaha talking to mattjestic
This buff be like to keqing…the whales are not gonna use her for expenditions anymore
So amber so sad
Me, a Fischl main: my time has come.
Pointless questions and pointless answers
(Literal differential calculus question and answer)
Everybody: blah blah blah elements
Me, a Noelle/Zhongli connoisseur: (yawns in monocle shield)
Keqing gets buffed right when I get her lol
LET'S GOOOOOO My team is based around doing some Major Reactions (Electro-Charged, Overload, Swirl) FINALLY ELEMENTAL MASTERY WILL BE AMAZING! I've been waiting for 6 months, my friend runs Melt and Vaporize Teams and he does SOOOOO much more damage WTF?!
Virgil: My daughter, its TIME
Keqing: Yes Father
(I am the storm that is approaching 😈 )
Mihoyo: So information ……isnt free.
Entire population of US : Free speech reigns here mihoyo.
We do want we want.
God please I need my Fandango boy
The thing is, I'm a physical keqing main not electro keqing 👁️👄👁️
Everyone is screaming keqing, Lisa, albiedou and fischl…. Lmfao wait till scaramouche and the electro archon power creep tf out of all of them
Also me: was actually grinding the fuck out of destiny2
Tartaglia Fireworks will be inevitable
I'm just leaving my OwO and i'm on my way