The Timegating Got Worse | Genshin Impact

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49 thoughts on “The Timegating Got Worse | Genshin Impact”

  1. they wouldn't add anything until players start quitting, or at least, numbers show to them that the sales are dropping.. otherwise they will keep doing this, pushing ppl and see how long we can take the bullshit until we ACTUALLY quitting or stop spending THEN they will suddenly pull a new mode out and boom, everything back to normal, ppl get hyped and shit.. Y'all keep letting them do this shit to you because you keep spending on their game.. they don't care, numbers speak everything.. if their sales ain't dropping, WHY would they have to change ?

  2. Why do they gotta pur the most resident sleeper patch right on our winter break, they always have to leave the best updates for when we have finals. At least i have ff7 and tales of arise to play in the meantime

  3. Last time you complained about the event having a "weak story" is exactly why it is time gated, if it isn't then new players might miss this event. Events are supposed to be just filler stuff so that new players won't miss it, while dedicated players can grind resources for the real patches. You should have already expected a "weak story" since it is "time gated" and might not happen again. New players who would miss out on important details to the story would be frustrated. Remember this is still a gacha games you shouldn't spend your whole day playing these types of games and should only play less than 2 hours, if you played gacha games other than genshin like honkai impact you would know. Honestly it being time gated isn't a problem at all so some die hard players can actually touch some grass. You're just adding salt to everything tbh, most other gachas are just like this I don't see people complaining tho smh.

  4. Aight this time the time-gating is starting to annoy me. Even with a full time job, the event still feels dry as hell. The event was suppose to be interesting with albedo storyline but theres nothing so far. The events can be done in like 5 minutes then we have to wait like 2/3 days for the next one? At least make more minigames or make them longer or something.
    Such a shame, i was so excited for this patch.

  5. same old boring shit every single patch. can't even skip the dialogue to get it over with faster. but people just continue to shovel money into mihoyo's pockets without complaint so they'll keep on doing the same format over and over and get rewarded with millions of dollars for it. anniversary who?

  6. I always question how someone can treat Genshin as there “go to” main game. I always treated Genshin as that mobile game on the side like clash of clans, I play this game 30-45 mins or even way less just to do my dailies

  7. I usually disagree when it comes to "lack of stuff to do" commentary but this time… 100% on point.
    And building those snowmen feels so lonely, where's Amber? Eula? Noel?

    Though next path looks very seriously stacked, they might have diverted resources there.

  8. The timegate itself wouldn't be a problem if we had something to keep us busy in the meantime. Like a challenge you can repeat for more rewards or for fun in coop or something! it's winter, like a coop snowball fight or something wouldve been a nice addition imo

  9. I really hope they will release that Enkanomiya or however it's called, because we need some new content soon. Like another Island or Dodoco-like content. This patch had nice idea, but the amount of content added is just way too low.

  10. this is good especially for players that don't have ALL their time for gaming. some people have work to do and its unfair for them to feel the FOMO from the rewards. it gives breathing room. if you don't have a life outside of genshin, i suggest you get some.

  11. I literally played for 30 mins did all the events I could in that time and did some artifact farming after for another 30 minutes afterwards and I looked at my characters and I couldn't do nothing with them I just sat there thinking what do I do now 😅 it's gotten really stale

  12. wdym, Energy Amplifier rerun is the main event this patch 🙃.

    And finally my most awaited rerun in the next patch, Windtrace. I'm gonna beat my previous record of 232/287 rounds.

  13. Thank God, I'm not the only one who noticed that this event seems to be taking its sweet time. Especially since we had to wait two whole days for it to drop in the first place after Mihoyo explicitly said it would drop on the 24th. I really used to defend Genshin on its many flaws but they are beginning to really bug me……

  14. When Dragonspine was originally release, nothing was time gated (except for the leveling the tree). People rushed to finish all of the content in 2 days. Went on the forums and complaint about nothing to do. So ever since then, content has been time gated to 2-3 days. They would never unlock the content on a Monday, because weekly reset is already content to mihoyo for the players.

    So you would have a schedule like so:
    Monday – No unlock content
    Tuesday – No unlock content
    Wednesday – Unlocked content
    Thursday – No unlock content
    Friday – No unlock content
    Saturday – Unlocked content
    Sunday — No unlock content
    Repeat back to Monday.

