The Strongest Genshin Impact Team

Name Me A Better Lineup #Shorts #GenshinImpact


39 thoughts on “The Strongest Genshin Impact Team”

  1. My main team lineup:
    My main: Qiqi
    Literally only there to kill timmys pigeons: diona
    I just need a pyro character that isn’t an archer: yanfei
    Just to break hilichurls shields: amber

  2. My main team is:
    Ningguang C0 (obtained at Ayaka Banner recently)
    Noelle C0 (Beginner Banner)
    Xiangling C1 (I really don't remember, i think it was from Zhongli banner?, i really dont know, C1 since I obtained her from Gacha and got a constellation thanks to the Abyss)
    Bennet C0 (obtained at Albedo's Banner)

  3. My main team is
    1 – KFC fowl farmer: Diluc
    2 – Edgy nun that attacks behind enemies backs: Rosaria
    3 – Electro good boy: Razor
    4 – Hunter of pigs and (sort of) healer: Diona

    Though, sometimes #2 changes for Fireball go brrr: Yanfei, depending on the boss I need to fight


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