The Beginning of the BOWS ONLY Account! (Genshin Impact Bows Only)

The beginning of the bows only account for my new genshin impact account. With the new yelan banner coming in 2.7 I decided to make a bows only account to challenge myself on genshin impact. Hopefully we can pull some cool five star characters and eventually beat abyss and make some really cool team comps.

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#GenshinImpact #Genshin #Hoyoverse #BowsOnly


50 thoughts on “The Beginning of the BOWS ONLY Account! (Genshin Impact Bows Only)”

  1. Maybe next episode I can get a bit luckier ๐Ÿ˜…

    Edit: Yโ€™all wonโ€™t BELIEVE what happened, look out for the next episode!!!

  2. Man I'm a bow main ever since yoimiya banner and I don't really use other characters except my team which is Yoimiya(Main DPS) Barbara(main healer) Rosaria (support) Diona(second healer) idk I don't even farm much or level up other characters I know it's a waste but I'm kinda happy with what I have I guess

  3. how did kaeya die?
    and how is lisas burst not up after three hours of playing? even if she didnt got used she would have her burst. u can see in 9:21 that lisas burst was up so u used a non bow chara.

  4. Iโ€™m sorry if this comes across as mean, but I feel that Java tries much harder with his series, I mean he did almost 330 attempts for the archery challenge. Although this is the first episode and I donโ€™t mean this comment as a hate comment just constructive criticism.

  5. Don't want to ruin it, but Java already thought of doing bow only, and at the start you did use a sword. Also, why could you use a sword for farming ores, wood, etc? Not to mention it's pretty boring to watch using only aimed shots. . .

  6. LMAO the five star in the noelle banner happened to me, but it was on an acc where i decided that i would only use catalysts (back in like klees banner bc i got her early)
    keqing will forever be the bane of my existance

  7. Those golden things you pick up apparently are meant to be used in the teapot and they are related to music from what I understand (probably they change the music background in the teapot or you can use them with the harp?) but I'm not 100% sure, I never tried to use them neither I tried to see how they work.
    I just searched a while back what they were, learned that they are connected to music and the teapot but that's it.
    I didn't tried to see how they work.

  8. People: getting 5 stars at 0 pity
    People: Getting 5 stars and various 4 stars on noelle banner
    Me: only gets noelle on noelle banner and gets first 5 star at 89 pity
    AND IT WAS A LOST 50/50 TO Q I Q I

  9. 3:28 it is a coin that is used to unlock the music in the serenitea pot. there is a tool to open it like a flower vase that will make the room in your teapot have custom music to your liking. Every radiant spincrystall means 1 song.


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