The Liyue Arc Ft. Guoba | Genshin Impact Only Polearms

In this video we finally explore Liyue and try to unlock the whole Liyue map. We also struggle with words every now and then. Watch as I struggle to learn how to pronounce the names of Genshin Landmarks.

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43 thoughts on “The Liyue Arc Ft. Guoba | Genshin Impact Only Polearms”

  1. First of all is "Who" Tao not "Hiu" Tao if that makes any sense,also Pike is in theory better than Dragonspine Spear even tho Dragonspine Spear has i think the highest Physical DMG bonus stat in the game it has awful base atk Pike has lower Phys bonus but higher base atk,Pike is in theory better on Rosaria since i think she has phys dmg bonus from her kit,i may be mistaken,Dragonspine Spear is better for Phys DPS who get ATK bonus from ascension if i'm not wrong cuz the ascension buff compensates for the low base atk of the spear,tho i have Rosaria use the Dragonspine Spear because shee's Cryo and the spear comes from a snowy mountain plus the spear summons ICE droplets which fits Rosaria's kit and cryo theme plus the cryo droplets do phys dmg which is Rosaria's main thing =)))))) its like its specially made for her even tho there are better options,i usually go for aestethics over meta =))))))))

  2. yo pls get xiao now cause the update has been implemented now o and i suggest building yunjin cause bro she deals so much damage when you hold her skill and give her lots of defense o and i juast used yun jin cause i wanted to try he but she is super worth it to use bro you can actually nuke enemies with her or atleast get your enemies hp half its super duper strong

  3. i’d still recommend to get the dragonspine spear
    you can use it on rosaria and still keep crescent pike on xiangling, at least it’s better than black tassel for her

  4. Xiangling isn't a meta main dps in the late game? Bruh, she literally competes with Ganyu and Ayaka for the top spot. Though you can't use her with Bennett, Xingqiu or Childe in this account, which limits her greatly you can still use her with Rosaria for reverse melt after beefing her up with ER. And you can always roll for Raiden later.


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