The BRUTAL TRUTH about Yoimiya's Rerun! Did she age well? Genshin Impact 2.8

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In today’s video, we go over 48ish things to consider for Yoimiya’s rerun in the 2nd half of patch 2.8! I go over tons of pros and cons and provide every detail I could think of about our favorite fireworks manufacturer, Naganohara Yoimiya!

#genshin #genshinimpact


35 thoughts on “The BRUTAL TRUTH about Yoimiya's Rerun! Did she age well? Genshin Impact 2.8”

  1. as someone who got her in her first banner , i can safely say she's still my favourite char (raiden close second) in fact she's my only crowned char , i run her with r2 rust (ik unlucky) yet she is still able to clear abyss , if u like her and her insanely cute va and normal attack animation definetly get her she will carry you in single target situations and she's a flexible unit as she has a ton of teams ( vapr , overvape , overload…)
    anyways , i hope all yoimiya wanters will be yoimiya havers 😀

  2. As 3.0 is just ahead and lots of new reactions with dendro await, I think Yoimiya is a nice character for exploring Sumeru. A Fischl, Yelan, Yoimi and a character that applies dendro off-field can trigger lots of reactions. Besides, you don't let a Hu Tao out for exploration, do you? 😁

  3. C6 HuTao, R5 Homa and C6 Yoimiya, R5 Thundering Pulse haver. I love both girls. I do use Yoimiya more personally though to just unga bunga and literally pew pew everything. Easy and chill, dont gotta think. HuTao for my yahoos and quicker speed runs, or nukes for fun. But Yoimiya is a fun and great unit I feel. Does everything I need her to do. 💜

  4. Damn this video really undersells her ult which is around 30% of her damage.

    Plus recommending shiminawa? Bruh you're just nerfing her if you don't run crimson witch.

    Crimson witch being run with constant ult+Xingqiu ult+Beidou ult+Bennett buff is easily about an additional 30k per shot and that's even without the vape shot damage which ramps up to about another 30-50k

  5. As someone with a staff of homa hu tao since patch 1.3, I chose yoimiya over her the vast majority of the time if I need a pyro dps 😅 On paper single target doesn’t sound as good, but yoimiya with good supports is just so strong and convenient and kills everything so easily that it doesn’t matter at all lol

  6. If you dont have rust, you shoild definitely use Slingshot. It is way better than hamayumi
    Also, her burst, even though underwhelming, is still a very important part of her kit. (10-20% of her overall dmg depending on if you use it every other rotation or every rotation)

  7. No one mentioned the Slingshot for Yoimiya. Its the most f2p weapon for her and can easily compete with 4 star bows. Not to mention the high crit rate stat it gives for flexible ratio. Of course, if you have R5 Rust then just stick with that

  8. Fact check : If You play mainly on mobile, You'll regret skipping Yoimiya as it's a huge ease of life character
    not to mention since Inazuma patch most of Boss is moving which is a pain for melee DPS

  9. Hidden strength is that she is absolutely the best against specters and great against most overworld trash mobs. You really do need a high refinement Rust and a good Shimenawa set to make her shine but then it is on. You also really need Zhongli because using normal attacks makes her a melee character in spite of the bow. That and almost every enemy has ranged or rush attacks.

  10. Iwtl: "I predominantly use Yoimiya on the other side of the abyss 12 that im not showcasing for most of my videos"

    He may not saying it out loud because people always get triggered but that's probably a confession from Iwtl saying that she's the best because she is reliable.
    No need to fish for huge crit on ult, no tedious setup and no floor restart. Just use E and delete the floor.

  11. Honestly, at this point with so many flying enemies, new support (Yun Jin, Yelan), more boss focused abyss, speedrun, usage rate and dps sheet, I don't believe she's average unless you consider Itto and Ayato average.
    To me she's pretty much at the higher end of high tier reaching the bordeline top tier.
    Basically VV/Overvape Yoimiya is were I currently have Mono Pyro Klee and Melt Ganyu.
    Yoimiya has higher ST damage than them but falls of the more enemy. She also lacks good interupt res tho (no shield or XQ) making her losing DPS very easy.
    Ganyu has better AoE to compensate but lower ST than both. Need Zhongli. Diona is an option but still not enough there.
    Klee is better than both in AoE and better than Ganyu in ST (Mono Pyro Klee is ridiculous) but she's the hardest character among this 3 to master.
    In general this 3 are hold back by being squishy, Yoi, Klee and Ganyu would want a shield but only Ganyu can afford it at high level.
    She has the strongest potential with access to Shenhe but unless you can 1 rot before an enemy come close its eh.
    I do believe current Yoi is honestly better than current Ayato and Itto. A bit to sustain for abyss that suck off frontloaded carry.


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