Today in Genshin Impact we’re doing another dumb challenge. This time, we’re taking the smallest characters (Klee, Qiqi, Diona, Sayu) and the tallest characters (Zhongli, Childe, Ayato, Itto) and doing abyss.
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0:00 Who Is The Tallest?
2:25 Building The Teams
4:31 Time to Abyss 12
Jean is taller
you can make 4 party so why not tallest, mid boys, mid girls and shortest
You missed xiao on the tiny team?
is yelan not as tall as childe?
If I remember yelan and kujou Sara are tall
For the Cyro cube if stand close before it throws those spike it spawns closer
i see xiao isnt in ur team, smh
hey moga just wanna say, diona is a great support with the tenacity set (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Another challenge ……. Switch around your WASD keys and Skill and Burst keys and try playing th game , also abyss if possible.
Tip: when ur trapped in the mirror maiden cage, you can roll out with Sayu
That also applies with Yelan and Kazuha
xiao is also the tallest according to zyOx
Fun fact kujou Sara is the tallest female character and yoimiya is the tallest medium girl figure
Those Who calling Xiao Short. Thank you Xiao is not Short and He is taller than YOU. You are just jealous of his height
1:28 thats what she said….
this copium childe build is killing me as a childe main 😭37k on a burst… meanwhile mine does 200k in ranged stance lol
Love how you still have the Walmart team 😭
Tall vs short = Boys vs girls
Hi Moga! I am sorry for being very late but can you do a god mode diona or can you try doing abyss with only four stars ?
moga: hm who else taller
zyox: u know the answer bro
Whoever at mihiyo out ruin serpent in abyss needs to stub their toe every day for a week straight
I'd rather fight maguu Kenki, because at least kenkis immunity phases are predictable
Where is xiao he is taller than itto cman
4:20 I was actually confused for a second: Why is he putting his Childe team in second half? He said fi… oh.
Who named him that. Honestly. What the heck?
yeah, when I learnt about hugging the cube so the frostfruits don't go far I was doing that for some time but I still have SKILLISSUE so sometimes I'd still only get two.
Then I learnt I could just use pyro to melt a little bit of the shield before hugging the cube. With that I only ever need to get two of the frostfruits.
I watched a Klee guide that recommends N1C (kinda like hu tao) for her combo. N2C (with animation cancel) if you REALLY want to juggle enemies, otherwise, just use N1C as your ONLY attack combo
Moga 10:26 if you use enough electro and/or hydro the boss will fall and you have roughly a minute of down time
might be different in abyss but still
Itto is the tallest
In order to stun the serpent when he's doing that charging thing you have to hit the glowing cores. Its a real pain without a bow character though
I think that they all have the same character model height (within their specifications <tall male, tall female, medium m/f, small m/f>) but it’s their shoes and hair that makes them taller 🙂
Can you do girl edition
Glad my stupid suggestion made for a good video-
Shara Is the tallest champ
🥹🥹 what about xiao?
They need to stop putting world bosses in the abyss, not just because they’re frustrating but also think about how many times we fight them to level up characters, no more world bosses Mihoyo.
I seen a few ppl comment this but I’m gonna say it anyway for the cryo cube stay close when it shoots the first balls the further u are the further it shoots them.
hi Moga, I have a question off topic. i wanted to watch one of your abyss vids, this one with hydro mymics, there was this clip where a boar pushed you to the wall ans you couldn't move ans he was ont he whole screen and it was so hilarious, it was one of my fav vids of yours, but I cannot seem to find it. did you delete it by any chance or am i just that bad at searching ?? I remember when I used to look for it a few months ago, I had no problem. thanks in advance and have a great day moga !!
Itto looks like jiraya😌
"I don't like Thoma"
My best friend, who loved Thoma to the point she has a DPS build and tried so hard just to C6 him
how are you still not bored of this game