#genshinimpact #genshinlore #genshinimpact
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Genshin you gotta commit buddy. kappa, but yeah, after playing so many games with “Player Inserts”, the Traveler is just a bad “Player Insert”. Probably because they’re not supposed to be.
ART BY @chizukeik
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Also another theory: second throne was scared of gods finding out about second throne (like what they did to orobashi) and gods going against it, so they decided to make gods each others enemies and made their number to 7
OMG Aster you're a Filipno?!?! "Oh shirt p*ta! naka on yung…" hahahahaha
am i crazy or did they start the video saying among us?
Krassss ❤️
7 lords of vishaps. we already have new ones. they are Azdaha and Dwalin, but Celestia ignored their existence
7 G.O.D (Gods Of Destruction)
And i'm still hearing a spanish curse word at the end but i can't confirm it yet lmao
The beginning of the video is SUS
not sure pero the story of teyvat kinda similar sa mga sinaunang dynasty ng China.
9:50 Me when I’m home alone in a nutshell
asjfkgbeavjietg yes aster sining marina <33333333333333
Is aster pinoy?
nice video and ending! the filipino genes are filipinoing! 😂
4* but modified. Teyvat is built upon the corpses of the 7 elemental dragons, and the archon of a nation serves to maitain elemental balance of that land-corpse
the elimination was needed because due to magical elemental physics in order to have a stable control over the land-corpse there needed to be an elemental archon whose power stood far above others.
electricity is of the interaction of polarities, so it might fit the common occurance of the war for baal to sacrifice, the unique property of electro might be that duality and thus the electro twins actually serving as the perfect electro archon jointly. Ei is very much an introvert.
Decarabian was not a tyrant. That was Andrius, whose covered mondstadt in a sudden ice storm killing most of the human populace and forcing Decarabian to maintain a defensive barrier to protect the last humans in mondstadt. To stop andrius, deca would have to go on the offense meaning lowering the defensive barrier resulting in the deaths of the humans in the time it would take for him to eleminate the source of the deadly storm.
After the people revolted against decarabian under barbatos and the defensive storm wall fell, the realized why the barrier truly existed, the knowledge that their ancestors let get distorted over generations.
I read this as Archon “4” War Theories as if they were military recruitment propaganda LOL
that ending was peak Filipino energy lmaoo
I think theory 4 is most likely
Aster is confirmed to be Barbatos's Filipino vessel. Not only does she sound like Venti, she also sings like a bard.
Wars happen. The Archon war is just another war that befell Teyvat. Before that, there were Sovereigns, seven of them. They were Dragon-like creatures whose might cannot be matched. Until a halt has been placed. The Archon War was not just a selection of Gods to rule and oversee each regions and nations. It was also the fact that Celestia is trying to claim Teyvat by assigning each Gods to every nation.
liked for the “are you satisfied” cover
So I have another theory about the archon war. The "God's/Demi Dod's" of Teyvat were born from Tayvat after the "second crown" took over Celestia. Meaning all those gods were not under their control and whats' more threatening they an army of gods they could in the future take you out with powers you can't block or take away rising up to rebel against their control. I see this archon war as a culling designed by Celestia. One that could to started but holding a "prize" like a Gnosis/prestige in front of the Gnosis that greedy gods would salivate for and spark the war. Enough greedy corrupted gods start to take lands for their own regardless of who in the way means the other gods have to defend their lands/people. Celestia might at minimum need 7 to maintain balance in the world but the world was doing fine with more than 7 if you think about it that way, Moraz lived for 4000+ years and nothing was wrong before the Archon War. It's probably why they don't actually care about the fate of the Gnosis itself. Both Venti and Ei abandoned using them for hundreds of years (in this case of Venti not at all after being promoted to archon.)
Also I feel like Everyone forgoten this point (including myself until someone else pointed out). The Gnosis was created by Celestia but they are not POWDER by Celestia. Venti confirms his power is weakened because his people don't worship him like other nations. Venti promotion was original through the Gnosis. But the Gnosis is powered by the people of their region. As per the Aranara quest, the more Knowledge you again the more powerful the Spirit creatures become. Venti is not as powerful but he's not a weak young shade/wind spirit like he used to be either. 😉 Morax was always powerful so he only used the gnosis to create More through elemental energy. He might see the end of the era of God's eventually despite erosion from the void/abyss creeping through the whole irminsul system.
