The Unluckiest Player In Genshin Impact


#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神


47 thoughts on “The Unluckiest Player In Genshin Impact”

  1. This is so painful to watch plus I know what he just said really I feel very bad for him but idk wht in the weapon banner you can get other 5* weapon I though it will just be the skyward pack and the weapon banner weapons who know that u can get other weapons

  2. Weapon banner is still a straight up scam. Its literal whale bait. You need at least 240 wishes for a 100% guaranteed chance. Thats absolutely ridiculous.

  3. Can relate , but can’t feel his immense pain . I did 40 pulls on Weapon Banner aiming for Kagura’s Verity , ended up pulling a second Slyward Harp . My main account now has THREE 5* BOWS AND I ONLY USE ONE BOW USER!

  4. I love how everyone in the comments are like "I feel bad for him" but when you really think about it he could of easily stopped too. Like wait a few hours later, maybe another day, or something! No continues to torture himself instead.

    If I've learned anything from playing Genshin Impact, my first ever gacha game, is that Mihoyo doesn't give a fuck if we get specific c6 characters or weapons as long as they get our money in the end.

    Doesn't make them the bad guy but you gotta know your limits once in a while or at least do in-game ritual at least.

    No tea no shade just my 2 cents for today


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