  15. I think miyoho is targetting also all ages player. The time gated is fine. The game is not intented for the player who earn money for this games e.g professional gamer who sell game items, content creator, etc. Most of the player are studying. This games is based on adventure majority rather than rpg. Adventure game like Zelda is very addictive it will ruin the student if not time gated. Before I can finish playing Zelda in less than a week. Normally I play twice. After that I wait for another good game to be released. I played Genshin almost a year, I never imagined I will play this games so long. When I play the Nier Automata for the second time. I finished it in a week with 5 different endings

  16. Mihoyo gives content: everyone beats content in like 1 to 2 days. Start complaining that there's no more content.

    Mihoyo timegates content: people complain that content is time gated and they have to wait.

  17. Genshin wasn't designed to be a game like LOL. I feel like people take this game as if this is a 24/7 game you can keep ongoing with no issues. I play this game like how I play my other mobile gatcha games. 20 min to login and do dailies and that's perfectly fine. What isn't fine is people's expectations that this game should be something else entirely.

  18. At this point I'm just numb with. This is just a hot take but I think we all forgot that mihoyo tries to limit our progress on the game, that's why there is a resin system. The events are no difference, they tried to limit our game time by simply time gating so that we don't speedrun the event. I think that's how the online gaming in china's regulation works

  19. For months I stopped doing events on day they unlock just because of this timegated nonsense. But then they did flower arrangement thing last patch which means if I don't do it I miss rewards of that day. It's stupid.

  20. China has put in place a new policy that limits online video game playing for young people to three hours a week. The new rules restrict online gaming for those under age 18 to one hour in the evening on Fridays, weekends and public holidays. GI is a game developed by a Chinese company so they have to follow.

  21. Even the mutant whooperflover can be beaten down under 2 minutes, and you don't even need to have a fully kitted party… wich is really sad! I got all of the available challange achivements excluding the first two of them in the first try too… I imagine a minmaxer player can do this whole thing probably in two hit… and I'm so uninterested in Albedo (his story is okay) this event is kinda "meh" for me. It's cute with the snowman building, and I love the interactions between Eula and Amber, so I just went with the flow, but I don't call this an "event" necesseraly… some world quests in Genshin has a greater "gravity", or volume to it than this, sadly. I truly ADORE and love the stories of Genshin Impact, digging the lore (read all books and stuffs, even the item and weapon descriptions are entertaining for me) bur if you want to make a TRUE event, Mihoyo, you stearing the wrong direction…!

  22. Honestly, I don't mind the timegating. It gives me some time to mull over each story act for the event and allows me to focus on other things when I finish, if it was like WoW where it was waiting a week for more story then I would have an issue.

  23. so true. its like they dont even want us to play their game. Kinda reminds me of those mobile story games that require you to regenerate keys to unlock the next chapter. istg why do game developers make games like these.

    also, i have no idea what theyre thinking but they couldve atleast considered what the players will do while waiting for the next part to start- BUT NO, INSTEAD, THEY MADE EVERYTHING, EVEN THE MINIGAMES, 2 DAYS BEFORE YOU COULD ACTUALLY DO IT.

    this is literally the same case as the abyss and other weekly things.

  24. The reason they do this and limit resin and stuff like that is because in their country, they severely limit the amount of time gamers and children can game or even be online. It's crazy to most of us, but they are just catering to their home base. I hate it too

  25. What’s weird is that they could have time gated differently by spreading the releases out so there was something new to do everyday, instead of releasing all the unlocks on the same day. Same amount of content, but we wouldn’t feel the gating as much. It’s nice that the event “boss” is grindable, but I wish there were more rewards available, it was a bit too easy to cap out.

  26. Well, this game is not really targeting people whose day is like this – wake up+play some game or wake up+go to school+play some game OR wake up+finish your work+play some game. As someone who works on my career and study difficult university, the game time-gating does not really affect me by much. It is just a short everyday relax time for ppl who earn money to whale for characters as a stress relief. For someone who wants to spend several hours/day in genshin, this is not understandable and as former wow raider I get it, but shit if a person has so much free time to play, the company does not earn much from majority of players I just described. Is it fair? Yes. Is it moral? Yes to a certain degree. Why wow is not casual friendly? Because casuals play the game for 2-3 months after an expansion and then stop paying the company. Hardcore players pay the company, profit shareholders and earn managment their salary. It is not getting worse btw, go back to lantern rite event and its time-gated text quests. This is at least different and imo more enjoyable.


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