The REAL Reason Why Genshin Impact Is 100GB

The real reason why Genshin Impact is 100gb…IT’S HUGE!!!


I play a lot of Genshin Impact and I stream over on Twitch, so come hang out!

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50 thoughts on “The REAL Reason Why Genshin Impact Is 100GB”

  1. Okay… but they could make it less storage, I mean, the cloud version is less and has the same overworld. My thing is, why make a cloud version and only give 15 mins a day??

  2. Brownish finally using the og diluc
    By the way I am a diluc main
    And I am using him at kevel 40 wuth level 40 bell claymore
    I love genshin for it's senery and unique gameplay

  3. Behold the power of draw distance! The game's art style also makes the lesser detailed environments look so good from far away similar to what Breath of the Wild's cel shading does for it. Hoyo really optimized Genshin to hell and back for it to run on every device. I believe this is also why the npcs have similar models and characters have the same body types. To save on resources.

  4. The 84939283 langue versions also take up lots of space. And past quest files which cannot be used again (cut scenes and such you cannot replay). But yes, no matter the loading style, the growing map and character roster will result in bigger storage needs. And the music… Most games don't have THIS much diversity in soundtracks…
    I just don't get how people play this thing on phone…

  5. The issue with this fact that you can see so much is that it appears everything is loaded in, And Unity isnt great at this and over time the game is taking longer to load each time and has lagspikes, they could make it so only specific objects are loaded that you can see in the distance but they load the whole map all time which is slowly ruining performance.

  6. I remember the old day playing mmorpg with a massive map with each region, city, even every room has different loading screen. That game is still playable till now, they released PC version recently. Everytime I play genshin, especially Sumeru pyramid, I remember that game


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