Story Teaser: Byakushin In Biting Snow | Genshin impact

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40 thoughts on “Story Teaser: Byakushin In Biting Snow | Genshin impact”

  1. Wow this is so amazing and beautifully well done! As someone who’s an Ayato main and is a character that will forever be one of my favs in the game, this is literally the best thing ever! Getting to dive down a bit deeper and getting to look at Ayato’s past and of his clan, family, and the growth of his character is something that I loved seeing! His past is something that was always interesting to me when I was reading his story so getting to actually see this was really cool and nice! Thank you!

  2. I love the animation! I got ayato on his first banner and recently got his signature weapon. And I'm now trying to build him. It's always nice to see more screentime of him 😮

  3. its mind blowing how the animation is on par or i can even say better than the original .. visuals were perfect , music on point and voice acting chiefs kiss
    keep going u are going to rival even the best production studios….. keep going….. gambatte yoo

  4. OMG this is amazing. How? Just.. how did you do it? The music, visuals, voice-acting – every single bit is amazing enough to be official. I am in awe. Absolutely in awe. The scene where he got his vision! Perfection, omg 😭😭😭 Great, great, great job 💯


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