“Genshin Impact” has some great bosses for testing the might of players! For this list, we’ll be looking at the toughest bosses to give us grief in the action RPG. Our list includes La Signora, Maguu Kenki, Geo Hypostasis, Childe Tartaglia, and more! Have you fought any of these enemies and won? Are there any brutal bosses we missed? Let us know in the comments!
Watch more great videos on tough bosses here:
The 10 Hardest Fallout Bosses And Enemies: https://youtu.be/nPUM0Ib3vm0
The Hardest Boss Fight From Every Zelda Game: https://youtu.be/DtY-tWlb7JY
The Hardest Boss Fight From Every Metroid Game: https://youtu.be/Ba6XWEUnOV0
Big thanks to all the channels featured in our video!
Game8 Global: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxdT0BuhGPiCHXPnC4GVXPg
Gamer Housewife: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxKQAK0oH-Kti86Ti0UQ0oA
MonkeyKingHero: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_zLc4F5Wdtos7iFuQyGWkg
Iczel Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxNp-VoO5o9Vmoiccobyzvw
Xeno Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBLshJjha67-vjC_qUW5I7Q
Airyuken: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqu4hweOFz9IEPVwvTW6dA
GameForU: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdBlRpLv4lDbctAEPB_f-dA
Engineering Plastics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmGhXfbj3ZFNYXwLl2VNyfQ
NYAM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCegylgHfP14j5LGQD9ZWhXw
MMOJACKX57: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXpWY5VTcJOLQqKjwnB6Q2Q
ScrappyCoco: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMWJmzjmipwU4Wqkg10xpVg
NFZL YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSshbDW5i_v7NE1eLifKeuQ
Regis Gaming Story: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8dqdaZ65P05bI6DihIX09A
nandakho: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7y-QFEKbdYhqV6b-9t_Uvg
Bg Noice: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIkBRm0QZJ4zdnlT1Sj-jTw
100% Guides: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRvx1nQZ-YXvxc6IOB8mKPg
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Big thanks to all the channels featured in our video! Check them out with the links in the description above!
The 10 Hardest Final Bosses In Zelda Games -> https://youtu.be/v2fYZyz3Elk
The only thing that's harder than all bosses.
The samurai doge
It literally took me 45 min to fight adzuha due to wait barbara to heal my party
I never win signora yet 😭😭😭😭
Even childe/tartagila i still manage to counter him but i cant counter signora.😭😭
The Boss fights are not hard! they are just bad designed. Genshin doesnt care about game Design, fight mechanics or good gameplay at all its all just pay to win or RNG.
coming from FFXIV all i have to say is l m f a o
Yanfei main here and cryo regisvine is ez
My top ten Hardest bosses are:
10. Dvalin ( I can one phase him)
9. Andrius ( Switch to a pyro or any other element other than anemo or cryo)
8. Primo Geovishap (Use a sheilder to deflect his breath)
7. Childe (His attacks are strong but he has very low health)
6. PMA
5. Maguu Kenki
4. Golden Wolflord
3. La Signora
2. Azdeha ( I hate fighting him when hes cryo)
1. Raiden Shogun weekly boss (She can one shot your character if you are not careful)
I Bet you
That Raden shogun is the most difficult
It is in my quest from a month now and i still cant defeat it i am AR40
I Bet everyone genshin player will agree to this
We all know that artifact rng is the true strongest boss.
Wtf ? Stormterror it’s so easy to defeat.
Bro 💀 this game dosent have even one hard boss
I am rn at ar 26 kinda scared to fight childe at ar 28 got any tips for me?
Why Mojo always giving false information? Is that’s your forte?
As an AR60 player, I don't know about hardest but my easiest is Dvalin Childe and Signora.
Edit: hmm for hardest, I think the most annoying ones were oceanid and the thunder bat as Ayaka can't hit them so I need to swap in Ganyu.
Geo stasis too I guess. Since it's a hassle to break the pillars.
Kenki and Azhdaha…why Kazuha why…😭
The hardest one is the eye of the strom from the secret mission at hidden place
The only boss on the list I find difficult is Azdaha and that is only when you don't have shielder on team…
all those bosses are ez
so fake!
Oceanid can attack us physically? I’ve never seen that
I literally deleted the game because of stormterror dragon. Stopped playing for like one year.
Did you guys just google 'bosses in genshin impact' and put in random ones in a list?
Geo isnt hard but mannnn it took so long to beat it i find it very boring
Huh, how very interesting,
Hm, since there’s been Updates on the Game, maybe there should be a Update for this List?
I just defeated Maguu Kenki, thunder manifestation and geo hypostasis today, and didn't die. I never knew I was so good.
Bur Azhdaha and Raiden weekly boss fight is just too much
Devalin is so eazy eazier than geo hypostatsis and thats sad because i can do geo hypo in 3 rounds
Crying Regisvine isn't that hard… It can be a bit annoying but it's not hard… And Dvalin is literally the easiest
Fight with Baal is tough
Azdaha without a shield is almost impossible! Signora is also pretty hard. I can't get the achievement where you mustn't destroy the temperature cores.But come on Mojo Andrius and and cryo regisvine are only hard when you have the starter team..
the hardest boss for me miazmic tumor 😅 it didn't even move but still the hardest what if he moves 💀☠️
who thinks devalin is the easiest
The difference between a new player into a veteran player is here.
New player : a beginner who would have a hard time facing every new bosses. And hard time grinding oculi and chests.
Veteran player : A advanced player / whale who never gets a hard time facing new bosses , and all oculi and chests 100%
Dude i litterally beat cryo regisvine first try early in the game using only amber
My list is :-
1) Raiden
2) Azdhaha
3) Andrius
4) Signora
5) Golden wolford
6) Thunder manifestation
7) Twin dragon forgot the name
….. Other bosses are easy for me