the secret 8th element in genshin impact…

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the secret 8th element in genshin impact…


32 thoughts on “the secret 8th element in genshin impact…”

  1. I am not sure if that is true or not. It is possible that there could be an eighth element, though it is hard to say for certain at this time,
    It is also possible that the rumors are just that, rumors. But if there is an eighth element, it will likely be a mysterious element other than time, something we do not fully understand yet,
    But it is always best to take rumors with a grain of salt, Until there is official confirmation or more evidence to suggest the existence of an eighth element, it is best to remain cautious and skeptical.

  2. I believe that rather than having double pieces, the gnosis will be all six chess pieces including the pawn and Cryo won't have a gnosis/the Cryo gnosis got destroyed somehow (or maybe the pyro gnosis since we know nothing about Natlan but we know about all other regions). That would explain why the Tsaritsa is trying to steal the gnosis of other gods and why the icon when Cryo burst is ready only shows 6 gnosis in the "snowflake".

  3. The real theory is that the 8th element is light, where upon getting all 7 elements, you can merge them back into the element of light, the same element the 2 traveler twins started out with before the unknown god attacked them

  4. This was actually already said and revealed by someone, that the one who built Khaenri'ah is the sibling that woke up sooner, as they woke up 2600 years before the sibling you chose

  5. The god of time is istaroth the past ruler from mondstat with that venti 's creator as a wind spirit she disappeared long ago and was deaply worshipped

  6. If khanriah turns out to having worshipped a god that would be the worst plot twist in the history of gaming. Last element is probably abyss element or smth like the element that dainsleif uses its probably not called abyss element but thats just a nickname

  7. It’s likely the “8th element” is either the Omni element/light element that is in TCG and that the traveler uses in the beginning
    The abyss as dain uses the power of the abyss and is known to be a playable character and in a recent update it was said that “who controls the abyss controls the world” (or something like that) just like a king controls the world

    Also khaenri’ah has no god -has never had a god
    The closest would be the sinner, who the abyss order “follows” however the sinner explicitly said it is not a god

  8. Ok ok wait I have to ask something bc wdym by the elements r represented by the region Monstadt anemo ye sure makes sense inazuma electro ye checks out liyue geo ok ok semuru dendro ye ok WHAT'S PRYO HUH THE SEMURU DESSERT HELL NO N WHAT'S HYDRO??? ( ik there's the new hydro archon n like a new region n everything rlly bro) N DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON CRYO LIKE WHAT IS THE "CRYO REGION" WHAT'S HE GONNA SAY DRAGONSPINE???


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