The Strange Death of Clothar Alberich. (Genshin Impact 5.2 Lore and Story)

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #natlan #capitano #mavuika

late sunday vibes. finna go cop me some late night chicken and fries now ive earned em. no other vid till ochkanatlan and 5.2 i reckon. yo when does 5.3 drip leaks come out? mavuika right? im kinda ready. better be a coffin we pullin for but ready none the less.

“Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio”

0:00 Intro
1:07 Dainsleif failed
2:02 Cariberts Mother
5:30 The Abyss
8:25 Clothar

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #natlan #nilou #himeko pyro archon #capitano


35 thoughts on “The Strange Death of Clothar Alberich. (Genshin Impact 5.2 Lore and Story)”

  1. I think its a misdirect. I don't think Clothar is dead at all. He was farming the Red Rukkashava mushrooms from 2 spots, the same spots the coprses were buried. Also take into account that the regular Rukkashava mushrooms are symbolized to grow from the body of Rukkadevata.
    To me, it implied that the mushrooms were growing from the corpses buried there, which would mean that both bodies were there BEFORE Clothar's "death." Perhaps they were red/purple because they were growing from people corrupted by the abyss? Either way, I think he's still kicking and Dain was jumping to conclusions with those bodies.

  2. I think it’s obvious how Clothar got rid of the curse of immortality. The curse was placed on him and the rest of Khaenri’ah(full bloods only). The Abyss is the exact opposite. It opposes everything in Celestia by nature and what if it had the opposite effect on the curse. The Defiled Statue of the Seven was contaminated and filled with Abyssal energy and the Abyss is capable of eroding the boundaries of Teyvat so what if when Clothar founded The Abyss Order and thereby exposed to them that it eroded the curse

  3. Doesn't it say somewhere that the removal of the Venti Statue of Seven was under Chlothar's reign? If that's so he was ruling for a good while. Whoever buried him knew the significance of the scarf, as well as where his wife was buried so they could take his body back to the "family plot" as it were. As such I had assumed it was Caribert who buried him, but now it feels like Caribert was not able to do anything in the real world, and perhaps some herald did so under orders from Caribert. Or it might even have been the Sibling who buried Chlothar, but I think the Sibling probably joined the Abyss Order family late on.

    As for the mother I had just figured she died before leaving Khaenri'ah and Chlothar happened to have carried her rotting corpse along the journey for some bizarre reason (such as knowing that the recipe he had for returning the mind required mushrooms grown from the grave of the patient's mother's dead body). You point out that Caribert seems confused and asks where his mom is when he is first revived. But I think that isn't proof that she had not died at the time he became a Hilichurl. He was young, he became a Hilichurl, he's confused when he asks for his mommy. She might have died (in Khaenri'ah or a normal death) a while before the father and son fled Khaenri'ah and Caribert became a Hilichurl. IE Caribert knows she is dead but in the moment cries out for his dead mother. it's even possible the mother was dead and buried and Chlothar digs up her grave to take her skeleton with him, again because of the recipe.

    As for Traveler (or Sibling) being knocked out by Caribert removing his mask it does seem a bit naff to me, given the established toughness of both Twins, but the game story goes back and forth on how "immune" the Traveler is to Abyssal energy. They are effected by it in the scene before reaching Rukkhadevata, and apparently they are easily knocked out in Inazuma by Scaramuche using the dead god juice fumes. So I wouldn't read too much into Sibling being knocked out by it. It might be nothing.

  4. Ok, I got some stuff for you. When Clothar says that they were separated from his mother, the tone of voice and the way he act hints to that the mother actually died, instead of just separating. That means that she died before they ever managed to leave Khaenriah. In the chaos, Alberich dragged along his son, and then later went back to khaenriah to grab the dead body of the mother to bury her. Not sure how he hauled a hillichurl and a dead person all that way but he could have had a wagon or something.

    And I think you misunderstand what immunity is supposed to mean here. Yes the traveler is immune to the abysses power, but its to the corrosive effects. But they arent Superman, if the abyss power explode, it can still effect them. When something explode, its not the fire that will harm you first, its the pressure waves caused by the explosion. This is the reason why you shouldnt stand around if something is about to blow up, but get as far away as possible. You can actually step on a mine and survive because the safest place around a mine is actually right on it, sure you might still loose a leg or two but if you are right next to it, you will die. Same principle here, the twin was knocked out not because of the abyssal power itself, but because it created pressure waves that probably flung the sibling into a tree or a rock or something like that and that knocked them out.
    We see several times that the traveler is not immune to blunt force trauma, they have been knocked out a few times already. Most recently…they lost consciousness while falling down the waterfall in Simulanka. Kinda got to wonder if their brain is okay if it shorted out during something like that, it didnt seem like they hit their head to cause it…
    And I mean the abyss sibling can use the abyss power and hang out all day with abysslings so they gotta have some immunity to it too.

