The Return of the Queen | Genshin Impact

#genshin #qiqi #abyss

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37 thoughts on “The Return of the Queen | Genshin Impact”

    I literally made this video before I saw how bad floor 11 was. Just was making it to point out how it seems they want to add more and more mechanics that fully ignore shields and bring healers back into the fray.

  2. Hey Val, any tips to beat Magu Kenqi at floor 12? it seems at least for me he's quite strong or has too much HP. Floor 11 was easy when i just fixed the teams with 2 DPS and 1 healer and 1 shielder, everything went smooth as butter, but Floor 12 with Kenqi is driving me nuts, appreciate your response.

  3. I like to use her with Chongyun, Bennett, and Xiangling. It’s really fun imo to make her a complete cryo dps that can melt, lol. She’s so underrated and is such an incredible unit, idrc what anyone thinks.

  4. I don’t like their strategy for selling kokomi. The abyss should be a rotating “challenge” not a rotating banner promotion device. Not to mention, 70% of the player base dont give a shit about abyss to begin with. If they rlly want her to sell then they shouldn’t have butchered her character to begin with. This new abyss suffers from the same problem as the previous abyss. It screws over the f2p – dolphin players but completely have no effect on the whales. I thought their goal was to target more whales to pull for her? If so then why not add an abyss 13 where healing is more relevant than shielding?

  5. Honestly the corrosion is nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be. I used a Raiden, Xiangling, Xingque, and Noelle on one side and i swept it, on the other I had Eula, Jean, Zhongli, and a straight up artifactless lvl 70 bennet because I forgot I stripped him and it was easy. Shields are absolutely still useful as they prevent any damage other then the corrosion from killing you.

    The big thing is to focus the heavier targets first so you accumulate Corrosion stacks slower and then take out all the weaker ones after. Yes the Cicins Mages can be annoying as all their bugs count toward stacks but just slow down and make sure you have every burst up So you can smash them as fast as possible before they can keep summoning more bugs.

    Corrosion feels less like a way to force you to use big dick healers and more of a counter to Grouping/Aoeing down everything as doing that is the fastest way for your hp to hit the floor. The people this hits hardest are Whales who are used to absolutely destroying everything in their path so fast they don't take damage. If your a Ftp or light spender you will probably have a much easier time dealing with this since you're probably more used to having to worry about your health or clearing slower.

  6. Foe Abyss I was thinking of these two teams, would they work?
    1) Jean, Zhong Li, Raiden, Ningguang
    2) Bennett, Ganyu, Diona, Xiangling

    Shouldn't that be enough healing, or will I kill stuff too fast and die due to mainly having burst healing? Should I get Kokomi just to be safe?

  7. people are overreacting lol
    Bennett diona and jean type of healers are doing more than enough in the current F11 with proper rotation and team comp
    pure healers is still a waste in my eyes and qiqi is forever trash sadge even tho i like her character

  8. If u rotate properly bennett, diona, and even barbra are gonna help you clear f11. The high tide low tide mechanic was honestly more annoying since it messed with rotations

  9. I was kinda hoping you were gonna do an end game esque skit where chi chi would be Thanos and say something like "you couldn't live with losing your 50/50s to me and look where that's brought you? Right back" i know you could come up with something better lol

  10. I bet, most player didn't invest into their healer. I wonder how is 3.1 going be like when it come around. If they got that new mechanic in 3.1 patch. Boy, people are going to be hurting. I hope it ain't so. Best prepare for the worst, everyone. 😅😅😅😅

  11. Honestly I thought that qiqi would be the best healer in abyss 11, but after clearing it 9 stars with jean and qiqi, Jean performs much better than qiqi imho. The corrosion affects all your party, so Jean’s burst heals everyone with little on field time. Qiqi on the other hand, needs to rotate between members after her burst to heal everyone. You can stay and attack with qiqi, but the way i build my qiqi itll be a dps loss. Maybe its because I haven’t used to qiqi’s playstyle, but thats my experience.


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