The Genshin Impact Drama & What Needs To Be Said..

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30 thoughts on “The Genshin Impact Drama & What Needs To Be Said..”

  1. It's not about free 5 star and 10 wishes, it's ok hsr is different and genshin is different, but that person said thanks for past 3 years and you'll get 3 fates, players r angry about that that, what do they think about use beggars

  2. It's not dumb, and it's not for having fun with the game. If you're a voice for your community, you need to reflect that in all situations. People will sweep things under the rug and end up doing it their entire lives because they have no backbone.

  3. lol it isnt even 3 more pulls than last year. they give 3 pulls every :Lantern Rite by mail usually along with Fragile resin and talent books, etc. Last year's mail event was called "Flowing Lights and Colors"

  4. It reminds me of game journalists, who are getting games earlier if they have a good reputation(doing mostly positive reviews). Like sure some of the Genshin creators are given permission from Hoyo to make showcases on special servers to post them as soon as the patch drops and other benefits, but in return they probably can't speak up about some problems(and leaks) and give harsh criticism to the game.

  5. If I see one more person talking sh*t about giving the game a one star review or unfollowing Hoyo/Genshin because of not getting enough pulls I'm going to throw hands. The game is amazing, there are so many amazing characters, the lore bomb is INSANE. There's so much LOVE put in this game by people that NONE OF US know in person that are WILLING to give us new content every time they make an update. They are trying!

    They don't even HAVE to give us anything so better be happy with what you get..if it annoys you so much that Star Rail gets the better things, go play Star Rail instead of Genshin..

    I don't understand how ungratefull people are.

    Btw, leaving a bad review because of stuff like that is ignorant to the creators. reviews are there to tell how you find the GAME not the stuff you get.

    If you want more pulls, pay.

    That's how Gacha Games work.

    Y'all are hurting the game instead of bombing hoyo with messages in private chat on every platform, ruining a game's reputation with various things, even hate speech (i also heard about one of the voice actors getting letters to their home about m*rder and stuff like that).

    Guys please calm down, I understand the frustration, I understand the anger

    But it's not your game, if it annoys you so much, stop playing..

  6. Not speaking up because of not wanting bad pr with hoyo is not a respectable position. Yeah I'm sorry you fear the consequences of speaking against injustice, I'll still consider you a bootlicker

  7. The dumb fans getting addicted to a waifu loot box simulator now have standards when it comes to monetization?
    if they cared about non-abusive business practices, they would never have installed genshin to begin with.

  8. If all creators care about is their rep with hoyo then they deserve backlash from their community.. Its the viewers who supported them to grow not hoyo. So, i think creators like you @eakes should support the community in times like this not hoyo

  9. Well it's about time they speak in that way 3 pull for 3 years support so on that basis for 10 pulls that's 10 year for support like seriously when it genshin dev is gonna understand as time goes on u should update rewards more increase not like 2 +1 = 3


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