    And lastly…we can make an educated guess on whom burried Alberich. And that is the Abyss sibling. The only "human" to know about Alberich and Caribert and their story. I kinda doubt that the Abysslings would care about rituals like that.

  5. Your reasoning has a major flaw: You expected Dainslief to tell something immediately pertinent? Somethin useful about Teyvat's greatest secrets? You are more deluded than your primordial simping would suggest.

  6. Assuming the Sibling is like the Traveler, there is an easy reason for why they were knocked out. The Traveler gets knocked out whenever there are memories to access, visions to see or anything like that. But we can't double-dive into a vision within a vision, so we don't see what the Sibling sees.
    And it could be that seeing that vision is what had profound effect on the Sibling. Even something as simple as seeing the Cataclysm from a perspective of a commoner boy in poor district of Khaenri'ah, combined with Sibling's own perspective and that of Dainsleif, could have revealed something about the Cataclysm that eluded most people.

  7. What if the death of the mother is the reason why Clothar didn't turn into a Hilli?
    What if Clothar sacrificed the mother to protect himself and then used the corpse to do it again with his son?
    Looking in the mirror implies that we actually saw through the eyes of the twin. How did that happen?
    Who made us see that and why was it important for us?
    HoYo has a terrible way of telling his stories and then not resolving them conclusively.
    This has only gotten worse with Natlan.
    We keep getting no answers. That's making me tired of following the story at all.

  8. Regarding Caribert's mother, she could've just never been a Barbatos follower to begin with, and therefore was never cursed. Could be that her family may have been Decarabian or Istaroth followers, so they wouldn't have forsaken their god when going to Khaenriah. Angelica does mention that since Morax killed her god, she hasn't committed any Sin and wouldn't turn into a hilichurl.

    The way more curious thing is when you wonder how the heck Kaeya fits into this. Considering since Bedtime Story we know that Kaeya is not Caribert BUT, Dainsleif still refers to Kaeya (in basically every language except english) as THE descendent of the founder, he makes it sound like Kaeya is the sole child of the Abyss Founder, which would've been Clothar.

  9. Yeah regarding the first para i had i theory . You know the attack of Abyss on Yanfei whole transporting the goods from Donrman port where Eula saves her . The goods was most probably containg the Stolen Statue of Seven , and it was said that Chlothar himself had ordered the Statue for himself to create a prototype of God for himself. But i guess it was more that that. If this was what happened then Chlothar probably died near the timeline of us waking up in the main storyline. So Chlothar died recently enough. Also there is no vision or hints at what the Traveler saw in his siblings memories that made him dig up that place to find Chlothar's buried body along with his wife. Also Dainsleif warns us that at the end of the Quest whoever was in the Crystal who he confirms to be Vedrfolnir saw us through the same crystal enter in our siblings memories and so Vedrfolnir knows what we were upto and also suggests he is active somewhere. Coming back to the Chlothar topic i guess similar to the Knights of Khaenriah who turned into Monsters of the Abyss and then died he would have over corrupted himself to the Abyss or may have found out such a bizarre power through the Corrupted statue that killed him.

  10. Welp Caribert's mother could just die in a middle of abyss/hounds incursion or even under some fallen beam, courtesy of any god strike. Not really strange to want to carry your lover's body out of the battle. Then to see your son is turning, but her body does not, she's already dead and not affected by elemental anomalies or curses.
    I always thought the first order of the newly created Loom of Fate was liberating his father from the cursed fate. A trial run.

  11. This was absolutely odd. Why would his flesh didn’t decompose usually human corpses usually decompose, but not in the case of khaneri’ah people which is relatively strange if that makes any sense

  12. Can cursed khaenri'ahns be killed? Like I know hilichurls can be killed obviously, but pure blodded like Dain and Capitano? I think not, because that will defeat the whole purpose of the curse of immortality, but can they? Like in 500 years no one thought about killing eachother? What about decapitation? Are you still alive if you're headless? Did the outburst of abyssal energy from Caribert got rid of the curse somehow? Who buried them together? Oh the rabbithole just keeps going and going, I NEED ANSWERS!

  13. TRUE this was rlly weird
    what I think the implications I took from the female skeleton is either: Hilichurls and humans share a similar skeletal structure(idk about this), Chlothar lied about the hilichurl curse or just didnt know the full extent, or the most likely option is that this isnt chlothar's wife at all

    also this is for sure a human skeleton (unless im missing something in the cn version) bc Dain saying that its a male and female skeleton implies they are the same race and Chlothar was for sure a human(unless the curse of immortality was removed by him becoming somthing else)


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