The Fatui Harbingers: Ranks, Constellations & Stories | Genshin Impact Theory & Speculations

The Fatui Harbingers: Ranks, Constellations & Stories | Genshin Impact Theory & Speculation

WARNING: this video is chock full of history, character stories, theater junk, and wild speculations and theories.

Enjoy one hour of pure, unadulterated brainrot!

▼video sources + great videos to watch!▼

Ashikai’s World Structure Prologue:
Christ the Savior Cathedral’s Destruction and Restoration:
Russia Revolution Footage:
Pantalone and Columbina:
Flavio & Isabella:
Arlecchino and Smeraldina (Columbina):
Pierrot Pantomime Show:
Il Dottore and Pantalone:
Capitano’s Monologue:
Sandrone Puppet Show:
Pulcinella Puppet Show:

0:00 Intro
1:36 The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
4:32 The Fatui’s Sumeru Plans
7:23 Scaramouche & the Gnosis
11:17 Dottore
16:58 Capitano
21:55 Pantalone
26:43 Sandrone
29:43 Arlecchino
32:38 Pulcinella
37:10 Pierro
46:48 Columbina
50:44 the brainrot

♫ hits that just don’t quit ♫
▼[in order of appearance]▼

Anime Team Rocket Motto (Kanto Ver.) | Pokémon
National Anthem of USSR | Russia
Sumeru Main Theme [Fan-Made] | tnbee:
Another Ideology | Persona 5
Camping Trip | Persona 5 Scramble
Suspicion | Persona 5
Captain Spaventa | Michele Biki Panitti:
Sands of Amber | Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
All for One | Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance
Singularity | Persona 5 Scramble
The Days When My Mother Was There | Persona 5
One for All | Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance
Meneghimo | Michele Biki Panitti:
Suspicion (again) | Persona 5
The AI and the Heart | Persona 5 Scramble
Suspicion (again) | Persona 5
A Winter Night’s Lazzo [Fan-Made] | tnbee:
Full Fathom Five | Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
Restlessness | Persona 5
Tearless Souls of Byakuya | Genshin Impact
The Realm of Tokoyo | Genshin Impact



27 thoughts on “The Fatui Harbingers: Ranks, Constellations & Stories | Genshin Impact Theory & Speculations”

  1. It has been ages since I watched an hour long video fully engaged, it felt like it was shorter than that. Which speaks to how good you are at making good and engaging content, props to you for that.

    Anyone else finds it interesting that Hoyo is trying to humanize the Fatui lately? For example, the quests in the chasm and the quests in the GAA shows us a more human side of them, instead of just token villains. I think they want us to empathise with them.

    If Arlecchino is supposed to be a mirror to Venti, then that means that she, or should he, is a TRAP!

    Isn't Venti's true form a tiny wind spirit resembling a seelie though? So I am doubtful he might be Phanes. Unless he had a different form back then before he took the form of the young bard.

    Why must you make me think damn it, I hate thinking.

  2. Me: ok weve finally settled down from all the events and video drops, just a smooth ride to sumeru
    Onion: uploads an hour long fatui video

  3. I certainly didnt expect the "are you a homosexuah?" clip in a Genshin video. Who am I kidding, its about time.

    We have the same level of interest with Columbina. I hope she's very important to the lore same as Pierro. But I kinda feel that she's going to be the insane one. :/

  4. I like the theory that Dainsleif is working with Pierro, but if it is true, it will be revealed way later in the story, perhaps around the time Natlan will come out since rn it's way too early for the traveler to start thinking about joining the Fatui

  5. But how would Venti be both the OG "traveller from afar" and "a single thread of the thousand winds" at the same time?! His connection to past and future through wind and song only makes sense because he is seemingly "a part" of Istaroth or The Thousand Winds of Time. It could work as a frame story but Occam's razor (simpler theories are better than complex and convoluted ones) makes me doubt it.

    Overall, this video was quite heavy on speculations and opinions while light on more substantiated theories, but it was a really fun and entertaining watch all the same. Thank you for your hard work!

  6. Absolutely stunning video as always! It was completely worth the wait. You are my favourite genshin theory channel; your videos are beautifully edited and your theories are deep and intriguing and make a lot of sense in a lot of different directions. Now, I don't actually play the game, so I don't know the lore very well at all—but it is utterly fascinating to see how you present it and how how it all ties together and where the inspiration for the lore and characters come from. I can't help but watch your videos over and over, even if I'm just using them as background noise I inevitably stop what I'm doing and pay full attention to it… It's just too good to miss!

