The History of Furina & Neuvillette | Genshin Impact Lore and Theory

[Spoilers for the 4.0 Archon Quest] In this video I go over Neuvillette and Furina’s relationship, how their roles may have changed …


18 thoughts on “The History of Furina & Neuvillette | Genshin Impact Lore and Theory”

  1. Interesting supposition, but of course we're missing the key lore which likely we wont get till the end of the full story arc. Why did the primordial one wrest control from the dragons in the first place. We now know from the 4.1 archon quest that the gnosis were made from a portion of the dragons power. Although I have no proof and it's pure supposition what if the dragons had unjustly taken the elemental power themselves, it changes the whole story. What if teyvat was an abandoned world which they entered from the realm of light , taking the power of the world within themselves concentrating it, ruling with it? But then what if the world was STILL originally made by the primordial one and she/he had just left for some time for an unknown reason? Then in reality he/she isnt the usurper, they are. But to the dragons the primodial one still seems the usurper since they simply didnt believe that the world was hers/his because they inhabited it for a long time for their life spans. (which would be nothing compared to an immortal being)

  2. After playing 4.1 AQ.. whoa your theories are so interesting and might be true. Thank you for cooking this 😂.

    I was wondering too why neuvi all this time not trying coup d'etat fontaine and what happened to another 'furina' in the fountain. You rly connecting all the dots now.

  3. Could be why he goes only by his surname Neuvillette, and no one knows his real name. I plan on ascending him to 90 when 4.2 comes out. Level 80 is still pretty strong and I can level his talents, etc. (not to mention nickel and dining those annoying starfish one by fricking one) but it feels weird to hear that last ascension line like a spoiler. His character stories are hidden also until 4.2. I feel HoYoverse switched up the banners when they realized how many players liked Neuvillette and threw him on 4.1 way too soon. He feels like he should’ve been released in 4.2.

  4. I don’t think oratrice has another Furina but maybe built by Egeria’s gnosis in dire situation just like Akasha by Rukhdebatta. Or it maybe possible the hydro gnosis is destroyed and furina is now using oratrice as a gnosis for power. It seems fatui did some editing to make its verdict go wrong against Laney. The instance where the guy turned into water is weird. I don’t believe the prophecy of people dissolve into water is real it’s been advertised by Fatui.

  5. I don't feel like playing this game that much anymore ever since I wasn't able to get the Staff of Homa. This is the second time I wasn't able to get it after two reruns. So sad…

  6. The ‘older brother’ dynamic makes sense. The way Neuvillette was dealing with Furina in 4.1 gave me disappointed dad vibes. I was starting to wonder if she was somehow his child

  7. as always theories in genshin makes so much sense, but in the end most of the time we actually see absolutely different picture. This makes perfect sense to me, but as always, I'm a bit sceptical, because writers do have their own vision on the story progression, so we might as well receive some other explanation of their relationship. But great work, good thoughts and phenomenal memory, because after almost 3 years playing this game, I actually can't remember shit from some past story missions, nor actual in-game text. So thank you as well for remindings in the video, love it, man

    also if so, sorry for my English, i never actually studied it, and so my writing skills are just bad

  8. I'm definitely going to try to pull for him but I hav little to no hope of actually getting him because I pulled Klee on her last banner and am at the moment exclusively F2P.


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