The Windblume Festival in a Nutshell: Genshin Impact 1.4

The Windblume Festival and 1.4 update are here! Let’s show off the new events and talk about what we got. Is this update good, or underwhelming for you Genshin Impact players? #genshinimpact #venti
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46 thoughts on “The Windblume Festival in a Nutshell: Genshin Impact 1.4”

  1. Do I really seem that salty? It is fine, I am just not going to call this incredible content. I don't hate Genshin or something, I just want more
    How are you liking the 1.4 events so far?

  2. It's a filler arc. What did you expect? A whole new combat system? If you want more, then give time for miHoyo to finish the content that they are trying to work on like the new characters, housing system, and Inazuma. Be grateful that miHoyo actually released at least SOME content rather than little to none. I personally enjoy the minigames and I know it is not for everyone, but degrading the content that miHoyo gave to us and being "This is it?", it is a bit too insensitive. But I respect your opinion and I am not throwing shade or hate or anything. Just sharing my personal take on the update.

  3. The bow one wasn't even janky lol the balloons were just moving and the arrows don't get there immediately. It's called timing it instead of just point and click

  4. It's completely fine if you're not having the same fun with everybody else, I personally love this event. But perhaps you should look at it from different perspective, maybe you'll understand a little bit

  5. When you asked what the point is, i mean, didnt it strike you there and then? The point is you dont HAVE to grind and roll for years to get the five stars and perfect artifacts, the events, the minigames, they're there for fun, just like the game. i mean honestly if youre not having fun playing a game then maybe you should take a break or something

  6. I admit that I only watch Mashed videos now only because he is an entertainer. It's fun to watch him, because the game itself has no more point for me and for the majority of lvl 55+ out there. Thanks, mtashed, u rock at making fun contents

  7. Does anyone else think this guy uses his YouTube earnings on either coke or meth? Either that or he's snorting his adhd meds (dont do that mtashed, its bad for you).

  8. Hey I've had an issue with a hollow floor glitch that hasn't gone away for a few days. And I've been working around it. But now I have to talk to Childe at the bank and I can't get upstairs without falling through the floor… Any suggestions?

  9. Not sure if anyone can answer this, but I recently hit AR 40 and at first I was getting more level up materials and even 4-star chunks from bosses like 4 times consecutively . Now, I’m getting less level up materials and I haven’t gotten a four star chunk in about 4 boss fights. Does anyone know why this might be happening?

  10. Take a break, a lot share this feeling with you, like sekapoko
    I think it’s cause back to back mini game patches really isn’t that great of an idea
    Hopefully maybe 1.5 adds more

  11. It's so frustrating seeing people complaining about "oH, I wAnt tO fiGhT mOrE aNd wIpE oUt hUgE eNemIeS bRrT bRrT". Stop saying what Genshin should be. I am glad that miHoyo put minigames that does not include fighting because it is a breath of fresh air after countless Spiral Abyss and Domain runs. If the content does not satisfy your needs or wants in Genshin, then hop off and play some other game. You do not have to b*tch about how the game does not give content and does not follow your wants for the game and lets you wipe an entire army for your broken ass team. Genshin Impact is not for everyone, but it is for some. So stop making Genshin Impact cater to YOUR wants and shut up. smh

    Edit: It's okay to point out the flaws and mistakes like the absence of 2FA (mihoyo wtf), Resin system, weapon banner and rates, but don't complain about content that is actually new and does not make the game worse.

  12. i really hate the music thing cuz the easy and hard mode are the haredest cuz i get thrown off by the melody it just feels like they don't go with the melody pro does and is way easier

  13. It's a fun event, why do you want to fight shit so bad? Like just go fight the spiral abyss, why does all events have to be about fighting bosses like we ned something different, people get bored doing the world quest and fighting bosses shit, let genshin events be something fun, it could be a wide variety of games, I don't mind , they just need to give us more rewards then it's golden


    There is a Contending Tides and Oceanid event, like be patient, you'll get your share.

  14. I don't like 1.4 as I hate mingames and will never do them, I don't care about the bow or rewards they don't interest me, the only parts of 1.4 I'm looking forward to are the abyss herald and the oceanid pet.

  15. how? I got hit by so may bubbles, and I got hit so many times but the one where you need to avoid.. oh and I couldn't kill the 2 levels 37 stone giant guys.. well my party only has level 20/40

  16. I think we should give them time they are working on something bigger and it seems that some harcore players want some harcore content and it sounds exactly as destiny 2 where people wanted hard-core content and finished everything in less then a week I'll say it again as a consumer I prefer quality over quantity 👌 so let's give them some time


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