    Thank you for all the hard work you put into your videos, you are very skilled and I love them very much 💕 have a great day!!

  7. i am so hyped for colombina, she is the most mysteriuos fatui harbinger so far. the fact that she sings alone, distant from the other harbingers, is like hoyoverse want to point out that colombina is different from the others, maybe like you said she is not human. and tge fact that she is the number 3 remind me Aponia from honkai because aponia is the 3RD of the Thirteen Flame-Chasers. maybe even columbina has mental/ phychic power. behind her head, she has an accessoty with 6 wings, rapresent the seraphs, the angel with 6 wings. another thing is why she blind her eyes? because it can be dangerous?

  8. So good. There are differences, but also a lot of similarities between Onion and Ashikai's theories. Yet, I thoroughly enjoy both. So much research and thought, not to mention all the work of making wonderful videos. Thank you! I anticipate the next.

  9. The thing about the symbol of heresy, it only seems to be found on stock websites. I can't find any cultural reference to it anywhere, it's like stock image websites just made it up.

  10. it’s straight up disrespectful how they’re using signora’s coffin as a meeting table lol.

    the fact they aren’t looking for a recruitment or revive her…it’s mindblowing this was crafted on purpose. if the cryo archon knew the shogun was a puppet…what’s the point of sending Signora to Inazuma when she already got TWO gnosis. Pirrero is plain DIRTY. she was a pawn anyways, i’m not surprised.

  11. Awesome video! You and Ashikai are my favorite theorists, your videos are so much fun 🙂

    I bet Tartaglia's line about Arlecchino made many people happy since it might mean that she'll get along with the Traveler thus she'll be playable. Either way it'll be interesting to learn more about her, especially if she's been with the Fatui for a while but plans to betray them, because why betray them now? Surely she's known for a while how these kids became orphans to begin with. Unless someone she raised in her orphanage grew up, had a family, but then died along with their spouse leaving their child to become an orphan and this is what caused her to contemplate betrayal.

    Also I really hope we get a Harbinger boss battle inside the Goth Grand Hotel, I'll feel bad for Mr. Goth since we helped Mona get a place to live and now he has a tenant who doesn't pay her rent and on top of that we blow up his hotel but at least he has a son that he can pass all that along too. 🤣

    But the Fatui probably added a lot on to it, maybe to make a secret underground lab? So hopefully it will only be kind of messed up.

  12. Ayato seems to share a lot with Otto as well, is it possible he inspires multiple characters? I'm not sure how HYV rolls. But they share voice actors, sneaky personalities, tree motif, and both are involved in training up orphans to be agents in their elite taskforces.

  13. @the little onion that could

    [Pash!] April 2021 Issue
    Genshin Impact Developer Interview

    Question 10:
    How were the designs and themes of artifacts decided?
    Answer 10:
    In terms of designing artifacts, the sources of inspiration are from both "Tarot Cards" and "William Blake's Poem".
    First of all, in Tarot Cards there's a card called "Magician", it presented itself while carrying the "Cup of Water", "Pentacles (or Coins) of Earth", "Rod of Fire", and "Sword of Wind" which symbolized four elements.
    Next, in William Blake's famous poem <Auguries of Innocence>, symbols such as sand, flower, and robin birds appeared, which represented "Infinity", "Eternity", "Judgment" respectively. If I keep on talking about this now, then I will be touching on the core parts of the story of <Genshin Impact>, as such talking about this in detail may be a little difficult……
    Fundamentally speaking, all the inspirations came from the above two things that I just mentioned, which made us finalized the decision on the artifacts' main themes of "Flower of Life" (Eternity), "Plume of Death" (Judgment), "Sands of Eon" (Infinity), "Goblet of Eonothem"(?), and "Circlet of Logos" (?).
    If I’m to say and reveal a bit more, firstly, in terms of in-game story and plot settings, artifacts (and their set effects) aren't something that the people of Teyvat can activate just by equipping the pieces.
    Secondly, whenever people in Teyvat have to go out to do things, before they leave, if they want to obtain blessings (artifact set effects) from the artifacts to aid them in their affairs, they have to perform a ritualistic prayer. It’s that kind of setting.
    Hence, this is exactly the reason why in the artifact equipment screen of all the characters, their character models go into the praying pose.

