the history of Genshin Impact's most nerfed character.. (Reupload)

the only archon that currently has no use in any of the game’s hardest contents offered.. looking forward to genshin history being a mainstay on this channel!!


19 thoughts on “the history of Genshin Impact's most nerfed character.. (Reupload)”

  1. Venti is my favorite Archon, and I pulled him even after I got Kazuha just out of love for the character. Still, I hate what they did to him, he's an Archon after all, and they made a random samurai (no hate towards Kazu boy, I love him) stronger and more valuable than the God of wind.
    Same thing with what they did to freeze teams.

    As a veteran player and as someone who used to enjoy the Abyss bc of replayability with different teams, I hate what they've been doing recently, not making the abyss harder but just more annoying overall.

  2. Venti is still my most used unit lol. Usually with Klee too. I'm pissed for Venti not pulling her bombs when he pulls other objects like enemy drops but they are that good even without the combo. At least outside f12 abyss but that place isn't fun anyway.

  3. I've loved Venti as a character so much and was pretty dismayed by the fact that Hoyo seemed dead set on reducing his usability. Some characters have had their roles expand over time, and I'm hoping that Hoyo revisits Venti to give him a second wind.

  4. He was too strong, and because of that his kit doesn't really offer anything else because Mihoyo rightfully understood how strong he was. If they had made the suction weaker and given him something else I think he'd still be top tier.

  5. Let's not forget that venti had great potential as an anemo supporter especially with constellations, but Xiao, whose entire kit revolved around aoe plunging and greatly benefited from grouped up enemies, was made to have PERFECT hit boxes to NOT work with venti ult despite his plunge animation even depicting verticality with the spear effects


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