Genshin Impact drama.
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Example of hypocritical content creators Tectone, Mtashed (USA), Putupau, Mafioso Crew, (Spain), Rankaisse (Mexico), they cry but at the same time, they love.
A whole 3 PRIMOGEMS!
They should’ve made it 30 or more. How could they chose this dumb move to betray the players?
Lantern Rite is supposed to be genshin's version of their "anniversary" reward patch so getting 3 measly pulls mustve been a real slap in the face lmao. It's funny cause they usually give at least 20 free pulls during this event, they reduced it even more.
Waiting for the 10th anniversary for the 10 free pull
We indeed complained about it, its just genshin whiteknights and hoyobots are too strong that we feel our criticisms dont reach on Hoyo anymore and we feel genshin only listen on cn community. Every anniversary we complained about it and Chinese community don't give a f about it and make fun of us for being greedy so we eventually give up. Chinese new year is like Christmas to them so yeah they gonna take that statement as offensive, imagine your boss said to you you get a 3usdollars as a Christmas bonus as reward for working for him for 3 years lol. I think what made them realize the stinginess of genshin is because a lot of genshin players also play star rail and they noticed how hoyo generous can be on star rail and Dr Ratio was the final straw to them to them to tolerate shitty rewards on genshin.
The reason why I don't quit on genshin because I like open world games and I don't care much about freebies so I wont go that far just because they don't fuel your gacha addiction. I boycott their social medias tho and I stopped spending money. I might consider quitting on genshin if ww has better exploration and combat.
This is why I love tectone. He's not afraid to voice his opinion and other CC's strike him as "the villain". Now, where all the "famous" dumb fq CC creators now or some otherly renowned Genshin CC's. Have they been more uploading stuff like before? No. Cuz they're too pussy to voice it and most of the ones that I follow just stopped uploading and quitted. Such a shame.
I can only say DISGUSTING! 👿 Good bye!
Three times we are being treated like this, it is enough for me! I won't ever play another games from the Shitty Mihoyo games! YUCK!
Tbf, I think he means “you all, three intertwined fates” and not “you, all three intertwined fates” I mean it still doesn’t matter cause it’s still only 3 pulls but just wanted to point that out (whatever pointing that out would do)
"Nah, I'd give 3 wishes"
Genshin community is the worst. Their Reddit is so toxic it makes me vomit
Used my 4 Google accounts and left "lovely" reviews for Genshin Impact.
I truly did the right thing half a year ago when I uninstalled Genshin. No need to stay with a game where the devs are such ungrateful little b@$tards
Blame that on the current director of GI, btw he is the past director for HI3, which OG players will know they get same shitty rewards like this in the past.
3 pulls for supporting Hoyo and giving them so much money for 3 years. So everyone would have to wait 10 years to get even a 10 pull.
I left Genshin waaay back. I understood what Hoyo was even before that letter about endgame came out, and I also understood how warped in the head Genshin players are. It's almost creepy.
I just want the banner system upgraded im tired of waiting 1 a year for Eula’s banner rerun. There are multiple characters that have multiple banner reruns in a year & all Eula main get is possibly 1 a year I don’t know about you but Hoyo is picking favorites its not fair and messed up. I just want to have a C6 Eula but at the rate her reruns are coming out i will never get a C6 Eula. i will have grandkids by the time i will have a complete Eula. this System is unfair and getting ridiculous. the system needs to be evenly distributing the banner reruns so Every character can have there time to shine not because the devs felt like it No the Banner system goes through them evenly and fairly through the year. 😞❄️ i just want a C6 ❄️Eula❄️
Genshin is going to apologize to their community and give them the bare minimum reward….watch, just watch. Its the reason i stopped giving them money, i caught on to them.
As the Most generous Game Honkai, fought the fraud, the Greediest game, He Began to Send his Ratio. Genshin shrunk back in then, Honkai said : "Stand proud Genshin, you are Greedy."
like you said in the beginning "why now complain" i hear their frustrations but this game has been doing dumb shit for years now I cant even be upset anymore because i dont spend any time or resources with this game then needed. and I have already given up on it. 3 wishes? im surprised they gave us anything. but i will root for the chinese and those of us overseas who remain in protest…
Oh, yes, i hope this video gets translated and shared in china … ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Genshin last year: 20 wishes for free without grinding
Genshin this year: 10 wishes that you have to grind and 3 free wishes to thank you for playing our game for 3 years
If they give a free 5-star, I might reinstall. Then after acquiring said character, I'll uninstall again immidiately lol.
Hey, calm down. The game doesn’t give me exactly what I want but it’s not comparable to domestic violence or cheating I n a couple.
I have some concerns about Star rails too, but the game just released. The problem with Genshin, is that almost nothing changed in 3 years. But it does change the fact the games (both games) are great.
at this point i think hoyoverse just wants people to quit genshin so they can terminate service and focus on their other games. imagine getting 100 pulls on HSR on year 1.
Heard it because of the producer. Hi3 had the same producer for 3 years and had awful rewards, this producer left hi3 and went to genshin. Hsr and hi3 currently have the same producer thats why they have better rewards. Really hope this guy also leaves genshin
What's even more surprising is that instead of giving the playerbase a free 5 star, they would rather spend money on bots to buff up their 5 star reviews on playstore and appstore and buy followers on all the platforms. Not only that, they hide the negative reviews on Playstore.
All this expenditure could have been avoided if they just gave us a 5 star and gave the game proper QoL updates. What the hell are the CEO's thinking?! How incompetent as a CEO you have to be to buy bots when your gacha game is the best in the world? They must really hate the players if they are going this far to avoid giving rewards.
Despite I hate Genshin impact I can't stop playing since what game should i play if i only like open worlds gacha games ? I don't like ToF 😢.
We Genshin players were actually fine that we didn't get a free 5-star, we were already treated so badly that we just accepted it, until they insult us with that f*cking "3 intertwined fates" via mail shit. We would be rejoicing if they gave us 30, but no, it's "3". Now, we think it's enough, it seems that there is no improvement in how they treat the players when the other games from the same f*cking company get the QoL that we always asked for Genshin, more endgame content that we always ask for since the beginning, and the rewards that we always dream of.
What happened? Why complain about their treatment now? Because Dr. Ratio happened is why. Let's be 100% here. Way I see it only way Genshin devs save face here is to give everybody a free bird lady. Everybody freaking about the bird lady. Give it up.
Enviosity and all those Asian Genshin content creators are the greatest boot lickers especially Asian guy stream. They would all suck mihoyo’s butthole as gratitude for these 3 wishes
I think they’ve done 3 wishes in the mail for every lantern rite right or was it just this year
genshin stans: OMG 3 wishes! that's 1 wish per year! in 7 years we get 7 more wishes!
That 3 intertwine fate mean 2% off on your 80 pulls 😂 😂 😂
The perfect compensation i accept is a free archon selector 🤡