  14. i hear lotta people saying Arrlechina is a bad..
    butt what if. .. what she does is simple to "empower" or make strong these orphanages because of how harsh snzyhia is in general also cause as we all'd expect fatai plans will clearly make the life worse… so she's "toughing" the kids up despite not the best methods.. and this might also then tie in to her "not being loyal" because she doesnt actually like the situation in snezyhia and what they do to children and etc… expecially like detorre..?! so she's only working with them cause she its benefical cause ur in the know and have access to highest stuff and whats going on.. that way u can better train/prep the orphans and if she's gonna turn coat eventually .. she'd be well equipped to carry out a resistiance and what not..

    so what im saying maybe she is also a misunderstood character by lot of people in the community… maybe her "love" for the children sadly requires tuff love so to speak.. cause clearly the fatui like detorre and pantalone and etc have no problem using u and spitting up out.. and arrlechina is lowkey maybe building the children/orphans to with standing the chewing process and even surive getting spat out.. and then this might also apply to columbina.. on the topic of her breaking peirros heart and siding with arrlechina… 🤔

    thus both break away and bam.. those two might be playable characters?!

    also just a thought.. if she is mostly responsible for raising child soldiers and etc… theres a high chance imo if she does break away.. that would be extremely crippling to the fauti as wouldnt many of the fauti soldiers proably have been many of the kids taken from their parents and trained into soldiers..? it wouldnt be impossible for a massive break off of fauti soldiers to leave with her in away.. cause if shes not loyal to the tsaritas.. she probably also lowkey planted that seed in the childrens heads too…
    consider the fireplace furnish u mention ""the anemo archons protection ensuredthat such a hearts are no longer needed for the people of mondstadt"
    so maybe arrlechino's hearth IS NEEDED right now cause lets be real.. the nation sounds like horrible cruel harsh place.. and her "hearth" despite how she gets orphans might lowkey be a means to save the kids.. as in maybe without her role in the harbingers might be worse off and even more exploited.. again im thinking if she does plan on rebelling she has to look the part as a cruel person who's obsessed with the harbinger goals while lowkey not at all ok with it and just playing along to protect her people aka the children despite having to engage in lots of nonsense.. im pretty sure if she openly was agaisnt turning children into solider she woudlnt even be accepted or allowed as a harbinger and it just be someone else..

    so i concluded that maybe she is "Not loyal" percisely because of how the children are used and treated by the fatui and harbingers..

    if i turn out right.. that kinda makes her a damn hero and good person lmao.. aka shes really not a "traitor" because shes actually "loyal" to the children.. aka the future of the people
    note .. this is also my simpness talking… 😂

    also i been saying katherine is a dang fatui spy. and the advanture guild is a intelligenct gathering network… and now that i seen the marionate .. im calling it thats "kathrine"
    i think all the katherines and the adventures guild are still and independent guild with no connection to the fatui.. cause thats how true spy orgs operate.. they have no assoication nor ties with who they are spying for.. and also often oppose the very ones they are spying for.. as thats just what u do… its good for the public eye.. to have zero connection.. the catch is… all the adventures and etc are unaware they are simply gather all kinds of info on people.. events.. items.. locations.. whos who .. whats what and all the katherines are simply collecting this info and relaying it to the marionte… xD im calling it.. before this trailer i always assumed there was a "centeralized super katherine" which all the katherines were connecte to.. butt now i see the marionate and im so theres a real person not just robot behind it.. xD i wonder if that massive robot carrying is lowkey where all this gather info is relyed to and she is literally sitting in its hand so she has 24/7 access to it… aka she could know literally when we the player turn in our commision cause katheryine sees us doing it and info came be relayed back to her.. marionte be like "oh btw the travellor just turned their commision in mondstadt" so if true.. shed know exactly when we arrive in sumeru when we meet that katherine there too…

  15. In Comedia dell’arte Columbina is very important. She is the only one that can see what fools the others are. Her relationship with audience is often very intimate. She seems to know more and see more. I think this is quite interesting and it would be nice if Hoyoverse with incorporate this into her character


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