Today in Genshin Impact we’re summoning for Kokomi.

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48 thoughts on “THE PRETTIEST HERO! SUMMONS FOR KOKOMI! (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Literally i was doing every thing i can on pity 76 while baal was there for like 18 more minutes and i got 160 primos so i went to wish then i see kokomi staring back at me like oh you wanted baal too bad then i do the one wish and i get her

  2. Shes not the "Best Character " not is she the " strongest character " . So u cant call her any of those .Hmm so how do I frame my video title so people actually watch it . Eh well let me call her the prettiest character. She do be pretty tho

  3. I GOT I GOT HER AND HER WEAPON IN 70 PULLS. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE I ALWAYS GET TO HARD PITY AHHHHHHHHHHHH. She is now my very first level 90 character and I farmed so much she also has my first level 90 weapon AHHHHHHHHHHHH

  4. Moga! I will force you to build fischl until you do 😀
    my fischl is only lvl 80, built as a support and has a legit BROKEN build but she still deals tons of damage 😀 she can at least deal 6k-10k with her e and ult which is pretty impressive for me. her crit ratio is legit YUCK but i think she still is great even for a support, as a dps she SO MUCH better including better artifacts although my fischl is support but still is great though has crap artifacts. fischl is also AMAZING for reactions
    if you didn’t know, after you have fischl on c5, she can heal herself out of 20% of her hp which is pretty cool i say ahaha

  5. i was rolling for beidou constellations

    proceeded to get 1 kokomi, 1 the flute and 3 xingius and im not upset about it

    now i can run a taser team 🙂

    but sadly my beidou will stay at c0

  6. i really liked her design and role in the story so i was gonna pull her regardless of meta and i HAVE her but honestly shes SO underwhelming. either make her an excellent healer, a more viable sub dps, more interesting abilities, literally anything wouldve been okay but so far she just seems like a mush of half-baked random skills they barely thought through. even just making her water walking better would make her feel a bit more like a 5 star? possibly regaining stamina in water (when standing still) or just being able to walk on water all the time literally wouldn't break the game. ayaka can already traverse any body of water on her own so idk what they were thinking with this one…? overall disappointed but i still like her ig

  7. If I tell u as a person with bad luck I was like let’s pull for kokomi in my first try and pull I got her she is amazing I don’t regret pulling for her ^^

  8. This is my first time guaranteed pitying a character (Aiming to get Xiao.) I'm at 73 pity rn so i have to miss the 4 stars i want so i can get my Xiao.

    I got Childe & Ayaka with soft pity and on a 50/50 then got my early Qiqi(Making her C1) sooo i guess im lucky. I'm donating my lucky to my friend for Hu Tao's rerun.


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