The Damage That The Genshin Impact Drama Caused!! MASS REPORTING OF SMALL CREATOR!!

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22 thoughts on “The Damage That The Genshin Impact Drama Caused!! MASS REPORTING OF SMALL CREATOR!!”

  1. If people have a opinion about genshin about make it better. And turn out that a very bad thing to try make it better. That is crazy. So the one that are defending genshin want it to declined. All that time and money spend equal to picking mint. Spending $50 to $1000 on a characters in end to go pick mint. Now that shit crazy. There are better game out there that do better then that, MINT PICKING…….

  2. These ''possitive'' Mf's just prove that they are nothing more than hypocrites. If they were actually happy with the state of the game , they would be able to joke around it. For any1 playing league, you ll know how riot games has been the butt joke of this game for ages now , however no player, not even the devs have an issue with it. They even embrace it

  3. if community toxic, it means Hoyo PR is kinda toxic too since they allow this. I mean it is china company, they are manipulative af. This just a tip of iceberg.
    Better not playing this game because of this sh…..

  4. bro pls fix your sound balance it always sounds like the sound is in my left ear PLEASE make it mono because it is super uncomfortable to listen to with stereo headphones. thank you!!

  5. Genshin community is SO wholesome!
    Genshin community: toxic positivity, wants to destroy everyone critical about their game, bunch of mint pickers, shares 1 same brain cell.
    I play Genshin since release but I don't want to have anything in common with those troglodytes. miHoYo allows that sh!t and even sponsors it.

  6. You are addressing the genshin community. But in reality CC's followers are attacking each other.

    Meanwhile Genshin Community is looking for the latest event quests and events.
    Drama died for them at the start.

    In my case, when I see someone "being real" or giving "positive" criticism, I just block them. No need to report them


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