START PREPARING NOW! Everything You Need For Eula & Albedo (New 2.3 Reruns) | Genshin Impact

Eula & Albedo are BOTH coming at the same time and here’s the ultimate guide to get ready for it. All the materials/xp/talent books you need, and a deep dive on artifacts/weapons/teams/etc.
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Shoutout to Zajef77 for being Zajef77 (friend, math guy, and Zajef77)

Intro (0:00)
Eula Materials [Talents/Ascension/XP] (1:08)
Eula Weapons (1:46)
Eula Artifacts [Sets/Stats & ER Needed] (3:00)
Eula Teams (5:17)
Albedo NEW BIS Gear Coming in 2.3 (7:12)
Albedo Materials [Talents/Ascension/XP] (8:21)
Albedo Artifacts [New Set/Stats] (9:13)
Albedo Weapons [New Weapon INCOMING] (10:34)
Albedo Teams [Flexible] (11:41)
Overall Info (13:33)



31 thoughts on “START PREPARING NOW! Everything You Need For Eula & Albedo (New 2.3 Reruns) | Genshin Impact”

  1. TWO RERUNS AT A TIME NOW??? i dont know if my primogems can handle this…

    edit: at 0:50 i say 2.2 instead of 2.3 rip
    Also: for Albedo's Circlet, I explain it in the vid pretty well but to add: def vs crit is very substat & playstyle dependent, as both are good. I tend to recommend Crit overall but Def can be better for pure E build, crit better for hybrid when you also spam your burst. Both are good & more info about this in my updated albedo guide soon.
    live tomorrow ►

  2. but if we assume albedos new weapon is def %, then add the new artifact for def %, it be interesting to se if we can go officially hybrid with an attack % sands just to increase his burst damage. but it might not be worth it thinking about it because e dmg over time vs one time q every 12 secs… so ill take back my comment lol imma miss my high crit rate/dmg

  3. Between these two I think Albedo would be more useful for my account since I could pair him with Zhongli to greatly improve my Hu Tao and Keqing comps for instance.
    Eula is a great main DPS but I already have multiple characters who can do that job perfectly fine. Also a bit scared I could end up getting bored with her gameplay in the long run ngl…
    In any case it's not like I'll be able to guarantee any of them anyway after going all in for C1 Hu Tao and 2 Homas (one for Hu Tao and one for Zhongli… best primos I ever spent^^) so I might just yolo it and see if I can win the 50/50 – Or maybe just save up, wel'll see. Glad to finally see reruns happening at a faster pace thou even if it means having to pass on some characters because of that.

  4. thanks so much for this mr socks! 😀 I can now arrange my resin spending for preparing them, rlly forgot about using fragile lol and it's amazing that you counted the resin amount to gain these mats xD

  5. I want to use an impractical team of yanfei, Lisa, Mona and sucrose. Can you tell me how to make that work? Sucrose either uses the sac frag, widsith, skyward atlas or thrilling tales with the veredescent 4pc. Lisa has the lost prayer and 4pc thunder fury. Yanfei has dodoco tales and 4pc crimson witch. Mona either uses thrilling tales or favorites codex. She also uses the heart of depth 4 PC or combination heat of depth and nobles.

  6. I was planning on only pulling for Eula because I didn't really care for Albedo (I thought he had a cool design but thats about it), but then I played his story quest. Maybe I'm only saying this because I'm some nerdy MIT kid but I love his curiosity and desire to explore/explain the world around him. Honestly, I probably like his character more than Eula's now. Let's hope they both come home early because I spent a lot on Hu Tao 🙁

  7. any eula mains here?
    i got a question, im a childe main rn and i use xiangling with him, could a eula dps, childe sub dps, xiangling support and a healer (most likely sayu) work too?

  8. I'm SO EXCITED for albedo, I think he'll be great with Ningguang as support for my DPS Klee (no zhongli yet rip). I have tons of Def % artifacts so I'm finally gonna put those to good use. Thanks so much for this vid Zyox great guide as always 😀


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