Genshin Impact 2.3 will be a lot of repeat events, with some new characters and changes coming to the wish banners. No major glaring issues here, just more Genshin content! Also: they nerfed Arataki Itto biceps and I am crying.
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Music by:
'Husk of Opulent Dreams'
wow that sounds so majestic
'Ocean-Hued Clam'
what the fuck
I'm getting tired of this game
Thanks for the video. I also enjoyed the Livestream, although it was my first, but, given the feedback in your video i might have been a blessing ahaha
I hope to get Itto cause i have wanted to main a geo character for a very long time cause I just find geo characters too, and Itto is that character I have been waiting for, even though zhongli is my first husbando, he is more support and swap out to main dps types. Itto is the character I can main. And if by any chance I do get gorou, then I can put them gorou with Itto cause of the resonance, I'm not looking towards a gorou, but if I do get him, then I will use him as a battery and support.
Biggest news and update to the game: cursed fucking pAimOn gets new va yess jesus christ lord finalllyyy i won't spam skip button when she talks. Thank God that's the biggest feature, finnaly after 1 year they realized how cancer her voice is no matter the lang
I like a lots of players want to be stronger. Even tho they can just one shot kill all bosses.
What??? Itto is not like Razor, stop comparing them. I'm so embarrassed by that.
Why not putting the logo right over your face. Yes you need money but shoving that right in our face like this is not the way to go dude….
Itto is a Kijin oni, hence why he's not a beefy boi
I am turning on YT notifications so that I will be alerted when there is a guide on how to get Paimon in my Serenitea Pot.
gorou is just like geo bennett but for geo only
Its obvious genshin is developed by miHoYo`s B-Team since Xiao because of Star rail
and they invest alot into stuff like Live Music Performances to hide it
Hes gonna eat hes words because in future the enemys will be elemental resistance
I can see hybrid dps/healer potential in the new set
I have level 90 Albedo and Zhongli already, I’m excited to try with Itto and Gorou
They bettwr not making zhongli rerun at the same time with venti.
AHAHAHA just give me gorou, he is cute

Each of the new inazuman 4* characters are trash tbh, there's no point in investing on them
Yeah I feel the same about geo. I mean, me personally I think it's just a Chad flex element. But it is true that they need to do 50% or 2x more damage than other units to rival others damage, which is whatever not all elements are created equally. That's kinda why I'm excited for the Albedo buff. Albedo already does quite a bit of damage off field, so for him to do more? Maybe 30ish thousand dmg every 2 seconds off field? Sounds good to me. I'll have to see though because I really want to see what Shenhe is all about. I got the Homa off the weapon banner and have nobody to put it on so I wanna see if she's a worthy carrier.
yeah not meta bc everyone you use is meta. gtfo dude its not even fun anymore if u keep getting strong characters. yeah boring? you havent even tried him. im so disappointed mtashed
Geo Amber+Razor or Geo Ganyu+Xiao? E taunt and explode, burst boost normal atks.
honestly his voice is not fitting
Imagine the more you level itto up the more muscular he gets
Albedo is shit man they nerfd Albedo's Hair man i don't know what's Mihoyo's problem
I cant tell if hes being sarcastic about the paimon endgame hype. Like one part of me wants to believe that mr stashed is invested in lore or he's just given up lmao
Itto is the most awesome character ever <3 I love him so much and can't wait to get him. Imma have 160 wishes for him saved <3 And gorou is so perfect for him and my zhongli I'm getting them both!
Let have some Witch Queen
I was dying from laughter when we pointed out how important teapot Paimon is
30k hp healing in 3 second for kokomi ez
I don't know man, Mihoyo started releasing specific character support
First sara her cons is really good for electrobuff, second is goro
Or Thoma is really good for hutao ,I haven't seen thoma's big impact on other teams besides the Hutao team……..Even his cons like c6 is really good for hutao too
If the leak true, yunjin is anemo, I bet her role will be anemo buffer for xiao
Since anemo Don't have buff anemo dmg…….. there is a debuff resist for it, but most of it is hidden in the cons like Jean c4, venti c2(?) & c6, it's really expensive for f2p
I still don't know what Mihoyo means to release specific support?
Arataki itto

Irataki Atto
Godrou is so cute but I don’t want albedo and itto…
I agree about the livestream being the most genuine one. But thats kinda because Khoi Dao carried lmao
I really thought they finally made a new body type for male characters … but nope.
It is not possible to unsee those skinny arms of Itto whenever he moves around. xD
I know you will definitely pull for Itto