The LUCKIEST Player in Genshin Impact

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43 thoughts on “The LUCKIEST Player in Genshin Impact”

  1. Won the 50/50 on Klee the first time, then won 50/50 on Kazuha, then Raiden with one pull, then Kokomi, then I got two Hu Tao's in the same 10 pull, then I lost to Itto but got him 20 pulls later, then I won Zhongli, won Yae Miko, lost to Ayato, won Ayaka, and lost to Kazuha.

    I've won 9 50/50's out of 11

  2. Bro I have played with someone on sm and she never lost 50/50 on character banner He has 7 5 stars and on the weapon banner he lost one on freedom sworn and gets it on his 18th pull and now has 4 5star weapons and his just ar53 T_T

  3. on my first week of playing genshin i got a c1 qiqi on the perma banner, and i never lost a 50/50, got kazuha, baal, eula, xiao, ayato, ayaka, and latest one is another kazuha so a c1

  4. I win 50/50 9', i have hu tao, kazuha, Klee, raiden, yoimiya, qiqi and kaquing, i the permanent banner, the homa and skyward polearm, i Lost 50/50 One single time with diluc

  5. I made my account during zhongli rerun, started really playing towards the end of ayato banner. I got venti, Xiao, Itto, Kazuha, never lost a 50/50, plus i got a bonus mona on the standard banner (ar 49 btw :D)

  6. I guess we are both very lucky👌
    Lets start on v1.6 kazuhas banner: Mona>Kazuha at 7 pity>Ayaka>Yoimiya>Raiden>Kokomi>Hutao> Diluc instead of my c1 hutao 😭


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