Today in Genshin Impact we’re trying a popular team I haven’t tried yet called The National Team. It consists of Raiden Shogun, Bennett, Xingqiu, and Xiangling.

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0:00 What is The National Team?
1:30 Team Stats
2:02 New Floor 11 Overview
3:10 Floor 11
6:59 New Floor 12 Overview
7:23 Floor 12
11:58 Final Thoughts


30 thoughts on “THE NATIONAL TEAM vs NEW ABYSS (Genshin Impact)”

  1. okok so national is only xiangling xingqiu and benny. xq can swapp w childe but yeah. the last slot can be many diff characters, raiden, sucrose, ganyu etc. the team is then named after the last char so this is the raiden national or the rationall team. and for seemless/smooth rotations 200 er is reccomended for everyone but shogun. she wants 200+ id go like 250 or smt wich is really easy to get. xl is also by far the main source of dmg so she really wants 4pc emblem, xl does far more than hutao in aoe dmg anf yeah shes pretty broken. it migh be diff for c3 raiden tho and btw you need to do raiden e before xl burst cause she snapshotts

  2. Raitional is the best team comp for F2P's(ofc whales) even messing up roations that comp eliminate anything come in front.. whales prolly go for hyper raiden comp bcoz C2/C3 raiden is broken lol.. over-vape, e char just go bonker xD
    Dont forgot this comp got 3 best support char in game and the best energy support

  3. My f2p shogun has the same stats as his, 52% crit rate, 116% crit damage but my energy recharge is more at 271%. Got her this rerun banner and her C1 in another 10pulls so very lucky indeed. But am stuck with the catch for now and forever probably cz I never wish on weapon banner. I just wish i had C6 sara, only have her at C2. National team is really strong but heavily relies on benny to keep all of them alive. And takes up 3 of the best supports in the game.

  4. Saved my primos for almost 2 months for c2 Raiden and the pity ended up going to Keqing. I don’t even know if I should be 😭 or 😤 but I’m definitely 😒.

  5. Xingqiu just happens to be hands down the best against pyro abyss heralds because both slashes from his E have separate ICD, AND each of the swords in hit ult count as separate hits so he can bypass internal cooldowns very quickly

  6. This abyss is definitely easier than the previous ones. Ironically chamber 3 of floor 12 is easier than the first 2. I only started playing halfway through 2.0 so I still haven’t managed to 9 star floor 12 because I still need better artifacts for my xiangling and xingqiu and Bennett, I only recently even got my first sacrificial sword.

    But because of both the current abyssal moon and enemy lineup, this is definitely an easier abyss than the past few

  7. Funny , I thought wolf lord would be difficult, but he was one of the easiest floors for me..
    This is the first time I could 35 star it ,
    Floor 2 and 3 were so easy , but damn 1st floor is so tanky .

  8. More or less I use a similar team, Raiden National and a Geo team (Ninguang, Albedo, Zhongli and Barb for healing), would like a full Geo but I don't get neither Itto nor Gorou,
    Great luck getting the legendaries I want, except Itto…

  9. Dude u have bennet in team for a reason, use his e and switch xiangling, 160 is more than enough for her, amd the amount of er u have on xingqiu if u werent running the emblem set would be overkill on him in that comp. U do same thing with gorou and itto, so why cant u do it with bennet and xiangling

  10. I've always seen national team showcases in abyss, and it didn't help me much because my 2nd team would be close to empty. So for months i just separate them and just add the same element as my main dps. Might be good to see some alternatives imo.


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