The real reason why Genshin Impact is 100gb…IT’S HUGE!!!
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If only genshin was as generous as the game looks.
Did you know the distance between mondstadt and natlan is 10km
It's really crazy, my jaw dropped when it's my first time on top of Dragonspine i can see Fountain from there
Okay… but they could make it less storage, I mean, the cloud version is less and has the same overworld. My thing is, why make a cloud version and only give 15 mins a day??
You should visit Pandaria and Kul Tiras
Genshin Impact genuinely is such a beautiful game
Once you fully cleared the exploration, there's no goal in going back, but only to do events. Definitely just a waste of storage on those off-beaten path to treasure 😂
Mobile being only ~30GB makes it even more mind blowing
Now look at Botw and Totk🫥
Diluc with kinch weapon
Brownish finally using the og diluc
By the way I am a diluc main
And I am using him at kevel 40 wuth level 40 bell claymore
I love genshin for it's senery and unique gameplay
Bro the Teyvat is actually a flat world 🌎🌍
That unopened chest in liyue 👀👄👀
Behold the power of draw distance! The game's art style also makes the lesser detailed environments look so good from far away similar to what Breath of the Wild's cel shading does for it. Hoyo really optimized Genshin to hell and back for it to run on every device. I believe this is also why the npcs have similar models and characters have the same body types. To save on resources.
I love that now you can see other regions from diferent regions especialy from Skyfrost nail on top of the dragon spine
You wished itd make warzone look like a baby 😂 warzone is 120-300 gigs 😂😂
What our sky would look like with 0 pollution.
I played this game non stop for almost 1 year like 11 months after starting but now i barely log in 💀
bro i play in ps4 it takes almost half of my storage bru😭 but yk, it's actually worth it too i play it on tv which made the quality SO GOOD.
I saw a chest when he flies with Kuki and now I can't stop thinking about this uncollected chest just standing there!
I just downloaded this game what should i do?
So much to sightsee is great I love exploring everything.
I took 2 years for him to just try to see Fontaine from other regions 💀
After Sneshna he will know about the place where you can see 6 regions at the same time
Imagine GI use npc data that can interact like GTA it will be more fun but also mobile destroyed
Well… I kinda like submerged that tower under the sea so…🤷🏻♂️
I love climbing the skyfrost nail in dragonspine every new region or so to see the view change. The difference from 2020 and now is crazy
I went to fontane after ice bridging from there
99gb is from sumaeru
climb back up on top of the the floating platform above the tallest mountain in liyue and you can see king desheret's pyramids in sumeru from there
Free game btw.
The 84939283 langue versions also take up lots of space. And past quest files which cannot be used again (cut scenes and such you cannot replay). But yes, no matter the loading style, the growing map and character roster will result in bigger storage needs. And the music… Most games don't have THIS much diversity in soundtracks…
I just don't get how people play this thing on phone…
Even if it takes half of my memory, but i do appreciate that i can see king deshret's tomb from natlan
Near the waterfall in fontaine you can see the jade chamber 😀
Only doro can glaze such basic and common game things with such passion.
I was playing on my other account that was new and when venti was playing his song on the cliff I saw Fontaine it was so cool when that part was done I took a picture
"makes warzone look like a baby", and yet somehow that game is still like 200gb lol
TBH the first time i feel immersed with how the open world change (along with beautiful scenery) was Blade & Soul a long time ago, Genshin give me a lot of nostalgia about that feeling
Genshin being 100 gb is ridiculous….
I mean, GTA 5 which is AAA game and has far more advanced graphics is already 100+gb.
That means GTA6 is going eat our systems up😅
The issue with this fact that you can see so much is that it appears everything is loaded in, And Unity isnt great at this and over time the game is taking longer to load each time and has lagspikes, they could make it so only specific objects are loaded that you can see in the distance but they load the whole map all time which is slowly ruining performance.
You can also see the Fountain on the Jade Chamber.💀
Im ar 26 currently and while i still in monstdath story i open all map i could n its so fun ❤its beautiful
Honestly to just be able to appreciate the fact that genshin is constantly updating and LITTERALLY ADDING NEW REGIONS EVERY YEAR consistently with no delays.
Ah yes I love walking from monstadt to natlan without a loading screen
bro call of duty is 460 gigs bro
This made me remember Skyrim 🥹
7:57 i wish she get caught
She is Daggar user i see
I remember the old day playing mmorpg with a massive map with each region, city, even every room has different loading screen. That game is still playable till now, they released PC version recently. Everytime I play genshin, especially Sumeru pyramid, I remember that game