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Can't believe I was whining about all those Sucrose pulls in the past. It's a walk in the park with her. I don't deserve her helping like that.
anemo travelers, sucrose, jean and venti is the best for this event
Hard? So easy, if you have played some TD games. Sleeper op is the towers that gives more resources to build with, especially for the first waves.. My setup for the 2nd stage. Two ele towers lv4. 2-3 extra resource towers (can't remember the names, they cost 50) placement near bridge. Two ele in the back resource towers front, so you can kill the mobs in the zone. All towers lv4. Get any big upgrade for ele or fire. Mix up with fire and ele. One ice tower in the front where the ruin guards spawn for big numbers with fire towers. Replace resource towers for last wave. Ended up having 1k unused resources 14/14 towers. 0 monsters came through. Barbara to make the mobs wet.
hey. you can actually deal dmg to the enemies on this minigame with the "break" reaction, if you freeze an enemy and hit them with a claymore user it actually deals damage, plus you can throw them out of bounds
My favorite Streamer.
I used to think this channel was boring at first. But after getting to know it, it is truly the best.
The TD mode is super easy and that makes me sad:((bc im a huge fan of TD games
2:38 sad jean noises
Electro + Pyro = Flying slimi-churl
Electro + Hydro = Shock go brrrrr
Cryo + Hydro = Stand still and DIE
"Electro sucks" little did he know that this is the strongest Element in this Mini game, cause that shit never misses
Sekapoko you should try this combo it helped me get to difficulty 2 "Hydro-Electro-Cryo"/ Pyro-Cryo- Hydro
I literally went in with Ganyu and made pure water towers on the front and just froze everything as the towers melted the frozen enemies lol. Only thing it didn’t work on was stage 2 hydro enemies but I just made electric towers for that
my c3 sucrose never looked better 🥰
You literally only need Geo Traveler on 1.2, all you need is to place 3 Starfell Swords in front of the bridge and keep them up. Towers will do literally everything for you while they struggle to find a path around the rocks.
Seka: Electro sucks
Me: It don't miss, overload go boom, and electro-charged best AOE damage
When your pro in tower def and laughing how cheesy this event <3
the td is not hard at all (yet at least). once u actually know how each tower attacks cuz the description sucks u can choose the right one for dif enemies aka elec on fast ones cuz they literrally just run past everything, and i think the water tower is buggy cuz it sometimes doesnt goes off, and sometimes too late or too early somehow.
Theatre mechanicus is not hard wtf.
"because Electro sucks"
while the electro hydro combo is the most broken combo on this mode … :v :v :v
Lol is so sad all the streamers think electro is bad when they first start. He was hovering it, then asked can't he just upgrade the others insted of just building elektro.
Jean is absolutely nuts here.
“What’s a fickle attack?”
Also, I guess the wind current is to get ahead of the speedy little samachurls?
Jean is also good
Worst video of the event lmao. Bring something good or dont event bother…
Electro with hydro eats monsters health
Jean be kinda broken for dis
Can constructs hold the off
So far in this event I just pop bunch of water towers and electro towers around the score multiplier and go afk – done. lmao, only time I leaked any monsters was when I picked a double edged sword buff thingy and it disabled my water towers while there were electro slimes in the stage.
ganyu charge atk has 4 cryo applier,,, so simple beginning for 1st round/wave is electro + hydro totem near the spawn and ganyu at the exit applying cryo from the back and adding emergency electro tower at the back in case someone escspe firstwave. then add cryo tower beside electro and hydro,, ganyu always in the back shooting cryo
But where de you get the materials for this ? Im so lost lmao
I slept on electro, but people saying its one of the best for the hardest stages , breaks any shields, never misses. Also they should just keep this as a permanent game mode. Or something you can do like 5 times a week and if you get enough points you can get a random prototype drop.
PVZ vibes
You just need disruption E skill like Sucrose, Jean and Venti or Jungle charge attack like Xiao and Jean. Plus Electro tower level 5 is OP you can clear it even AFK on some stage with no electro enemy.
Yeah… can 1 man jean solo the last difficulty with spamming electro but sure it's useless lol
I wonder how surprised he was when he eventually built an electro tower…
Theatre mechanicus is the most fun event they've released yet. Really want more outside the box events like this which are fun to grind. Mechanics make sense as well.
Jean is MVP in there though.
Al bae do
I only use Frozen and bombs the higher the difficulty gets.
It’s been tough for me. No experience with tower defense games.
I only build Electro and Pyro, and use Barbara to apply wet, Kaeya/Ganyu for cryo, then MC(anemo), Jean and Sucroses to knockback enemy.