The Sad State of Geo and Physical in Genshin Impact

Geo and Physical are in a bit of a sad state in terms of support from new characters. Dendro has been around for less than a year and is about to be equal to the amount of Geo characters.

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22 thoughts on “The Sad State of Geo and Physical in Genshin Impact”

  1. My geo is such a comfort team. I have Itto, Zhongli, Gorou and Albedo. If I just want to turn my brain off and not worry I use them. And it helps that I love each character, its a full husbando team and itto is fun, simple and easy to use (along with a killer personality and VA). But as you mentioned there are some times I need elemental reactions and built a beefy alhaithem team for that. So if I need reactions I do that, but let my geo team princess carry me through all events, fights, etc. Is it fun for everyone? probably not. But man is it nice to just not dodge and kill everything with not a scratch on my team. I do agree though, with the geo meta team being what it is, feels like no other geo character can really match them unless they go a different route with geo. I think yunjin was cool in that her kit steered you into not having her with geos (and having the team as a whole be different elements). But even with me loving my geo team, aside from those four I don't use geo.

  2. 3:21 C6 Qiqi "First time?"

    Sorry to see you get numerous cryo cat kids. I got Diona up to C6 in 2021 I believe and have barely been getting her constellations afterwards…until a certain zombie kid came along and ruined most of my 50/50's 🙁

  3. The one character that doesn’t have the general geo problem imo is Albedo. He just sits peacefully in my free spot and doubles the damage my normal atk dps does on every single (or every second) hit without having to think about it much or ruining elemental reactions.

  4. I always pull for the characters I like, I do not have a single character I regret having, minus Yae (I love her, but she's annoying to build), my first main dps was albedo and he will always be my fav boy

  5. How to buff Geo…
    Give reaction to dendro so theres wooden crystalized…
    Enemy will taste our desperation of breaking those wooden shields lmao

    Then enemy will likely to deal pyro damage (and weak to hydro) because mihoyo always love to counter Geo to oblivion
    So they indirectly buff hydro again…

  6. i feel rlly sad for the physical ones
    we have a geo team, and imma say, the real thing ya need there is a cool energy source like raiden. the perfect way to arrange a geo team would be the one using gorou (geo dmg bonus), but it's designated for def-scaling dudes, itto and noelle are the only ones for now (other geo team comps mainin' any other geo but not def-scaling character is acceptable but it loses to gorou+def ones, so ya have almost no choice of compositing ur team, gettin' itto or noelle c6 can be hard asf if you're a f2p like us (but also whoever's gonna roll just for a random 4* to get c6 if ya have cool 5*s that do epic reactions, (no offense) "whoever mains a 4*")).
    energy source is needed bc itto/noelle (esp noelle) are not much about generating energy, so imagine also rollin for raiden just for ur geo team
    also before the update when both itto and gorou were released, …geo sucked even more, there was no point of maining noelle bc lol def scaler no def scaling artifacts yeah ya have white shadow thingy but whatever

    we are noelle mainers, we were tryin to balance geo and physical (so atk stats 'stead of def) when we didn't have c6. gorou c6 would be a really cool advance for us, we sweep enemies off with 20-60k geo dmg per a single attack without any food buffs (keep in mind that noelle's burst can be kept on the field in around of 15-20 seconds, imagine how many attacks are there (but the first 9 (idk) seconds also have a gorou burst buff), it's cool for us, not gonna switch on other characters

    ik there wasn't a deal about it but i wanted to say this point in additional. geo ones are harder in composing teams with it, i hope we get another geo support without def bonuses to find it a wider use

  7. I've been a Eula main since she came out, and I'm still a big fan of physical. The problem I think is more that they cannot make those big damage numbers as easily as elemental reactions. And big DMG numbers is what you need for most bosses later in the game or at a higher world level. Physical is fine for just roaming and exploring, but who besides whales are going to fork over the primos for such characters if you can't really use them for big fights? Besides Eula, she's just in a league of her own.

  8. I got C4 Mika and I absolutely love him! Shame that the state of Physical DMG is as it is. Bigger shame that Geo has zero ractions with dendro. I mean… yeah, cause in the real world earth has no corelation with plants like at all >.> I hope they think about it, and change it. Would be cool, if we could get dual elements team buffs. Like electro+cryo in the party boost physical dmg etc. There are tons of ways it can get better. I strongly recommend adding following line at the end of every. single. survey: change resin system!!!!! Maybe they will 😛

    I pull for characters I like. My favourites of all the time are Geo characters. I love my mono geo team, or 3 geo and a healer. Ningguang, Albedo, Zhongli and Geo Traveler is one of my favourite team of all times. Just pop all contructs and wait 😛 For example I hate Moyoyoyomiya, cause I can't stand her Vo. It gives me creeps. I kinda like Hu-Tao, but I don't like to use her, so I absolutely don't care about meta and all that. This is game, and we should have fun while playing it. <3

  9. No. I don’t like physical and geo because they’re boring to play. But me personally I can pull for any characters if I like them in the story despite them being physical or geo

  10. I still think geo and dendro should have had a reaction call intwine that reduces enemy attack speed and resistance to all physical and Elemental by 10% for 7secs. It would called back to the god of Geo's Shield special ability.

  11. this is a game based on reactions in battle. phy and geo don't sell well cause there's no reaction. that's on Hoyo to try and rework the reactions of geo/phy to make people want to play and pull them. i really hope they have plans to rework them. love Itto but i want other teams using geo than just unga bunga xDD also, i still main Razor on my 1st account so love phy and geo, just wish for a rework and more options

  12. Sometimes I roll characters I don't like because "hey I need a DPS/support of this element" and sadly geo is never on that list. However, I will absolutely roll for my favourites regardless of their element and a ton of my favourites are geo.

  13. i got so attached to albedo to where he never left my team for a year (him + zhongli are my power duo) but like. i hate the state of geo rn. much as a (former) geo main, it sucks to see where it is against the other elements


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