I think Dottori has created a feedback loop in Sumeru city that acts like a Gnosis… To feed a new "Archon" Scaramouche through the Gnosis he has acquired.
cool vid, Aster
I disagree with all theories here, case there is one more explanation, that you still ignore
your singing voice>>>>>
Mondstadt's cataclysm situation was the attack of Durin right? We still need to complete the lore of Durin, with Gold and Albedo on it. Aaack! Venti story quest 2 when?!!!! 😖
girl ang witty mo sa better than dictatorship ahaha, okay di nlng ako mag talk baka maredtag pa tayo
2nd theory is the most correct one, after all "Genshin" means "Gods", the impact of the gods. Celestia wanted gods who could guide humanity along a certain path, and those who won the war were most fitting. The 3rd theory is just post 2nd theory, and the manifestation of that idea after 100s of years. The 4th theory is interesting though, and perhaps something is wrong with celestia that made them roll back.
ur singing is so good!!!!!!!
I have a theory. The gods gain their power from worshippers right? Then what if having 7 nations led by the heavenly principles increases the power of Celestia? It would make sense why when Venessa ascended to Celestia it seemed like more of a prison? Merge the 7 nations under principles. Merge the ambitions of the world.
kawaiiii voiceee aaaaa ✨✨✨✨
Chill with aster… The ending wowww
Wild speculation and this has no concrete evidence behind it, but what if the gnosis were from the original 7 dragon heirs or smth
My theory is more precise but like a combination of your theory 3 & 4
It's hard to explain really through chat, but the main point is it's too early for a definitive explanation of the archon war because I truly believe the story of archon war is heavily related to the primordial one, celestia and the previous inhabitants(7 sovereign) of teyvat. Also considering that there are three dimensions/realms in the story making it more complicated than it is already.
But one thing I am sure, as Dainsleif one's said, the journey we are in now is just a continuation of past battles. I genuinely believe that in the end of Genshin all will make sense that will give us a happy ending for both the twins and Paimon 😎👌
Rebellion that's all I can think of if there be too many gods and cestia feels insecure for there to be an Rebellion then they cut the gods and to add think of a God and a human as two candle sticks the gods one is longer but just like the humans can be killed hurt and dies it just takes longer .
Anyway that probably doesn't make sense or work on many accounts
I agree with everything except the assumption in all the video of ''celestia chose those who had the best plan for humanity'' or etc. I don't think Celestia cares about humans at all, and with Khaenri'ah, we know that if anything, they despise when humans get powerful themselves because they might become a threat eventually.
How I see it, Celestia chose the gods who had plans for humanity that alligned with their already established ones, and were more centered about supressing humanity's development in the long run too, but they wanted the archons to not realize this, and to think they were there because of what this video says.
I think Celestia also wins something from having the humanity develop, but they definitely set a limit (way less than Khaenriah got to) and have the archons controlling that and guiding them (maybe without the archons realizing) towards Celestia's plan (mostly by faith) (or maybe the archons do know about it, but chose to just follow it, by fear of Celestia)
My theory is also that Celestia uses the god of time to make their plans, and when an archon doesn't accept them or shows signs of not following them in the future, Celestia is part of the reason of why they die in the first place, and so they ''replace'' them with newer ones who would be more willing. Love your videos <3 <3 genshin lore is amazing
The later 2 theories are quite good, Celestia wanting to centralize the divine power like that makes a lot of sense!
The panic when you said " oh, sh*t naka on yung" then just laughed. 🤣🤣🤣
can you please not only do theory but also the story from the archon quest, story quest, and world quest? i usually skip those quest cu i hate reading. regrettably one of the dialogue that i skiped is the ruu quest, that one child who is a ghost from inazuma region, can you please cover word quest too in the future?
The idea of Celestia cleansing the lesser gods and uniting proper nations (just to be able to watch and regulate/control easier)
I think the gnosis have a key role in this were missing. a lot of metaphors, the chess, the running fatui plot. the visions also clue into something there.
Are there 7 archons for 7 gnosis? or 7 gnosis for 7 archons?
and i cant think of any mention of gnosis's (gnosi?) or visions before celestia
It felt like a Hunger Games where everyone is participant.
Having a Gnosis means you get a free powerup no one else can get, so conflict is expected. What the Archons didn't know is that the Gnosis is some kind of contract, basically giving Celestia full control over you. So Celestia got to 1. eliminate possible threats and 2. control those who were left. The only individuals capable of doing anything against Celestia were shackled and anyone else strong enough to ascend to Celestia are imprisoned (Vanessa). Celestia clearly isn't invincible since they wouldn't be doing these things if they were.
Singing with Aster??? 🥺
Imagine the god of salt won lol we be putting unlimited salt on everything
I say that Celestia grow to fear that too many gods have been wondering tyvat and might go against them. So they open the seven position to get rid of the other gods and leave the 7 archon victors under their contract/command (?)