The Worst Genshin Event EVER | Genshin Impact

#genshinimpact #hoyocreators


44 thoughts on “The Worst Genshin Event EVER | Genshin Impact”

  1. Hear me out, maybe just MAYBE this is what soon to be implemented endgame content other than spiral abyss in genshin. That's why they don't allow us to use our built characters and instead forcing us to use their shitty builds so it's more "challenging" or should I say "frustrating/stressful"šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  2. even though i have characters like xingqiu's talents up to at least 7, it shows every single trial char. with level ONE talents and garbage stats. im not even a full on whale and this event just blows.

  3. Its first time im able to fully clear an event. For other fighting trials i couldnt do the hardest difficulty.

    As for this one im easily able to complete pro with no problem plus i get to play characters i dont have

  4. I honestly love this event, because you atleast can use characters you donā€™t have yet in team comps of your choice, which can be really fun and could help you with deciding for who to pull in the future.
    They should also add the option to use your own build characters tho, as you said, some people would appreciate it more šŸ„² Your version of those characters that they offer you, so that it wouldnā€™t ruin the concept of the event but still help you ^^

  5. the one that just unlocked todayā€¦i fucking HATE pro mode on that one, and also i think the second pro mode oneā€¦., ive beaten all of them but they gotta chill down with the pro mode..

    i still really love this event though cause i can use my fav characters before their trial since i dont have some of them

  6. i dont know what some say, this event is easy if you can just think a bit which team comp you need for the enemys… are the playerbase really like this dumb? xD now i see why Mihoyo said more endgame content caused more anxiety for the playerbase xDD

  7. NO WONDER!!! I was like ā€œwhy isnā€™t my Furina doing greatā€¦ OHHHHHHH!!ā€ Like bruh!!! Still curb stomped the shit out of the max level challenge (f2p btw) but my god i definitely had to try a bit harder XD


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