💬 In this Genshin Impact guide, I show the fastest way to farm friendship exp (or companionship exp).
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🎵 Song: Kontekst – Destiny
❓ Frequently Asked Question:
Q: Why is your name F2P Diluc if you’re not F2P?
A: My name is F2P Diluc because I’ve already beaten all the content in the game when I was F2P. Now I buy the Battle Pass and Welkin Moon because the resources help a lot to build more characters and make more videos.
🎥 Here you can see me getting 36-Stars in the Spiral Abyss when I was F2P: https://youtu.be/W9Ryy63OXmM
oh nice
Im gonna crown My Diluc
Off topic where can I see your diluc build
Ah, friendship points farming, the real endgame of Genshine Impact
I do all of these all timee
screw farming artifacts, I'm gonna farm friendship so I don't get hurt by rng
This is what endgame truly is
I'm done with leveling up Friendship for most of the characters I like using lol, probably won't bother getting Lisa to Friendship Level 10.
There's a spot to farm friendship in inazuma that let's you feed a dog. It's the fastest one iirc, and allows any team. Needs fowl though
The dog feeding event in Inazuma that Envi showed is much faster, but requires 10 fowl total. I tried posting the link, but youtube filtered my comment. Search for his f2p routine from 3 weeks ago.
Dude I wanna know why your name is free to play dulic?
this is the video I needed. Thank you☺️
🌸😹I am to subject myself to earnest tongue, and utter that I do not often think much of friendship points😹🌸
Ah yes, time to pull out my Level 20 characters to face Level 90 mobs
jk I have a shield character just in case
i love the fact that the video has no outro whatsoever
If only I could friendship farm IRL.
fyi you can press 'L' on your keyboard to change your party setup faster (pc only)
IS that 40 Friendship exp is divided by 4 when i use all 4 not yet completed exp team
Or you can craft the blue crystal (the one that use resin)
I like how he ended the video
does the exp devided to all char in the teapot or na?
example : if there's 60exp in the teapot, and there's 2 characters…are both of them gonna get 60 or 30 each?
Basically I don't much care about friendship points but I have put my basic character that I don't use in pot and now they are lvl7 without doing anything 👍
There is also another spot to get 15 friendship exp just north of the southernmost teleport in Konda Village. The quest you get is "Warden of Konda" to scare pigeons. If you kill them you also get fowl 😀
I got like 21 out of 36 characters I have on max level friendship. currently 4 more characters are on level 9 and close to max level too using these methods (and more on co-op for me). also remember to always be considerate while farming friendship exp in co-op, like ALWAYS put your strong artifacts on them, have some talents upgraded and have them on higher level (lv 50 or 60++ and higher). 🙂
Does the word "friendship" start to sound weird to you?
Am I the only one who doesn't care about friendship level?
also when farming domains, do it in coop
Por que você não faz uma conta no instagram?
i must resist spending primogems for friendship exp