The Sad State of Freminet | Genshin Impact

So I am not sure about you but I think Freminet is actually a fun and some times even strong a character!… But there are a few problems that hold him back, so check out this Freminet Showcase of Melt, Physical and Dendro builds as I go through all 5 stages of grief (:

#genshinimpact #genshinimpact #freminet


27 thoughts on “The Sad State of Freminet | Genshin Impact”

  1. Freminet is like a mini Eula that can also Melt & can be in Dendro teams… but it's the execution that's lacking πŸ˜€
    Tbh, I actually really like him, just wish we could get a closure from Hoyo regarding Physical teams

  2. It's funny how most 4 star characters that has been released for the past few years has always been treated as "This character is so fun!" instead of "This character is so OP!" xD

  3. Honestly I’m put of by him as I find his voice and mannerisms completely irritating and that is enough for me. I don’t care what he could be or how he plays. As for me that whiny monotonous voice was enough for me to dislike his character. I get that he is probably a good unit but for me listening to that guy talk is is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Good video tho 😊

  4. Freminet is still pretty good, I only managed to get him to c2 but I did manage to 36 star abyss with him shenhe bennet and xl one half and hyperbloom the other, granted I do also have an r5 serpent spine so he had a cracked weapon

  5. Physical, Geo need systemical rework since they became completely isolated elements and hence artificially worse with no fault of their own.
    As well as Shatter and superconduct being both mandatory and bad at the same time.

  6. Genshin players be like:
    New character is more powerful than current characters and kills everything in one hit = Powercreep = Sad
    New character isn't more powerful than current characters and doesn't kill everything in one hit = Weak = Sad

    Can't you people be consistent for once?


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