The Genshin Community Needs to Chill | Genshin Impact

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28 thoughts on “The Genshin Community Needs to Chill | Genshin Impact”

  1. TL:DR: If a discussion of the subject matter is present, by all means give your opinion on the topic. But when the topic does not correlate at all to what you are saying, it becomes purely vitriol to constantly say how you hate ToF where the discussion is not even being had.

  2. Im one of the ones who likes bot games, cant we all just enjoy 2 great games and have fun? Well, constructive critisism is good, but only hating on a game because you dont like it helps no one

  3. they can suck a**. You rule your channel man. I'll be honest, I didn't watch most of your ToF vids because I watch you mainly for Genshin content. But this doesnt mean that I could force you to go back to Genshin only. These people need to learn how to be open to other games despite their shortcomings cause, as you said, ToF is competition. And only through competition will hoyo finally make good changes to Genshin

  4. I'm not playing ToF, but even so, I don't get toxic with people who are.
    Its stupid for people to "try" to tell people what they should or shouldn't play. As long as they are enjoying the game, great.

  5. ToF does have major issues with bugs, and the clunkiness is a pet peeve for me. Nevertheless, there are aspects of the game which I enjoyed – hopefully, this will send a strong signal to Genshin to cast their net to widen their co-op content.

  6. I generally feel sorry for you, dude. Genshin is out here right now unveiling the next update while the ToF community is on fire again because the limited banner disappeared. I mean how many more times can Hotta screw up before people just quit the game?

  7. A new game is always more fun than an old game. Genshin has been boring for quite some time, specially for people that’s been playing genshin for a long time. ToF has that freshness that entices people. And the gatcha system is sooooo much better for new players

  8. Whats stupid that people are comparing a solo casual game to a pvp mmorpg game.

    If you want to compare genshin, try comparing it to games WITH THE SAME GENRE AND STYLE. Oh I dunno maybe compare it to BOTW.

    Literally the genshin community is way worse than League of Legends community.

    Honestly, valk is the only few genshin cc's that knows their place; conveying opinions w/o hate

  9. It's ok dude, people kept calling Genshin a BOTW clone a while back, but despite that Hoyoverse really carved their mark in the game industry, if ToF proves itself to be a great game separate from Genshin, opinions will change over time. Personally, I''m just not a fan of the game's aesthetic, and the fact that it doesn't feel as well put together from the outside. Also, when has the Genshin community never not needed to chill lol

  10. It's crazy how deluded some Genshin fans are. The game isn't bad but you need to be blind not to see it's flaws.
    I consider ToF to be better than Genshin on almost every way, so I slowly stopped playing the game, and honestly i don't think I'm going back. Genshin was fun for a while but I'm done with Mihoyo's bullshit by now, and the toxic community denying the game has any flaws isn't helping anybody either.

  11. That's sad that some fans have to bash other games just because they don't like them. When I don’t like something or someone I don’t even give it/them the time of day because I genuinely don't care lol but some people act like kids or behave like them.

  12. One thing that i hate right now is.
    YouTubers pushing ToF content onto Genshin players.
    Just go and search “Genshin” on YouTube and you’ll be filled with ToF content in the feed. These Ytubers are literally using genshjn hashtags on videos of ToF. The game is different, the audience if different. But when i wanna watch Genshin content and my search results is filled with ToF content I honestly start hating that game.

  13. I would like to point you to a direction where the ToF vs Genshin shit got the most vile responses. The Egg channel. If you know who it is , you know who it is. For the past few videos , instead of just straight up making ToF videos of him actually playing the game , he's been using ToF as a way to shit on Genshin to rile more people up. The comment section of all of those videos became a battle of misinformation's. And while he is spreading out more misinformation too. He prob did that because he realized his 1 trick content AKA , " I SPENT XXX$ ON THIS GAME/CHARACTER BANNER" style does not get clicks anymore. So inciting drama is da wae.

    Also I'm at the point on ToF where i have nothing better to do. The extra farming on the game is just too pointless. 2 weeks in I'm already only playing the game for stamina clear and daily commission. So don't say I'm too busy shitting on ToF while not playing the game. I play the game , as a f2p but there's really not much to do. Also a proud Unicorn mount owner here 🙂

    I would also like to say that , there is no reason not to cover ToF and Genshin together , also WW when it drops too. There is literally no reason for anyone to not play both or all of the games together at once. Unless the Gacha elements is too much for you , the game itself should be A-OK. But still , remember the honeymoon period for every gacha game. If you aren't a veteran in Gacha , you should always know that every Gacha game have a Honeymoon period no matter how the game plays. After a month or so you will start to see the same boredom you had with Genshin sets in.

    You do what you need to do for dailies/weeklies and you log off. Thats the TLDR for all Gacha games. Don't tell me about the "endless abyss" or "raid boss" in ToF. Endless abyss is "ENDLESS" if you can even get past the stage you're stucked in. At a certain point you will be soft locked by ur current gear/power and can't progress further than that even if you play like a god. Raid boss drops is literally worthless without Gold keycard , at that point you're just farming for the support point which caps at 1500 daily.

  14. I love Genshin. But don't engage with the fandom at all. Lmao. So I have no idea what's going on till a youtuber let's me kno and then I laugh in 'having a peaceful stress free life and not letting a video game affect me mentally.' 😂

    Plus I got two of my irl friends into Genshin so they are the only two I speak to about the game and I doubt they engage with the fandom either. Like none of us use social media much cuz ew.

  15. Also Valk please do exactly what you want and make the contents you like. Cuz we like you. If your here and you DONT like Valk why are you here lmao?

    Valk troll the shit out of them. You live rent free on their mind.

  16. Thank you bro. I don't talk about ToF in other gaming channels since Genshinn guys will immediately tear me up. I love ToF and that's coming from a former die hard Honkai guy with 5 years under my belt before stopping last June.

  17. ToF is hella unpolished but it has potential, you can even say that the devs probably have played GI cause alot of stuff that people want in GI are implemented in ToF pretty well.
    – Mounts
    – Raid dungeons
    – Respawning Chest
    – Generous Gacha system
    – Items that are actually useful 100% of the time
    – Traversal is better overall

    If ToF can do this stuffs pretty sure GI can too and they can start by letting Kokomi passively walk on water

  18. Dude exactly!! I’m super excited for Tower of Fantasy! I never see any of this crap in the Tower of Fantasy community. Literally are capped from playing with resin and so no one has anything to do except look up things online about it to pass the time for a game they enjoy….Mihoyo did it to themselves


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